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ArchiveWebTest.php 3,17 ko
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    use Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\SystemTestCase;
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    use Piwik\Tests\Fixtures\ManySitesImportedLogs;
     * Tests to call the archive.php script via web and check there is no error.
     * @group ArchiveWebTest
    class ArchiveWebTest extends SystemTestCase
        public static $fixture = null; // initialized below class definition
        public function testWebArchiving()
            if (self::isMysqli() && self::isTravisCI()) {
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                $this->markTestSkipped('Skipping on Mysqli as it randomly fails.');
            $host  = Fixture::getRootUrl();
            $token = Fixture::getTokenAuth();
            $urlTmp = Option::get('piwikUrl');
            Option::set('piwikUrl', $host . 'tests/PHPUnit/proxy/index.php');
            $url    = $host . 'tests/PHPUnit/proxy/archive.php?token_auth=' . $token;
            $output = Http::sendHttpRequest($url, 600);
            if (empty($output) || strpos($output, \Piwik\CronArchive::NO_ERROR) === false) {
                $this->fail("archive web failed: " . $output . "\n\nurl used: $url");
            if (!empty($urlTmp)) {
                Option::set('piwikUrl', $urlTmp);
            } else {
        public function test_WebArchiveScriptCanBeRun_WithPhpCgi_AndWithoutTokenAuth()
            list($returnCode, $output) = $this->runArchivePhpScriptWithPhpCgi();
            $this->assertEquals(0, $returnCode, "Output: " . $output);
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            $this->assertWebArchivingDone($output, $checkArchivedSite = false);
        private function compareArchivePhpOutputAgainstExpected($output)
            $fileName = 'test_ArchiveCronTest_archive_php_cron_output.txt';
            list($pathProcessed, $pathExpected) = static::getProcessedAndExpectedDirs();
            $expectedOutputFile = $pathExpected . $fileName;
            try {
                $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($expectedOutputFile), $output);
            } catch (Exception $ex) {
                $this->comparisonFailures[] = $ex;
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        private function assertWebArchivingDone($output, $checkArchivedSite = true)
            $this->assertContains('Starting Piwik reports archiving...', $output);
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            if ($checkArchivedSite) {
                $this->assertContains('Archived website id = 1', $output);
            $this->assertContains('Done archiving!', $output);
        private function runArchivePhpScriptWithPhpCgi()
            $command = "php-cgi \"" . PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/tests/PHPUnit/proxy/archive.php" . "\"";
            exec($command, $output, $returnCode);
            $output = implode("\n", $output);
            return array($returnCode, $output);
    ArchiveWebTest::$fixture = new ManySitesImportedLogs();
    ArchiveWebTest::$fixture->addSegments = true;