Thomas Steur a rédigé
Declares a process as finished as soon as a PID file is > 500bytes (contains only PID) and output file is > 100MB (which should usually not be larger than 100KB or 1MB) to prevent files growing up to many GBs. I added unit and integration tests for the file size detection. It is now possible to mock the methods file_exists and filesize although very simple so far. Later we can allow to define callbacks or to define different return values for different files or we can use something like vfsStream
Thomas Steur a rédigéDeclares a process as finished as soon as a PID file is > 500bytes (contains only PID) and output file is > 100MB (which should usually not be larger than 100KB or 1MB) to prevent files growing up to many GBs. I added unit and integration tests for the file size detection. It is now possible to mock the methods file_exists and filesize although very simple so far. Later we can allow to define callbacks or to define different return values for different files or we can use something like vfsStream
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