Thomas Steur a rédigéThomas Steur a rédigé
ArchiveProcessor.php 21,87 Kio
* Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
* @link http://piwik.org
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik;
use Exception;
use Piwik\Archive\DataTableFactory;
use Piwik\ArchiveProcessor\Parameters;
use Piwik\ArchiveProcessor\Rules;
use Piwik\DataAccess\ArchiveWriter;
use Piwik\DataAccess\LogAggregator;
use Piwik\DataTable\Manager;
use Piwik\DataTable\Map;
use Piwik\DataTable\Row;
* Used by {@link Piwik\Plugin\Archiver} instances to insert and aggregate archive data.
* ### See also
* - **{@link Piwik\Plugin\Archiver}** - to learn how plugins should implement their own analytics
* aggregation logic.
* - **{@link Piwik\DataAccess\LogAggregator}** - to learn how plugins can perform data aggregation
* across Piwik's log tables.
* ### Examples
* **Inserting numeric data**
* // function in an Archiver descendant
* public function aggregateDayReport()
* {
* $archiveProcessor = $this->getProcessor();
* $myFancyMetric = // ... calculate the metric value ...
* $archiveProcessor->insertNumericRecord('MyPlugin_myFancyMetric', $myFancyMetric);
* }
* **Inserting serialized DataTables**
* // function in an Archiver descendant
* public function aggregateDayReport()
* {
* $archiveProcessor = $this->getProcessor();
* $maxRowsInTable = Config::getInstance()->General['datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_standard'];j
* $dataTable = // ... build by aggregating visits ...
* $serializedData = $dataTable->getSerialized($maxRowsInTable, $maxRowsInSubtable = $maxRowsInTable,
* $columnToSortBy = Metrics::INDEX_NB_VISITS);
* $archiveProcessor->insertBlobRecords('MyPlugin_myFancyReport', $serializedData);
* }
* **Aggregating archive data**
* // function in Archiver descendant
* public function aggregateMultipleReports()
* {
* $archiveProcessor = $this->getProcessor();
* // aggregate a metric
* $archiveProcessor->aggregateNumericMetrics('MyPlugin_myFancyMetric');
* $archiveProcessor->aggregateNumericMetrics('MyPlugin_mySuperFancyMetric', 'max');
* // aggregate a report
* $archiveProcessor->aggregateDataTableRecords('MyPlugin_myFancyReport');
* }
class ArchiveProcessor
* @var \Piwik\DataAccess\ArchiveWriter
private $archiveWriter;
* @var \Piwik\DataAccess\LogAggregator
private $logAggregator;
* @var Archive
public $archive = null;
* @var Parameters
private $params;
* @var int
private $numberOfVisits = false;
private $numberOfVisitsConverted = false;
* If true, unique visitors are not calculated when we are aggregating data for multiple sites.
* The `[General] enable_processing_unique_visitors_multiple_sites` INI config option controls
* the value of this variable.
* @var bool
private $skipUniqueVisitorsCalculationForMultipleSites = true;
public function __construct(Parameters $params, ArchiveWriter $archiveWriter, LogAggregator $logAggregator)
$this->params = $params;
$this->logAggregator = $logAggregator;
$this->archiveWriter = $archiveWriter;
$this->skipUniqueVisitorsCalculationForMultipleSites = Rules::shouldSkipUniqueVisitorsCalculationForMultipleSites();
protected function getArchive()
if (empty($this->archive)) {
$subPeriods = $this->params->getSubPeriods();
$idSites = $this->params->getIdSites();
$this->archive = Archive::factory($this->params->getSegment(), $subPeriods, $idSites);
return $this->archive;
public function setNumberOfVisits($visits, $visitsConverted)
$this->numberOfVisits = $visits;
$this->numberOfVisitsConverted = $visitsConverted;
* Returns the {@link Parameters} object containing the site, period and segment we're archiving
* data for.
* @return Parameters
* @api
public function getParams()
return $this->params;
* Returns a `{@link Piwik\DataAccess\LogAggregator}` instance for the site, period and segment this
* ArchiveProcessor will insert archive data for.
* @return LogAggregator
* @api
public function getLogAggregator()
return $this->logAggregator;
* Array of (column name before => column name renamed) of the columns for which sum operation is invalid.
* These columns will be renamed as per this mapping.
* @var array
protected static $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation = array(
* Sums records for every subperiod of the current period and inserts the result as the record
* for this period.
* DataTables are summed recursively so subtables will be summed as well.
* @param string|array $recordNames Name(s) of the report we are aggregating, eg, `'Referrers_type'`.
* @param int $maximumRowsInDataTableLevelZero Maximum number of rows allowed in the top level DataTable.
* @param int $maximumRowsInSubDataTable Maximum number of rows allowed in each subtable.
* @param string $columnToSortByBeforeTruncation The name of the column to sort by before truncating a DataTable.
* @param array $columnsAggregationOperation Operations for aggregating columns, see {@link Row::sumRow()}.
* @param array $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation Columns mapped to new names for columns that must change names
* when summed because they cannot be summed, eg,
* `array('nb_uniq_visitors' => 'sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors')`.
* @param bool|array $countRowsRecursive if set to true, will calculate the recursive rows count for all record names
* which makes it slower. If you only need it for some records pass an array of
* recordNames that defines for which ones you need a recursive row count.
* @return array Returns the row counts of each aggregated report before truncation, eg,
* array(
* 'report1' => array('level0' => $report1->getRowsCount,
* 'recursive' => $report1->getRowsCountRecursive()),
* 'report2' => array('level0' => $report2->getRowsCount,
* 'recursive' => $report2->getRowsCountRecursive()),
* ...
* )
* @api
public function aggregateDataTableRecords($recordNames,
$maximumRowsInDataTableLevelZero = null,
$maximumRowsInSubDataTable = null,
$columnToSortByBeforeTruncation = null,
&$columnsAggregationOperation = null,
$columnsToRenameAfterAggregation = null,
$countRowsRecursive = true)
if (!is_array($recordNames)) {
$recordNames = array($recordNames);
$nameToCount = array();
foreach ($recordNames as $recordName) {
$latestUsedTableId = Manager::getInstance()->getMostRecentTableId();
$table = $this->aggregateDataTableRecord($recordName, $columnsAggregationOperation, $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation);
$nameToCount[$recordName]['level0'] = $table->getRowsCount();
if ($countRowsRecursive === true || (is_array($countRowsRecursive) && in_array($recordName, $countRowsRecursive))) {
$nameToCount[$recordName]['recursive'] = $table->getRowsCountRecursive();
$blob = $table->getSerialized($maximumRowsInDataTableLevelZero, $maximumRowsInSubDataTable, $columnToSortByBeforeTruncation);
$this->insertBlobRecord($recordName, $blob);
return $nameToCount;
* Aggregates one or more metrics for every subperiod of the current period and inserts the results
* as metrics for the current period.
* @param array|string $columns Array of metric names to aggregate.
* @param bool|string $operationToApply The operation to apply to the metric. Either `'sum'`, `'max'` or `'min'`.
* @return array|int Returns the array of aggregate values. If only one metric was aggregated,
* the aggregate value will be returned as is, not in an array.
* For example, if `array('nb_visits', 'nb_hits')` is supplied for `$columns`,
* array(
* 'nb_visits' => 3040,
* 'nb_hits' => 405
* )
* could be returned. If `array('nb_visits')` or `'nb_visits'` is used for `$columns`,
* then `3040` would be returned.
* @api
public function aggregateNumericMetrics($columns, $operationToApply = false)
$metrics = $this->getAggregatedNumericMetrics($columns, $operationToApply);
foreach ($metrics as $column => $value) {
$value = Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($value);
$this->archiveWriter->insertRecord($column, $value);
// if asked for only one field to sum
if (count($metrics) == 1) {
return reset($metrics);
// returns the array of records once summed
return $metrics;
public function getNumberOfVisits()
if ($this->numberOfVisits === false) {
throw new Exception("visits should have been set here");
return $this->numberOfVisits;
public function getNumberOfVisitsConverted()
return $this->numberOfVisitsConverted;
* Caches multiple numeric records in the archive for this processor's site, period
* and segment.
* @param array $numericRecords A name-value mapping of numeric values that should be
* archived, eg,
* array('Referrers_distinctKeywords' => 23, 'Referrers_distinctCampaigns' => 234)
* @api
public function insertNumericRecords($numericRecords)
foreach ($numericRecords as $name => $value) {
$this->insertNumericRecord($name, $value);
* Caches a single numeric record in the archive for this processor's site, period and
* segment.
* Numeric values are not inserted if they equal `0`.
* @param string $name The name of the numeric value, eg, `'Referrers_distinctKeywords'`.
* @param float $value The numeric value.
* @api
public function insertNumericRecord($name, $value)
$value = round($value, 2);
$value = Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($value);
$this->archiveWriter->insertRecord($name, $value);
* Caches one or more blob records in the archive for this processor's site, period
* and segment.
* @param string $name The name of the record, eg, 'Referrers_type'.
* @param string|array $values A blob string or an array of blob strings. If an array
* is used, the first element in the array will be inserted
* with the `$name` name. The others will be inserted with
* `$name . '_' . $index` as the record name (where $index is
* the index of the blob record in `$values`).
* @api
public function insertBlobRecord($name, $values)
$this->archiveWriter->insertBlobRecord($name, $values);
* This method selects all DataTables that have the name $name over the period.
* All these DataTables are then added together, and the resulting DataTable is returned.
* @param string $name
* @param array $columnsAggregationOperation Operations for aggregating columns, @see Row::sumRow()
* @param array $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation columns in the array (old name, new name) to be renamed as the sum operation is not valid on them (eg. nb_uniq_visitors->sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors)
* @return DataTable
protected function aggregateDataTableRecord($name, $columnsAggregationOperation = null, $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation = null)
// By default we shall aggregate all sub-tables.
$dataTable = $this->getArchive()->getDataTableExpanded($name, $idSubTable = null, $depth = null, $addMetadataSubtableId = false);
$columnsRenamed = false;
if ($dataTable instanceof Map) {
$columnsRenamed = true;
// see https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/4377
$self = $this;
$dataTable->filter(function ($table) use ($self, $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation) {
if ($self->areColumnsNotAlreadyRenamed($table)) {
* This makes archiving and range dates a lot faster. Imagine we archive a week, then we will
* rename all columns of each 7 day archives. Afterwards we know the columns will be replaced in a
* week archive. When generating month archives, which uses mostly week archives, we do not have
* to replace those columns for the week archives again since we can be sure they were already
* replaced. Same when aggregating year and range archives. This can save up 10% or more when
* aggregating Month, Year and Range archives.
$self->renameColumnsAfterAggregation($table, $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation);
$dataTable = $this->getAggregatedDataTableMap($dataTable, $columnsAggregationOperation);
if (!$columnsRenamed) {
$this->renameColumnsAfterAggregation($dataTable, $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation);
return $dataTable;
* Note: public only for use in closure in PHP 5.3.
* @param $table
* @return \Piwik\Period
public function areColumnsNotAlreadyRenamed($table)
$period = $table->getMetadata(DataTableFactory::TABLE_METADATA_PERIOD_INDEX);
return !$period || $period->getLabel() === 'day';
protected function getOperationForColumns($columns, $defaultOperation)
$operationForColumn = array();
foreach ($columns as $name) {
$operation = $defaultOperation;
if (empty($operation)) {
$operation = $this->guessOperationForColumn($name);
$operationForColumn[$name] = $operation;
return $operationForColumn;
protected function enrichWithUniqueVisitorsMetric(Row $row)
// skip unique visitors metrics calculation if calculating for multiple sites is disabled
if (!$this->getParams()->isSingleSite()
&& $this->skipUniqueVisitorsCalculationForMultipleSites
) {
if ($row->getColumn('nb_uniq_visitors') === false
&& $row->getColumn('nb_users') === false
) {
if (!SettingsPiwik::isUniqueVisitorsEnabled($this->getParams()->getPeriod()->getLabel())) {
$metrics = array(
if ($this->getParams()->isSingleSite()) {
$uniqueVisitorsMetric = Metrics::INDEX_NB_UNIQ_VISITORS;
} else {
if (!SettingsPiwik::isSameFingerprintAcrossWebsites()) {
throw new Exception("Processing unique visitors across websites is enabled for this instance,
but to process this metric you must first set enable_fingerprinting_across_websites=1
in the config file, under the [Tracker] section.");
$uniqueVisitorsMetric = Metrics::INDEX_NB_UNIQ_FINGERPRINTS;
$metrics[] = $uniqueVisitorsMetric;
$uniques = $this->computeNbUniques($metrics);
// see edge case as described in https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/9357 where uniq_visitors might be higher
// than visits because we archive / process it after nb_visits. Between archiving nb_visits and nb_uniq_visitors
// there could have been a new visit leading to a higher nb_unique_visitors than nb_visits which is not possible
// by definition. In this case we simply use the visits metric instead of unique visitors metric.
$visits = $row->getColumn('nb_visits');
if ($visits !== false && $uniques[$uniqueVisitorsMetric] !== false) {
$uniques[$uniqueVisitorsMetric] = min($uniques[$uniqueVisitorsMetric], $visits);
$row->setColumn('nb_uniq_visitors', $uniques[$uniqueVisitorsMetric]);
$row->setColumn('nb_users', $uniques[Metrics::INDEX_NB_USERS]);
protected function guessOperationForColumn($column)
if (strpos($column, 'max_') === 0) {
return 'max';
if (strpos($column, 'min_') === 0) {
return 'min';
return 'sum';
* Processes number of unique visitors for the given period
* This is the only Period metric (ie. week/month/year/range) that we process from the logs directly,
* since unique visitors cannot be summed like other metrics.
* @param array Metrics Ids for which to aggregates count of values
* @return array of metrics, where the key is metricid and the value is the metric value
protected function computeNbUniques($metrics)
$logAggregator = $this->getLogAggregator();
$query = $logAggregator->queryVisitsByDimension(array(), false, array(), $metrics);
$data = $query->fetch();
return $data;
* If the DataTable is a Map, sums all DataTable in the map and return the DataTable.
* @param $data DataTable|DataTable\Map
* @param $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation array
* @return DataTable
protected function getAggregatedDataTableMap($data, $columnsAggregationOperation)
$table = new DataTable();
if (!empty($columnsAggregationOperation)) {
$table->setMetadata(DataTable::COLUMN_AGGREGATION_OPS_METADATA_NAME, $columnsAggregationOperation);
if ($data instanceof DataTable\Map) {
// as $date => $tableToSum
$this->aggregatedDataTableMapsAsOne($data, $table);
} else {
return $table;
* Aggregates the DataTable\Map into the destination $aggregated
* @param $map
* @param $aggregated
protected function aggregatedDataTableMapsAsOne(Map $map, DataTable $aggregated)
foreach ($map->getDataTables() as $tableToAggregate) {
if ($tableToAggregate instanceof Map) {
$this->aggregatedDataTableMapsAsOne($tableToAggregate, $aggregated);
} else {
* Note: public only for use in closure in PHP 5.3.
public function renameColumnsAfterAggregation(DataTable $table, $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation = null)
// Rename columns after aggregation
if (is_null($columnsToRenameAfterAggregation)) {
$columnsToRenameAfterAggregation = self::$columnsToRenameAfterAggregation;
foreach ($table->getRows() as $row) {
foreach ($columnsToRenameAfterAggregation as $oldName => $newName) {
$row->renameColumn($oldName, $newName);
$subTable = $row->getSubtable();
if ($subTable) {
$this->renameColumnsAfterAggregation($subTable, $columnsToRenameAfterAggregation);
protected function getAggregatedNumericMetrics($columns, $operationToApply)
if (!is_array($columns)) {
$columns = array($columns);
$operationForColumn = $this->getOperationForColumns($columns, $operationToApply);
$dataTable = $this->getArchive()->getDataTableFromNumeric($columns);
$results = $this->getAggregatedDataTableMap($dataTable, $operationForColumn);
if ($results->getRowsCount() > 1) {
throw new Exception("A DataTable is an unexpected state:" . var_export($results, true));
$rowMetrics = $results->getFirstRow();
if ($rowMetrics === false) {
$rowMetrics = new Row;
$this->renameColumnsAfterAggregation($results, self::$columnsToRenameAfterAggregation);
$metrics = $rowMetrics->getColumns();
foreach ($columns as $name) {
if (!isset($metrics[$name])) {
$metrics[$name] = 0;
return $metrics;