robocoder a rédigé
refs #1442 - add license file to PEAR and some new dependencies; add "static" keyword to isError and raiseError as this throws notices with HTML_QuickForm git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@2419 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
robocoder a rédigérefs #1442 - add license file to PEAR and some new dependencies; add "static" keyword to isError and raiseError as this throws notices with HTML_QuickForm git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@2419 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
Ce projet est sous licence GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
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LICENSE 1,44 Kio