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remove Dimensions and Reports to avoid huge upgrade query on DB:

   ALTER TABLE `log_visit` ADD COLUMN `example_visit_dimension` INTEGER(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ADD COLUMN `referer_visit_server_date` date default NULL;
   ALTER TABLE `log_conversion` ADD COLUMN `referer_visit_server_date` date default NULL, ADD COLUMN `example_conversion_dimension` INTEGER(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
   ALTER TABLE `log_link_visit_action` ADD COLUMN `example_action_dimension` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL;
parent 8d1f1b39
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* Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Plugins\ExamplePlugin\Columns;
use Piwik\Common;
use Piwik\Piwik;
use Piwik\Plugin\Dimension\ActionDimension;
use Piwik\Plugin\Segment;
use Piwik\Tracker\ActionPageview;
use Piwik\Tracker\Request;
use Piwik\Tracker\Visitor;
use Piwik\Tracker\Action;
* This example dimension recognizes a new tracking url parameter that is supposed to save the keywords that were used
* on a certain page. Please note that dimension instances are usually cached during one tracking request so they
* should be stateless (meaning an instance of this dimension will be reused if requested multiple times).
* See {@link\Dimension\ActionDimension} for more information.
class ExampleActionDimension extends ActionDimension
* This will be the name of the column in the log_link_visit_action table if a $columnType is specified.
* @var string
protected $columnName = 'example_action_dimension';
* If a columnType is defined, we will create this a column in the MySQL table having this type. Please make sure
* MySQL will understand this type. Once you change the column type the Piwik platform will notify the user to
* perform an update which can sometimes take a long time so be careful when choosing the correct column type.
* @var string
protected $columnType = 'VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL';
* The name of the dimension which will be visible for instance in the UI of a related report and in the mobile app.
* @return string
public function getName()
return Piwik::translate('ExamplePlugin_DimensionName');
* By defining one or multiple segments a user will be able to filter their visitors by this column. For instance
* show all actions only considering users having more than 10 achievement points. If you do not want to define a
* segment for this dimension just remove the column.
protected function configureSegments()
$segment = new Segment();
$segment->setAcceptedValues('Here you should explain which values are accepted/useful: Any word, for instance MyKeyword1, MyKeyword2');
* This event is triggered before a new action is logged to the log_link_visit_action table. It overwrites any
* looked up action so it makes usually no sense to implement both methods but it sometimes does. You can assign
* any value to the column or return boolan false in case you do not want to save any value.
* @param Request $request
* @param Visitor $visitor
* @param Action $action
* @return mixed|false
public function onNewAction(Request $request, Visitor $visitor, Action $action)
if (!($action instanceof ActionPageview)) {
// save value only in case it is a page view.
return false;
$value = Common::getRequestVar('my_page_keywords', false, 'string', $request->getParams());
if (false === $value) {
return $value;
$value = trim($value);
return substr($value, 0, 255);
* If the value you want to save for your dimension is something like a page title or page url, you usually do not
* want to save the raw value over and over again to save bytes in the database. Instead you want to save each value
* once in the log_action table and refer to this value by its ID in the log_link_visit_action table. You can do
* this by returning an action id in "getActionId()" and by returning a value here. If a value should be ignored
* or not persisted just return boolean false. Please note if you return a value here and you implement the event
* "onNewAction" the value will be probably overwritten by the other event. So make sure to implement only one of
* those.
* @param Request $request
* @param Action $action
* @return false|mixed
public function onLookupAction(Request $request, Action $action)
if (!($action instanceof ActionPageview)) {
// save value only in case it is a page view.
return false;
$value = Common::getRequestVar('my_page_keywords', false, 'string', $request->getParams());
if (false === $value) {
return $value;
$value = trim($value);
return substr($value, 0, 255);
* An action id. The value returned by the lookup action will be associated with this id in the log_action table.
* @return int
public function getActionId()
return Action::TYPE_PAGE_URL;
\ No newline at end of file
* Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Plugins\ExamplePlugin\Columns;
use Piwik\Common;
use Piwik\Piwik;
use Piwik\Plugin\Dimension\ConversionDimension;
use Piwik\Plugin\Segment;
use Piwik\Tracker\Request;
use Piwik\Tracker\Visitor;
use Piwik\Tracker\Action;
use Piwik\Tracker\GoalManager;
* This example dimension counts achievement points for each user. A user gets one achievement point for each action
* plus five extra achievement points for each conversion. This would allow you to create a ranking showing the most
* active/valueable users. It is just an example, you can log pretty much everything and even just store any custom
* request url property. Please note that dimension instances are usually cached during one tracking request so they
* should be stateless (meaning an instance of this dimension will be reused if requested multiple times).
* See {@link\Dimension\ConversionDimension} for more information.
class ExampleConversionDimension extends ConversionDimension
* This will be the name of the column in the log_conversion table if a $columnType is specified.
* @var string
protected $columnName = 'example_conversion_dimension';
* If a columnType is defined, we will create this a column in the MySQL table having this type. Please make sure
* MySQL will understand this type. Once you change the column type the Piwik platform will notify the user to
* perform an update which can sometimes take a long time so be careful when choosing the correct column type.
* @var string
protected $columnType = 'INTEGER(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL';
* The name of the dimension which will be visible for instance in the UI of a related report and in the mobile app.
* @return string
public function getName()
return Piwik::translate('ExamplePlugin_DimensionName');
* By defining one or multiple segments a user will be able to filter their visitors by this column. For instance
* show all reports only considering users having more than 10 achievement points. If you do not want to define a
* segment for this dimension just remove the column.
protected function configureSegments()
$segment = new Segment();
$segment->setAcceptedValues('Here you should explain which values are accepted/useful: Any number, for instance 1, 2, 3 , 99');
* This event is triggered when an ecommerce order is converted. In this example we would store a "0" in case it
* was the visitors first action or "1" otherwise.
* Return boolean false if you do not want to change the value in some cases. If you do not want to perform any
* action on an ecommerce order at all it is recommended to just remove this method.
* @param Request $request
* @param Visitor $visitor
* @param Action|null $action
* @param GoalManager $goalManager
* @return mixed|false
public function onEcommerceOrderConversion(Request $request, Visitor $visitor, $action, GoalManager $goalManager)
if ($visitor->isVisitorKnown()) {
return 1;
return 0;
* This event is triggered when an ecommerce cart update is converted. In this example we would store a
* the value of the tracking url parameter "myCustomParam" in the "example_conversion_dimension" column.
* Return boolean false if you do not want to change the value in some cases. If you do not want to perform any
* action on an ecommerce order at all it is recommended to just remove this method.
* @param Request $request
* @param Visitor $visitor
* @param Action|null $action
* @param GoalManager $goalManager
* @return mixed|false
public function onEcommerceCartUpdateConversion(Request $request, Visitor $visitor, $action, GoalManager $goalManager)
return Common::getRequestVar('myCustomParam', $default = false, 'int', $request->getParams());
* This event is triggered when an any custom goal is converted. In this example we would store a the id of the
* goal in the 'example_conversion_dimension' column if the visitor is known and nothing otherwise.
* Return boolean false if you do not want to change the value in some cases. If you do not want to perform any
* action on an ecommerce order at all it is recommended to just remove this method.
* @param Request $request
* @param Visitor $visitor
* @param Action|null $action
* @param GoalManager $goalManager
* @return mixed|false
public function onGoalConversion(Request $request, Visitor $visitor, $action, GoalManager $goalManager)
$goalId = $goalManager->getGoalColumn('idgoal');
if ($visitor->isVisitorKnown()) {
return $goalId;
return false;
\ No newline at end of file
* Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Plugins\ExamplePlugin\Columns;
use Piwik\Columns\Dimension;
use Piwik\Piwik;
* This example dimension only defines a name and does not track any data. It's supposed to be only used in reports.
* See {@link\Dimension} for more information.
class ExampleDimension extends Dimension
* The name of the dimension which will be visible for instance in the UI of a related report and in the mobile app.
* @return string
public function getName()
return Piwik::translate('ExamplePlugin_DimensionName');
\ No newline at end of file
* Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Plugins\ExamplePlugin\Columns;
use Piwik\Piwik;
use Piwik\Plugin\Dimension\VisitDimension;
use Piwik\Plugin\Segment;
use Piwik\Tracker\Request;
use Piwik\Tracker\Visitor;
use Piwik\Tracker\Action;
* This example dimension counts achievement points for each user. A user gets one achievement point for each action
* plus five extra achievement points for each conversion. This would allow you to create a ranking showing the most
* active/valueable users. It is just an example, you can log pretty much everything and even just store any custom
* request url property. Please note that dimension instances are usually cached during one tracking request so they
* should be stateless (meaning an instance of this dimension will be reused if requested multiple times).
* See {@link\Dimension\VisitDimension} for more information.
class ExampleVisitDimension extends VisitDimension
* This will be the name of the column in the log_visit table if a $columnType is specified.
* @var string
protected $columnName = 'example_visit_dimension';
* If a columnType is defined, we will create this a column in the MySQL table having this type. Please make sure
* MySQL will understand this type. Once you change the column type the Piwik platform will notify the user to
* perform an update which can sometimes take a long time so be careful when choosing the correct column type.
* @var string
protected $columnType = 'INTEGER(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL';
* The name of the dimension which will be visible for instance in the UI of a related report and in the mobile app.
* @return string
public function getName()
return Piwik::translate('ExamplePlugin_DimensionName');
* By defining one or multiple segments a user will be able to filter their visitors by this column. For instance
* show all reports only considering users having more than 10 achievement points. If you do not want to define a
* segment for this dimension just remove the column.
protected function configureSegments()
$segment = new Segment();
$segment->setAcceptedValues('Here you should explain which values are accepted/useful: Any number, for instance 1, 2, 3 , 99');
* The onNewVisit method is triggered when a new visitor is detected. This means here you can define an initial
* value for this user. By returning boolean false no value will be saved. Once the user makes another action the
* event "onExistingVisit" is executed. That means for each visitor this method is executed once. If you do not want
* to perform any action on a new visit you can just remove this method.
* @param Request $request
* @param Visitor $visitor
* @param Action|null $action
* @return mixed|false
public function onNewVisit(Request $request, Visitor $visitor, $action)
if (empty($action)) {
return 0;
return 1;
// you could also easily save any custom tracking url parameters
// return Common::getRequestVar('myCustomTrackingParam', 'default', 'string', $request->getParams());
// return Common::getRequestVar('linuxversion', false, 'string', $request->getParams());
* The onExistingVisit method is triggered when a visitor was recognized meaning it is not a new visitor.
* If you want you can overwrite any previous value set by the event onNewVisit. By returning boolean false no value
* will be updated. If you do not want to perform any action on a new visit you can just remove this method.
* @param Request $request
* @param Visitor $visitor
* @param Action|null $action
* @return mixed|false
public function onExistingVisit(Request $request, Visitor $visitor, $action)
if (empty($action)) {
return false; // Do not change an already persisted value
return $visitor->getVisitorColumn($this->columnName) + 1;
* This event is executed shortly after "onNewVisit" or "onExistingVisit" in case the visitor converted a goal.
* In this example we give the user 5 extra points for this achievement. Usually this event is not needed and you
* can simply remove this method therefore. An example would be for instance to persist the last converted
* action url. Return boolean false if you do not want to change the current value.
* @param Request $request
* @param Visitor $visitor
* @param Action|null $action
* @return mixed|false
public function onConvertedVisit(Request $request, Visitor $visitor, $action)
return $visitor->getVisitorColumn($this->columnName) + 5; // give this visitor 5 extra achievement points
* By implementing this event you can persist a value to the log_conversion table in case a conversion happens.
* The persisted value will be logged along the conversion and will not be changed afterwards.
* This allows you to generate reports that shows for instance which url was called how often for a specific
* conversion. Once you implement this event and a $columnType is defined a column in the log_conversion MySQL table
* will be created automatically.
* @param Request $request
* @param Visitor $visitor
* @param Action|null $action
* @return mixed
public function onAnyGoalConversion(Request $request, Visitor $visitor, $action)
return $visitor->getVisitorColumn($this->columnName);
* Sometimes you may want to make sure another dimension is executed before your dimension so you can persist
* a value depending on the value of other dimensions. You can do this by defining an array of dimension names.
* If you access any value of any other column within your events, you should require them here. Otherwise those
* values may not be available.
* @return array
public function getRequiredVisitFields()
return array('idsite', 'server_time');
\ No newline at end of file
* Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Plugins\ExamplePlugin\Reports;
use Piwik\Plugin\Report;
abstract class Base extends Report
protected function init()
$this->category = 'ExampleCategory';
* Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Plugins\ExamplePlugin\Reports;
use Piwik\Piwik;
use Piwik\Plugin\Report;
use Piwik\Plugin\ViewDataTable;
use Piwik\Plugins\Actions\Columns\ExitPageUrl;
use Piwik\View;
* This class defines a new report.
* See {@link} for more information.
class GetExampleReport extends Base
protected function init()
$this->name = Piwik::translate('ExampleReportName');
$this->dimension = new ExitPageUrl();
$this->documentation = Piwik::translate('ExampleReportDocumentation');
// This defines in which order your report appears in the mobile app, in the menu and in the list of widgets
$this->order = 999;
// By default standard metrics are defined but you can customize them by defining an array of metric names
// $this->metrics = array('nb_visits', 'nb_hits');
// Uncomment the next line if your report does not contain any processed metrics, otherwise default
// processed metrics will be assigned
// $this->processedMetrics = array();
// Uncomment the next line if your report defines goal metrics
// $this->hasGoalMetrics = true;
// Uncomment the next line if your report should be able to load subtables. You can define any action here
// $this->actionToLoadSubTables = $this->action;
// Uncomment the next line if your report always returns a constant count of rows, for instance always
// 24 rows for 1-24hours
// $this->constantRowsCount = true;
// If a menu title is specified, the report will be displayed in the menu
// $this->menuTitle = 'ExampleReportName';
// If a widget title is specified, the report will be displayed in the list of widgets and the report can be
// exported as a widget
// $this->widgetTitle = 'ExampleReportName';
* Here you can configure how your report should be displayed. For instance whether your report supports a search
* etc. You can also change the default request config. For instance change how many rows are displayed by default.
* @param ViewDataTable $view
public function configureView(ViewDataTable $view)
if (!empty($this->dimension)) {
$view->config->addTranslations(array('label' => $this->dimension->getName()));
// $view->config->show_search = false;
// $view->requestConfig->filter_sort_column = 'nb_visits';
// $view->requestConfig->filter_limit = 10';
$view->config->columns_to_display = array_merge(array('label'), $this->metrics);
* Here you can define related reports that will be shown below the reports. Just return an array of related
* report instances if there are any.
* @return \Piwik\Plugin\Report[]
public function getRelatedReports()
return array(); // eg return array(new XyzReport());
* A report is usually completely automatically rendered for you but you can render the report completely
* customized if you wish. Just overwrite the method and make sure to return a string containing the content of the
* report. Don't forget to create the defined twig template within the templates folder of your plugin in order to
* make it work. Usually you should NOT have to overwrite this render method.
* @return string
public function render()
$view = new View('@ExamplePlugin/getExampleReport');
$view->myData = array();
return $view->render();
* By default your report is available to all users having at least view access. If you do not want this, you can
* limit the audience by overwriting this method.
* @return bool
public function isEnabled()
return Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()
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