"DonateCall1":"Piwik will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn't mean it costs us nothing to make.",
"DonateCall1":"Piwik will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn't mean it costs us nothing to make.",
"DonateCall2":"Piwik needs your continued support to grow and thrive.",
"DonateCall2":"Piwik needs your continued support to grow and thrive.",
"DonateCall3":"If you feel that Piwik has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating!%2$s",
"DonateCall3":"If you feel that Piwik has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s.",
"DonateFormInstructions":"Click on the slider to select an amount, then click subscribe to donate.",
"DonateFormInstructions":"Click on the slider to select an amount, then click subscribe to donate.",
"ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation":"All rows are shown %s Exclude low population",
"ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation":"All rows are shown %s Exclude low population",