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Valider 6624e27e rédigé par Julien Moumné's avatar Julien Moumné
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fixes #4373, #1640

parent 5d44202f
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
Affichage de
avec 1466 ajouts et 526 suppressions
Notes: Notes:
- reference implementation - reference implementation
Name: cssmin
License: MIT
Name: jsmin
License: MIT
- contains additional clause "The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil."
Name: sparkline Name: sparkline
Link: https// Link: https//
License: Dual-licensed: New BSD or GPL v2 License: Dual-licensed: New BSD or GPL v2
...@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ ...@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"php": ">=5.3.0", "php": ">=5.3.0",
"twig/twig": "1.*", "twig/twig": "1.*",
"leafo/lessphp": "0.3.*", "leafo/lessphp": "0.3.*",
"symfony/console": ">=v2.3.5" "symfony/console": ">=v2.3.5",
"tedivm/jshrink": "v0.5.1"
} }
} }
Ce diff est replié.
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager;
use Exception;
abstract class UIAsset
abstract public function validateFile();
* @return string
abstract public function getAbsoluteLocation();
* @return string
abstract public function getRelativeLocation();
* @return string
abstract public function getBaseDirectory();
* Removes the previous file if it exists.
* Also tries to remove compressed version of the file.
* @see ProxyStaticFile::serveStaticFile(serveFile
* @throws Exception if the file couldn't be deleted
abstract public function delete();
* @param string $content
* @throws \Exception
abstract public function writeContent($content);
* @return string
abstract public function getContent();
* @return boolean
abstract public function exists();
* @return int
abstract public function getModificationDate();
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager\UIAsset;
use Exception;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAsset;
class InMemoryUIAsset extends UIAsset
private $content;
public function validateFile()
public function getAbsoluteLocation()
throw new Exception('invalid operation');
public function getRelativeLocation()
throw new Exception('invalid operation');
public function getBaseDirectory()
throw new Exception('invalid operation');
public function delete()
$this->content = null;
public function exists()
return false;
public function writeContent($content)
$this->content = $content;
public function getContent()
return $this->content;
public function getModificationDate()
throw new Exception('invalid operation');
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager\UIAsset;
use Exception;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAsset;
class OnDiskUIAsset extends UIAsset
* @var string
private $baseDirectory;
* @var string
private $relativeLocation;
* @param string $baseDirectory
* @param string $fileLocation
function __construct($baseDirectory, $fileLocation)
$this->baseDirectory = $baseDirectory;
$this->relativeLocation = $fileLocation;
public function getAbsoluteLocation()
return $this->baseDirectory . '/' . $this->relativeLocation;
public function getRelativeLocation()
return $this->relativeLocation;
public function getBaseDirectory()
return $this->baseDirectory;
public function validateFile()
if (!$this->assetIsReadable())
throw new Exception("The ui asset with 'href' = " . $this->getAbsoluteLocation() . " is not readable");
public function delete()
if ($this->exists()) {
if (!unlink($this->getAbsoluteLocation()))
throw new Exception("Unable to delete merged file : " . $this->getAbsoluteLocation() . ". Please delete the file and refresh");
// try to remove compressed version of the merged file.
@unlink($this->getAbsoluteLocation() . ".deflate");
@unlink($this->getAbsoluteLocation() . ".gz");
* @param string $content
* @throws \Exception
public function writeContent($content)
$newFile = @fopen($this->getAbsoluteLocation(), "w");
if (!$newFile)
throw new Exception ("The file : " . $newFile . " can not be opened in write mode.");
fwrite($newFile, $content);
* @return string
public function getContent()
return file_get_contents($this->getAbsoluteLocation());
public function exists()
return $this->assetIsReadable();
* @return boolean
private function assetIsReadable()
return is_readable($this->getAbsoluteLocation());
public function getModificationDate()
return filemtime($this->getAbsoluteLocation());
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @method static \Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetCacheBuster getInstance()
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager;
use Piwik\Plugin\Manager;
use Piwik\SettingsPiwik;
use Piwik\Singleton;
use Piwik\Version;
class UIAssetCacheBuster extends Singleton
* Cache buster based on
* - Piwik version
* - Loaded plugins
* - Super user salt
* - Latest
* @param string[] $pluginNames
* @return string
public function piwikVersionBasedCacheBuster($pluginNames = false)
$currentGitHash = @file_get_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/.git/refs/heads/master');
$pluginList = md5(implode(",", !$pluginNames ? Manager::getInstance()->getLoadedPluginsName() : $pluginNames));
$cacheBuster = md5(SettingsPiwik::getSalt() . $pluginList . PHP_VERSION . Version::VERSION . trim($currentGitHash));
return $cacheBuster;
* @param string $content
* @return string
public function md5BasedCacheBuster($content)
return md5($content);
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager;
class UIAssetCatalog
* @var UIAsset[]
private $uiAssets = array();
* @var UIAssetCatalogSorter
private $catalogSorter;
* @var string
private $concatenatedAssets;
* @param UIAssetCatalogSorter $catalogSorter
function __construct($catalogSorter)
$this->catalogSorter = $catalogSorter;
* @param UIAsset $uiAsset
public function addUIAsset($uiAsset)
if(!$this->assetAlreadyInCatalog($uiAsset)) {
$this->uiAssets[] = $uiAsset;
* @return UIAsset[]
public function getAssets()
return $this->uiAssets;
* @return UIAssetCatalog
public function getSortedCatalog()
return $this->catalogSorter->sortUIAssetCatalog($this);
private function resetConcatenatedAssets()
$this->concatenatedAssets = null;
* @param UIAsset $uiAsset
* @return boolean
private function assetAlreadyInCatalog($uiAsset)
foreach($this->uiAssets as $existingAsset)
if($uiAsset->getAbsoluteLocation() == $existingAsset->getAbsoluteLocation())
return true;
return false;
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager;
class UIAssetCatalogSorter
* @var string[]
private $priorityOrder;
* @param string[] $priorityOrder
function __construct($priorityOrder)
$this->priorityOrder = $priorityOrder;
* @param UIAssetCatalog $uiAssetCatalog
* @return UIAssetCatalog
public function sortUIAssetCatalog($uiAssetCatalog)
$sortedCatalog = new UIAssetCatalog($this);
foreach ($this->priorityOrder as $filePattern) {
$assetsMatchingPattern = array_filter($uiAssetCatalog->getAssets(), function($uiAsset) use ($filePattern) {
return preg_match('~^' . $filePattern . '~', $uiAsset->getRelativeLocation());
foreach($assetsMatchingPattern as $assetMatchingPattern) {
$this->addUnmatchedAssets($uiAssetCatalog, $sortedCatalog);
return $sortedCatalog;
* @param UIAssetCatalog $uiAssetCatalog
* @param UIAssetCatalog $sortedCatalog
private function addUnmatchedAssets($uiAssetCatalog, $sortedCatalog)
foreach ($uiAssetCatalog->getAssets() as $uiAsset) {
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAsset\OnDiskUIAsset;
use Piwik\Theme;
abstract class UIAssetFetcher
* @var UIAssetCatalog
protected $catalog;
* @var string[]
protected $fileLocations = array();
* @var string[]
protected $plugins;
* @var Theme
private $theme;
* @param string[] $plugins
* @param Theme $theme
function __construct($plugins, $theme)
$this->plugins = $plugins;
$this->theme = $theme;
* @return string[]
public function getPlugins()
return $this->plugins;
* $return UIAssetCatalog
public function getCatalog()
if($this->catalog == null)
return $this->catalog;
abstract protected function retrieveFileLocations();
* @return string[]
abstract protected function getPriorityOrder();
private function createCatalog()
private function initCatalog()
$catalogSorter = new UIAssetCatalogSorter($this->getPriorityOrder());
$this->catalog = new UIAssetCatalog($catalogSorter);
private function populateCatalog()
foreach ($this->fileLocations as $fileLocation) {
$newUIAsset = new OnDiskUIAsset($this->getBaseDirectory(), $fileLocation);
private function sortCatalog()
$this->catalog = $this->catalog->getSortedCatalog();
* @return string
private function getBaseDirectory()
// served by web server directly, so must be a public path
* @return Theme
public function getTheme()
return $this->theme;
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetFetcher;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetFetcher;
use Piwik\Piwik;
use string;
class JScriptUIAssetFetcher extends UIAssetFetcher
protected function retrieveFileLocations()
if(!empty($this->plugins)) {
* Triggered when gathering the list of all JavaScript files needed by Piwik
* and its plugins.
* Plugins that have their own JavaScript should use this event to make those
* files load in the browser.
* JavaScript files should be placed within a **javascripts** subdirectory in your
* plugin's root directory.
* _Note: While you are developing your plugin you should enable the config setting
* `[Debug] disable_merged_assets` so JavaScript files will be reloaded immediately
* after every change._
* **Example**
* public function getJsFiles(&$jsFiles)
* {
* $jsFiles[] = "plugins/MyPlugin/javascripts/myfile.js";
* $jsFiles[] = "plugins/MyPlugin/javascripts/anotherone.js";
* }
* @param string[] $jsFiles The JavaScript files to load.
Piwik::postEvent('AssetManager.getJavaScriptFiles', array(&$this->fileLocations), null, $this->plugins);
protected function addThemeFiles()
if(in_array($this->getTheme()->getThemeName(), $this->plugins)) {
$jsInThemes = $this->getTheme()->getJavaScriptFiles();
if(!empty($jsInThemes)) {
foreach($jsInThemes as $jsFile) {
$this->fileLocations[] = $jsFile;
protected function getPriorityOrder()
return array(
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetFetcher;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetFetcher;
class StaticUIAssetFetcher extends UIAssetFetcher
* @var string[]
private $priorityOrder;
function __construct($fileLocations, $priorityOrder, $theme)
parent::__construct(array(), $theme);
$this->fileLocations = $fileLocations;
$this->priorityOrder = $priorityOrder;
protected function retrieveFileLocations()
protected function getPriorityOrder()
return $this->priorityOrder;
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetFetcher;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetFetcher;
use Piwik\Piwik;
class StylesheetUIAssetFetcher extends UIAssetFetcher
protected function getPriorityOrder()
return array(
'plugins/CoreHome/stylesheets/color_manager.css', // must be before other Piwik stylesheets
protected function retrieveFileLocations()
* Triggered when gathering the list of all stylesheets (CSS and LESS) needed by
* Piwik and its plugins.
* Plugins that have stylesheets should use this event to make those stylesheets
* load.
* Stylesheets should be placed within a **stylesheets** subdirectory in your plugin's
* root directory.
* _Note: While you are developing your plugin you should enable the config setting
* `[Debug] disable_merged_assets` so your stylesheets will be reloaded immediately
* after a change._
* **Example**
* public function getStylesheetFiles(&$stylesheets)
* {
* $stylesheets[] = "plugins/MyPlugin/stylesheets/myfile.less";
* $stylesheets[] = "plugins/MyPlugin/stylesheets/myotherfile.css";
* }
* @param string[] &$stylesheets The list of stylesheet paths.
Piwik::postEvent('AssetManager.getStylesheetFiles', array(&$this->fileLocations));
protected function addThemeFiles()
$themeStylesheet = $this->getTheme()->getStylesheet();
if($themeStylesheet) {
$this->fileLocations[] = $themeStylesheet;
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager;
use Piwik\AssetManager\PiwikLessCompiler;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAsset\StylesheetUIAsset;
use Piwik\AssetManager;
abstract class UIAssetMerger
* @var UIAssetFetcher
private $assetFetcher;
* @var UIAsset
private $mergedAsset;
* @var string
private $mergedContent;
* @var UIAssetCacheBuster
protected $cacheBuster;
* @param UIAsset $mergedAsset
* @param UIAssetFetcher $assetFetcher
* @param UIAssetCacheBuster $cacheBuster
function __construct($mergedAsset, $assetFetcher, $cacheBuster)
$this->mergedAsset = $mergedAsset;
$this->assetFetcher = $assetFetcher;
$this->cacheBuster = $cacheBuster;
public function generateFile()
$this->mergedContent = $this->getMergedAssets();
* @return string
abstract protected function getMergedAssets();
* @return string
abstract protected function generateCacheBuster();
* @return string
abstract protected function getPreamble();
* @return string
abstract protected function getFileSeparator();
* @param UIAsset $uiAsset
* @return string
abstract protected function processFileContent($uiAsset);
* @param string $mergedContent
abstract protected function postEvent(&$mergedContent);
protected function getConcatenatedAssets()
return $this->mergedContent;
private function concatenateAssets()
$mergedContent = '';
foreach ($this->getAssetCatalog()->getAssets() as $uiAsset) {
$content = $this->processFileContent($uiAsset);
$mergedContent .= $this->getFileSeparator() . $content;
$this->mergedContent = $mergedContent;
* @return string[]
protected function getPlugins()
return $this->assetFetcher->getPlugins();
* @return UIAssetCatalog
protected function getAssetCatalog()
return $this->assetFetcher->getCatalog();
* @return boolean
private function shouldGenerate()
return true;
if($this->shouldCompareExistingVersion()) {
return !$this->isFileUpToDate();
return false;
* @return boolean
private function isFileUpToDate()
$f = fopen($this->mergedAsset->getAbsoluteLocation(), 'r');
$firstLine = fgets($f);
if (!empty($firstLine) && trim($firstLine) == trim($this->getCacheBusterValue())) {
return true;
// Some CSS file in the merge, has changed since last merged asset was generated
// Note: we do not detect changes in @import'ed LESS files
return false;
* @return boolean
private function isMergedAssetsDisabled()
return AssetManager::getInstance()->isMergedAssetsDisabled();
private function adjustPaths()
$this->mergedContent = $this->assetFetcher->getTheme()->rewriteAssetsPathToTheme($this->mergedContent);
private function writeContentToFile()
* @return string
protected function getCacheBusterValue()
$this->cacheBusterValue = $this->generateCacheBuster();
return $this->cacheBusterValue;
private function addPreamble()
$this->mergedContent = $this->getPreamble() . $this->mergedContent;
* @return boolean
private function shouldCompareExistingVersion()
return $this->isMergedAssetsDisabled();
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetMerger;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAsset;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetCacheBuster;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetFetcher\JScriptUIAssetFetcher;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetMerger;
use Piwik\AssetManager;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetMinifier;
use Piwik\Piwik;
class JScriptUIAssetMerger extends UIAssetMerger
* @var UIAssetMinifier
private $assetMinifier;
* @param UIAsset $mergedAsset
* @param JScriptUIAssetFetcher $assetFetcher
* @param UIAssetCacheBuster $cacheBuster
function __construct($mergedAsset, $assetFetcher, $cacheBuster)
parent::__construct($mergedAsset, $assetFetcher, $cacheBuster);
$this->assetMinifier = UIAssetMinifier::getInstance();
protected function getMergedAssets()
$concatenatedAssets = $this->getConcatenatedAssets();
return str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $concatenatedAssets);
protected function generateCacheBuster()
$cacheBuster = $this->cacheBuster->piwikVersionBasedCacheBuster($this->getPlugins());
return "/* Piwik Javascript - cb=" . $cacheBuster . "*/\r\n";
protected function getPreamble()
return $this->getCacheBusterValue();
protected function postEvent(&$mergedContent)
$plugins = $this->getPlugins();
if(!empty($plugins)) {
* Triggered after all the JavaScript files Piwik uses are minified and merged into a
* single file, but before the merged JavaScript is written to disk.
* Plugins can use this event to modify merged JavaScript or do something else
* with it.
* @param string $mergedContent The minified and merged JavaScript.
Piwik::postEvent('AssetManager.filterMergedJavaScripts', array(&$mergedContent), null, $plugins);
public function getFileSeparator()
return PHP_EOL;
protected function processFileContent($uiAsset)
$content = $uiAsset->getContent();
if (!$this->assetMinifier->isMinifiedJs($content))
$content = $this->assetMinifier->minifyJs($content);
return $content;
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetMerger;
use Exception;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAsset;
use Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetMerger;
use Piwik\Piwik;
use lessc;
class StylesheetUIAssetMerger extends UIAssetMerger
* @var lessc
private $lessCompiler;
function __construct($mergedAsset, $assetFetcher, $cacheBuster)
parent::__construct($mergedAsset, $assetFetcher, $cacheBuster);
$this->lessCompiler = self::getLessCompiler();
protected function getMergedAssets()
foreach($this->getAssetCatalog()->getAssets() as $uiAsset) {
return $this->lessCompiler->compile($this->getConcatenatedAssets());
* @return lessc
* @throws Exception
private static function getLessCompiler()
if (!class_exists("lessc")) {
throw new Exception("Less was added to composer during 2.0. ==> Execute this command to update composer packages: \$ php composer.phar install");
$less = new lessc();
return $less;
protected function generateCacheBuster()
$fileHash = $this->cacheBuster->md5BasedCacheBuster($this->getConcatenatedAssets());
return "/* compile_me_once=$fileHash */";
protected function getPreamble()
return $this->getCacheBusterValue() . "\n"
. "/* Piwik CSS file is compiled with Less. You may be interested in writing a custom Theme for Piwik! */\n";
protected function postEvent(&$mergedContent)
* Triggered after all less stylesheets are compiled to CSS, minified and merged into
* one file, but before the generated CSS is written to disk.
* This event can be used to modify merged CSS.
* @param string $mergedContent The merged and minified CSS.
Piwik::postEvent('AssetManager.filterMergedStylesheets', array(&$mergedContent));
public function getFileSeparator()
return '';
protected function processFileContent($uiAsset)
return $this->rewriteCssPathsDirectives($uiAsset);
* Rewrite css url directives
* - rewrites paths defined relatively to their css/less definition file
* - rewrite windows directory separator \\ to /
* @param UIAsset $uiAsset
* @return string
private function rewriteCssPathsDirectives($uiAsset)
static $rootDirectoryLength = null;
if (is_null($rootDirectoryLength)) {
$rootDirectoryLength = self::countDirectoriesInPathToRoot($uiAsset);
$baseDirectory = dirname($uiAsset->getRelativeLocation());
$content = preg_replace_callback(
function ($matches) use ($rootDirectoryLength, $baseDirectory) {
$absolutePath = realpath(PIWIK_USER_PATH . "/$baseDirectory/" . $matches[2]);
if($absolutePath) {
$relativePath = substr($absolutePath, $rootDirectoryLength);
$relativePath = str_replace('\\', '/', $relativePath);
return $matches[1] . $relativePath;
} else {
return $matches[1] . $matches[2];
return $content;
* @param UIAsset $uiAsset
* @return int
protected function countDirectoriesInPathToRoot($uiAsset)
$rootDirectory = realpath($uiAsset->getBaseDirectory());
if ($rootDirectory != '/' && substr_compare($rootDirectory, '/', -1)) {
$rootDirectory .= '/';
$rootDirectoryLen = strlen($rootDirectory);
return $rootDirectoryLen;
* Piwik - Open source web analytics
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
* @category Piwik
* @method static \Piwik\AssetManager\UIAssetMinifier getInstance()
* @package Piwik
namespace Piwik\AssetManager;
use Exception;
use Piwik\Singleton;
use JShrink\Minifier;
class UIAssetMinifier extends Singleton
const MINIFIED_JS_RATIO = 100;
protected function __construct()
* Indicates if the provided JavaScript content has already been minified or not.
* The heuristic is based on a custom ratio : (size of file) / (number of lines).
* The threshold (100) has been found empirically on existing files :
* - the ratio never exceeds 50 for non-minified content and
* - it never goes under 150 for minified content.
* @param string $content Contents of the JavaScript file
* @return boolean
public function isMinifiedJs($content)
$lineCount = substr_count($content, "\n");
if ($lineCount == 0) {
return true;
$contentSize = strlen($content);
$ratio = $contentSize / $lineCount;
return $ratio > self::MINIFIED_JS_RATIO;
* @param string $content
* @return string
public function minifyJs($content)
return Minifier::minify($content);
private static function validateDependency()
if (!class_exists("JShrink\Minifier"))
throw new Exception("JShrink dependency is managed using Composer.");
...@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class BatchInsert ...@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class BatchInsert
*/ */
public static function tableInsertBatch($tableName, $fields, $values, $throwException = false) public static function tableInsertBatch($tableName, $fields, $values, $throwException = false)
{ {
$filePath = PIWIK_USER_PATH . '/' . AssetManager::MERGED_FILE_DIR . $tableName . '-' . Common::generateUniqId() . '.csv'; $filePath = PIWIK_USER_PATH . '/tmp/assets/' . $tableName . '-' . Common::generateUniqId() . '.csv';
$filePath = SettingsPiwik::rewriteTmpPathWithHostname($filePath); $filePath = SettingsPiwik::rewriteTmpPathWithHostname($filePath);
if (Db::get()->hasBulkLoader()) { if (Db::get()->hasBulkLoader()) {
...@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ class Filesystem ...@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ class Filesystem
* Called on Core install, update, plugin enable/disable * Called on Core install, update, plugin enable/disable
* Will clear all cache that could be affected by the change in configuration being made * Will clear all cache that could be affected by the change in configuration being made
*/ */
public static function deleteAllCacheOnUpdate() public static function deleteAllCacheOnUpdate($pluginName = false)
{ {
AssetManager::removeMergedAssets(); AssetManager::getInstance()->removeMergedAssets($pluginName);
View::clearCompiledTemplates(); View::clearCompiledTemplates();
Cache::deleteTrackerCache(); Cache::deleteTrackerCache();
} }
...@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class Plugin ...@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class Plugin
* *
* @return bool * @return bool
*/ */
final public function isTheme() public function isTheme()
{ {
$info = $this->getInformation(); $info = $this->getInformation();
return !empty($info['theme']) && (bool)$info['theme']; return !empty($info['theme']) && (bool)$info['theme'];
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