- implemented basic plugin system in the piwik.php logging engine
- added some config for the loggingEngine - wrote simple PDO access layer / simple config layer - specified all the classes/method of the piwik.php - ported the JS file from phpmyvisites and fixed some bugs in it (needs testing on IE/FF/OPERA/KONQUEROR/SAFARI on MAC/WINDOWS/LINUX with the plugins enabled/disabled) git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@24 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
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Affichage de
- config/config.ini.php 5 ajouts, 1 suppressionconfig/config.ini.php
- index.php 29 ajouts, 9 suppressionsindex.php
- libs/Event/Dispatcher.php 478 ajouts, 0 suppressionlibs/Event/Dispatcher.php
- libs/Event/Notification.php 194 ajouts, 0 suppressionlibs/Event/Notification.php
- libs/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php 10 ajouts, 1 suppressionlibs/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php
- modules/ExceptionHandler.php 4 ajouts, 2 suppressionsmodules/ExceptionHandler.php
- piwik.js 103 ajouts, 0 suppressionpiwik.js
- piwik.php 439 ajouts, 31 suppressionspiwik.php
- tests/config_test.php 3 ajouts, 2 suppressionstests/config_test.php
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