Refs #1446 Fixing failing test due to Windows EOL and headers already sent...
Refs #1446 Fixing failing test due to Windows EOL and headers already sent error. Also not testing 'format=original'. git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
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Affichage de
- core/DataTable/Renderer.php 1 ajout, 2 suppressionscore/DataTable/Renderer.php
- plugins/ExampleAPI/tests/expected/test_allGetMethods__ExampleAPI.getGoldenRatio.xml 0 ajout, 2 suppressions...xpected/test_allGetMethods__ExampleAPI.getGoldenRatio.xml
- tests/integration/Integration.php 13 ajouts, 4 suppressionstests/integration/Integration.php
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