@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This is a changelog for Piwik platform developers. All changes for our HTTP API'
* The class `Piwik\WidgetList` class has been moved to `Piwik\Widget\WidgetsList`.
* The method `Piwik\Plugin\Menu::configureReportingMenu` has been removed. To add something to the reporting menu you need to create widgets
* The method `Report::configureWidget()`, `Report::getWidgetTitle()` and `Report::configureReportingMenu()` have been removed, use the new method `Report::configureWidgets()` instead.
* The method `Report::getCategory()` does no longer return the translated category but the translation key of the category
* The method `Report::getCategory()`has been moved to `Report::getCategoryId()` and does no longer return the translated category but the translation key of the category.
* The property `Report::$category` has been renamed to `Report::$categoryId`
* The methods `Report::factory()`, `Report::getAllReportClasses()`, `Report::getAllReports` have been moved to the `Piwik\Plugin\Reports` class.
* The properties `Report::$widgetTitle`, `Report::$widgetParams` and `Report::$menuTitle` were removed, use the method `Report::configureWidgets()` to create widgets instead