$composerInstall="Download and run <a href=\"https://getcomposer.org/Composer-Setup.exe\"><b>Composer-Setup.exe</b></a>, it will install the latest Composer version and set up your PATH so that you can just call composer from any directory in your command line. "
$composerInstall="Download and run <a href=\"https://getcomposer.org/Composer-Setup.exe\"><b>Composer-Setup.exe</b></a>, it will install the latest Composer version and set up your PATH so that you can just call composer from any directory in your command line. "
." <br>Then run this command in a terminal in the piwik directory: <br> $ php composer update ";
." <br>Then run this command in a terminal in the piwik directory: <br> $ php composer.phar update ";
$piwik_errorMessage.="<p>It appears the <a href='https://getcomposer.org/' target='_blank'>composer</a> tool is not yet installed. You can install Composer in a few easy steps:\n\n".
$piwik_errorMessage.="<p>It appears the <a href='https://getcomposer.org/' target='_blank'>composer</a> tool is not yet installed. You can install Composer in a few easy steps:\n\n".