- mars 13, 2014
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Refs #3632 New test case: replaying logs and forcing a window look back (forceLargeWindowLookBackForVisitor=1) => The visitor is now marked as "returning" as expected
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Refs #3632 Creating a test case: same visitor (same IP + idvisitor) visits the website on two different days. Visitors on second day is marked as "new" because window_look_back_for_visitor is not set.
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Forcing all recorders and recorders max payload to 1, to prevent random behavior (eg. in Live.getLastVisitsDetails, the pageIdAction may be random order if recorders import data in random thread order)
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diosmosis a rédigé
- mars 12, 2014
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diosmosis a rédigé
diosmosis a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
sgiehl a rédigé
diosmosis a rédigé
Refs #2935, add installation UI test, allow no fixture to be specified for screenshot test and fix following installation process regressions: - pending events should be executed after all plugins successfully loaded so plugin order in config file is unimportant - do not set piwikUrl on View instances if the DB cannot be connected to - create Twig instance when clearing template cache instead of new View
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Fixes #4768 Implement performance improvement for period=range: do not archive sub-tables (only the parent table). The sub-tables will be archived only when idSubtable is found, or flat=1, or expanded=1
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Thanks for the suggestion & report Sridhar
Thomas Steur a rédigé
diosmosis a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
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- mars 11, 2014
diosmosis a rédigé
sgiehl a rédigé
sgiehl a rédigé
diosmosis a rédigé
diosmosis a rédigé
diosmosis a rédigé
diosmosis a rédigé
diosmosis a rédigé
diosmosis a rédigé
diosmosis a rédigé
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@diosmosis first win for password reset workflow test Failed screenshot: http://builds-artifacts.piwik.org/ui-tests.master/1910.1/processed-ui-screenshots/Login_password_reset.png
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This is because the Segment->getString returns URL decoded segment value (with information loss as it cannot be safely URL re-encoded)
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