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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. mars 14, 2014
  2. mars 10, 2014
  3. mars 04, 2014
  4. mars 02, 2014
    • diosmosis's avatar
      Fixing UI tests build: · 7345411d
      diosmosis a rédigé
      - change idsite to idSite in Overlay URLs in piwik.js
      - don't init top controls if top controls container can't be found
      - add default parameter for $urls in SitesManager.setSiteAliasUrls so site alias URLs can be reset
      - fix bugs in UI tests database setup (including moving dashboard setup to UITestFixture class & keeping outside of
        setUp function so --persist-fixture-data will work in case the super user is deleted)
      - Add queryParamOverride testingEnvironment variable.
      - fix screenshot testing page renderer's method of waiting for CSS images
      - add margin bottom & left for widgetized controls for tests
      - add diagnostics to script
  5. jan. 30, 2014
  6. nov. 25, 2013
  7. oct. 28, 2013
  8. oct. 23, 2013
  9. oct. 17, 2013
  10. oct. 09, 2013
  11. sept. 30, 2013
  12. sept. 14, 2013
  13. juil. 24, 2013
  14. juil. 20, 2013
  15. juil. 18, 2013
  16. juil. 02, 2013
  17. juin 17, 2013
  18. juin 08, 2013
  19. mai 29, 2013
  20. mai 24, 2013
  21. mai 07, 2013
  22. mars 27, 2013
    • mattab's avatar
      JSlint piwik.js · 158c2150
      mattab a rédigé
    • Timo Besenreuther's avatar
      refs #1700 performance tracking in piwik.js · f56c9d65
      Timo Besenreuther a rédigé
       * by default, send performance.timing.responseEnd - performance.timing.requestStart as generation time with the tracking request
       * if the performance.timing API is not supported by the browser, don't send the metric
       * new method disablePerformanceTracking()
       * new method setGenerationTimeMs(generationTime) to set the generation after measuring it on the server side 
  23. mars 24, 2013
  24. mars 13, 2013
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