- juil. 06, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
- juil. 05, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Implemented custom event dispatching system for Piwik (replaced event dispatcher lib in libs/Event). Notes: - New dispatcher can execute callbacks before or after other callbacks. - It is also possible to dispatch events only to a specific set of plugins instead of all plugins. - Moved Piwik::unprefixClass to Piwik_Common::unprefixClass - Added visibility to some event handlers that were missing it. - Allowed two unit tests to fail w/ better diagnostic messages.
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Refs #3124, add benchmark for MultiSites.getAll and benchmark fixture that adds 20,000 sites to the DB then tracks one pageview per site.
Matthieu Aubry a rédigé
Fix transitions segmentation issue
Michał Gaździk a rédigé
Michał Gaździk a rédigé
Michał Gaździk a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
Matthieu Aubry a rédigé
HTML & CSS clean up. See below for review & regressions.
- juil. 03, 2013
- juil. 02, 2013
Thomas ZILLIOX a rédigé
Thomas ZILLIOX a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
Refactor Tracker_Visit, moving 400+ lines to a new Tracker_Request object. This class contains all getRequestVar calls and all knownledge of request params.
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
Cleaning the Tracker_Visit class, new Tracker_VisitExcluded class, and moved Tracker_Referer to its own file
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
Fixing the "testAllSizes" debug output at: index.php?module=ImageGraph&action=testAllSizes&idSite=1&period=year&date=today
- juil. 01, 2013