- mai 24, 2013
mattab a rédigé
cheers Peter for finding this bad bug! The new deleteCookies function can be used, whenever new_visit=1 is used, to ensure the cookies are re-created for the new visitor. For example use as: _paq.push(["deleteCookies"]); _paq.push(["appendToTrackingUrl", "new_visit=1"]); put both at the same time. Make sure you remove the "deleteCookies" otherwise. This should fix it! I have updated the faq at http://piwik.org/faq/how-to/#faq_187
mattab a rédigé
- mai 23, 2013
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
BETA 17 will become 1.12 if nothing comes up (EXCEPT for MOBILE DEVICE detection plugin coming shortly :))
mattab a rédigé
Hiding row evolution graph URL from output for Referrer.getAll Please double test it's all working!
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
Fixes #3940 Adding '&format=php' to ensure the data within the bulk request, is converted only once and is valid JSON. Also works in XML (not in CSV). I updated the bulk request doc at: http://piwik.org/docs/analytics-api/reference/#toc-advanced-users-send-multiple-api-requests-at-once
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
- mai 22, 2013
- mai 20, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
- mai 19, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Julien Moumné a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Get benchmarking system to work with new test structure and make it easier to run benchmarks through VisualPHPUnit.
- mai 18, 2013
Stefan Giehl a rédigé
automatic translation update
sgiehl a rédigé
- mai 17, 2013
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
* Not forwarding segment parameter to the top menu links Note: ideally we should display the Segment Editor on the WIDGET and API pages refs #3934
mattab a rédigé
* Fixes "The input field for the segment's name disappers on focus loss"
mattab a rédigé
* Fixing select boxes logic/API * better design for anonymous user. He can apply the segments that are shared * better message in case anonymous tries delete/edit a custom segment * Adding ability to set a segment as "PRE-PROCESS" or "PROCESSED ON DEMAND (Real time, default)"
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Make sure excluded user agent textarea displayed when adding a new site to Manage > Websites is only displayed when option to use site specific exclusion criteria is set.
- mai 16, 2013
sgiehl a rédigé
- mai 15, 2013
- mai 14, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé