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  1. juin 22, 2015
    • Thomas Steur's avatar
      actually ignore nothing · 46a79ef8
      Thomas Steur a rédigé
    • Thomas Steur's avatar
      refs #8142 Compare images with ImageMagick instead of resemble · 9f940107
      Thomas Steur a rédigé
      It looks like resemble causes the random crashes during UI tests
      on Travis CI. I can reproduce this locally and identified resemble
      as the problem. The tests crashed because of too much memory usage
      We now also avoid loading the images into PhantomJS to compare
      them. By executing ImageMagick we seem to save a lot of memory and
      time. Eg currently on master the tests need more than 50
      minutes whereas with this solution it takes only approx 37 minutes.
  2. avr. 22, 2015
  3. mars 12, 2015
  4. fév. 03, 2015
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