- nov. 08, 2014
diosmosis a rédigé
- nov. 07, 2014
- oct. 13, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
refs #5940 moved files into a subfolder framework, added autoloader to remove duplicated code to load autoload.php and to be able to register more autoloaders (eg for test files) on demand. This I got read of many includes that had to be updated all the time and that had to be updated all the time when moving iles
- oct. 06, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
refs #5940 we might stay backwards compatible this way for 2 months. moved some tests from unit to integration and explained when a test is a unit test, an integration test or a system test.
- oct. 05, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
refs #5940 put tests in correct folders, better testsuite names, some tests still fail and I cannot figure out why
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
- sept. 09, 2014
mattab a rédigé
fixing few more tests: hide nb_users to make tests pass because for some reason the column does appear by default but in the backwardsCompatibilityTest it does not appear there. Also had to manually activate and install plugins in the test case for some reason. Message was: ``` Exception: Failed to update database (errors or warnings found): Array ( [warnings] => Array ( ) [errors] => Array ( [0] => /home/matt/dev/piwik-master/plugins/CustomAlerts/Updates/0.0.2.php: Error trying to execute the query 'ALTER TABLE `alert` CHANGE `enable_mail` `email_me` BOOLEAN NOT NULL'. The error was: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'piwik_tests.alert' doesn't exist ) [coreError] => [deactivatedPlugins] => Array ( [0] => CustomAlerts ) ) ```
- juil. 26, 2014
diosmosis a rédigé
- moved all API URL generation logic & API response handling logic to separate classes - created ApiTestConfig class to hold API test options (and documentation for properties) - remove unnecessary IntegrationTestCase properties and methods (including apiNotToCall/apiToCall) - remove as many unnecessary API test options as possible (including abandonedCarts, hackDeleteRangeArchivesBefore) - rename checkRequestResponse to assertApiResponseHasNoError
- juil. 23, 2014
Christian Raue a rédigé
- juil. 10, 2014
diosmosis a rédigé
- juil. 09, 2014
diosmosis a rédigé
Refs #5800, add namespaces to integration tests in root folder. Also add IntegrationTestCase to a namespace, re-add individual test @groups, move test groups to class level, and rename test files & class names so underscores are not used.
- juin 10, 2014
mattab a rédigé
Piwik is a free/libre analytics platform. Refs #4455 GNU Package requirement to use free/libre instead of open source
- nov. 18, 2013
mattab a rédigé
- nov. 11, 2013
mattab a rédigé
- nov. 10, 2013
mattab a rédigé
- oct. 15, 2013
mattab a rédigé
- oct. 07, 2013
mattab a rédigé
* updating all variables/methods containing Referers * RENAMING custom segments definition, and custom scheduled reports definition, so that when they load "Referers" segment/report it still works as expected * RENAMING old archived data so that archived blobs are called Referrers * Reverting part of 0deb2bbb * Update integration tests generating PDF+HTML with images on my dev box (GD 2.1 and PHP 5.5)
- oct. 04, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
- juil. 23, 2013
mattab a rédigé
Removed many Piwik_ functions, in Piwik 2 it is best practise to use the methods calls instead Todo: finish converting core/ classes + convert plugins/ classes to use \Piwik\Plugin namespace + fix build + Merge master
- juil. 20, 2013
mattab a rédigé
- juil. 02, 2013
Thomas ZILLIOX a rédigé
- mai 31, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Refactored archive data querying code. Removed tree-like data structure from Piwik_Archive, added memory optimizations for archiving (not storing archive processing instances), added optimization for querying data indexed by site + date, added ability to select multiple blobs/metrics at once (from different plugins), added optimization to Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Period where numerics/records are selected all at once instead of one at a time. Also added data access layer object for archive querying code, allowed anonymous function objects to be used as DataTable filters, and removed 'timestamp' DataTable metadata.
- mai 23, 2013
mattab a rédigé
Fixes #3940 Adding '&format=php' to ensure the data within the bulk request, is converted only once and is valid JSON. Also works in XML (not in CSV). I updated the bulk request doc at: http://piwik.org/docs/analytics-api/reference/#toc-advanced-users-send-multiple-api-requests-at-once
- avr. 17, 2013
diosmosis a rédigé
Fixes #3868, make sure show/hideColumns query params affect metrics when report metadata doesn't provide a translation for metrics, and make sure if no columns are displayed for a report, API.get doesn't fail.
- avr. 02, 2013
Timo Besenreuther a rédigé
* adding avg_time_generation to Actions.get + integration tests * adding sparkline for average generation time to Visitors > Overview * changing number formatting to 0.XXs instead of XXXms + test cases * tooltip for reports with avg. generation time: "average based on X hit(s)" * log import: support generation_time_milli (not only generation_time_micro) * example for importing generation time from logs in read me
- mars 27, 2013
mattab a rédigé
Converting Piwik core source files, PHP, JS, TPL, CSS More info: http://piwik.org/participate/coding-standards/
- mars 26, 2013
Timo Besenreuther a rédigé
CORE * formatting sub-second times * getColumn() method on data table array (in order to behave the same as the regular data table class) * data tables can store in their meta data, which columns are empty (this is used in order to dynamically hide the new "generation time" column) * ViewDataTable and Api.getProcessedReport act according to the empty column meta data SCHEMA * new column custom_float_1 in log_link_visit_action * new version to apply the change TRACKER * Piwik_Tracker::setGenerationTime * tracking parameter "generation_time_me" * value is stored in new custom_float_1 column * the log importer can handle a group "generation_time_micro" which can be used in a custom log format. _micro is used because apache can log the time in microseconds but piwik processes milliseconds. * note: extension of JS tracker still missing ACTIONS PLUGIN * for pages and page titles, add new columns sum_time_generation and nb_hits_with_time_generation to the blob archives * if they are set, compute avg_time_generation on the API level. if not, remove the columns and mark them as empty in the data table meta data. * show new column "avg. generation time" in the pages and page titles reports plus TESTS for everything
- mars 11, 2013
diosmosis a rédigé
Refs #2908, refactored tests so database setup (adding sites, tracking visits) are separated from API tests. Put setup code into fixtures and reused code as much as possible.
- fév. 11, 2013
mattab a rédigé
- fév. 10, 2013
diosmosis a rédigé
Fixes #3232, add ability to discard URL fragments when tracking for all websites or for just some websites.
- fév. 05, 2013
Fabian Becker a rédigé
- déc. 24, 2012
benakamoorthi a rédigé
Fixes #3582, fix bug w/ showColumns/hideColumns params where processed metrics that shouldn't have shown in reports were shown. git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@7696 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
- nov. 24, 2012
benakamoorthi a rédigé
Fixes #2375, added ability to exclude visits from tracking based on global & site-specific blacklists user agent substrings. Also fixed bug in website management page that broke website editing/creation. git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@7535 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
- oct. 15, 2012
mattpiwik a rédigé
Implementing Site Search tracking & reporting in Piwik core! * New Admin UI to customize, for each site, wheter site search is enabled. Also options to set default values to use. * New Reports: Searches, Searches with no result, Search categories, Top Pages Following a Search * to track "No result keyword" users will have to tag their site with a JS call, or add a new parameter to the search result page &search_count=X (X being zero for no result searches) * Reports works with Row evolution, PDF/HTML reports, Piwik Mobile * idaction_url is now NULLable because, Site Search records a page with idaction_name == Keyword, and idaction_url == NULL. This ensures that the Site Searches don't create "Page URL Not defined" records. * updates to Tracker JS API, new function trackSiteSearch, also added in PHP tracker * New fields in log_visit to track searches * new segment, "searches" which can be used to select visitors who did a search ie. searches>0 or those who searched a lot, ie searches>10 TODO: * commmit integration test, TESTING, DOCS, FAQ, release, and a nice Prayer to the universe and the stars, hoping that I can code a major new feature without any bug... * It would be awesome to have compatiblity with Transitions so we can see, for a given site search, what are the starting pages and Destination pages Thank you for your patience Timo, and thank in advance everyone for your help Testing this new feature! git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@7190 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
- oct. 04, 2012
benakamoorthi a rédigé
git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@7099 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
- oct. 03, 2012
benakamoorthi a rédigé
Fixes #3311, use more granular SELECT in Piwik_Archive_Single::preFetchBlob & add test to make sure extra blobs are not selected. git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@7095 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105