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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. oct. 24, 2014
  2. oct. 13, 2014
  3. oct. 06, 2014
  4. oct. 05, 2014
  5. juil. 26, 2014
    • diosmosis's avatar
      Refactoring IntegrationTestCase class: · 8c94dc71
      diosmosis a rédigé
        - moved all API URL generation logic & API response handling logic to separate classes
        - created ApiTestConfig class to hold API test options (and documentation for properties)
        - remove unnecessary IntegrationTestCase properties and methods (including apiNotToCall/apiToCall)
        - remove as many unnecessary API test options as possible (including abandonedCarts, hackDeleteRangeArchivesBefore)
        - rename checkRequestResponse to assertApiResponseHasNoError
  6. juil. 23, 2014
  7. juil. 10, 2014
  8. juil. 09, 2014
  9. juin 10, 2014
  10. déc. 14, 2013
  11. oct. 15, 2013
  12. oct. 07, 2013
    • mattab's avatar
      Refs #4125 Renaming plugin from Referers to Referrers · a27771ee
      mattab a rédigé
       * updating all variables/methods containing Referers
       * RENAMING custom segments definition, and custom scheduled reports definition, so that when they load "Referers" segment/report it still works as expected
       * RENAMING old archived data so that archived blobs are called Referrers
        * Reverting part of 0deb2bbb
        * Update integration tests generating PDF+HTML with images on my dev box (GD 2.1 and PHP 5.5)
  13. sept. 15, 2013
  14. sept. 10, 2013
  15. août 22, 2013
  16. juil. 02, 2013
  17. mai 12, 2013
  18. avr. 18, 2013
  19. avr. 17, 2013
  20. mars 27, 2013
  21. mars 16, 2013
    • diosmosis's avatar
      Fixes #3465, refactor row evolution code to fix bug where if no labels are... · 51b77878
      diosmosis a rédigé
      Fixes #3465, refactor row evolution code to fix bug where if no labels are specified and last period has no labels, no data is returned. Refactoring also contains optimization for case where no labels are specified.
        * Simplified DataTableManipulator and derived classes.
        * Allow LabelFilter to use multiple labels. Can be used by specifying array for label query parameter (ie, label[]=...).
        * Removed getFilteredTableFromLabel function from datatable types and add getEmptyClone to DataTable_Array.
        * Added setIdSite to php tracker PiwikTracker.
  22. mars 11, 2013
  23. fév. 27, 2013
  24. fév. 05, 2013
  25. oct. 15, 2012
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      Refs #2992 Site Search KABOOM, Refs #49 · 53649590
      mattpiwik a rédigé
      Implementing Site Search tracking & reporting in Piwik core!
       * New Admin UI to customize, for each site, wheter site search is enabled. Also options to set default values to use.
       * New Reports: Searches, Searches with no result, Search categories, Top Pages Following a Search
       * to track "No result keyword" users will have to tag their site with a JS call, or add a new parameter to the search result page &search_count=X (X being zero for no result searches)
       * Reports works with Row evolution, PDF/HTML reports, Piwik Mobile
       * idaction_url is now NULLable because, Site Search records a page with idaction_name == Keyword, and idaction_url == NULL. This ensures that the Site Searches don't create "Page URL Not defined" records. 
       * updates to Tracker JS API, new function trackSiteSearch, also added in PHP tracker
       * New fields in log_visit to track searches
       * new segment, "searches" which can be used to select visitors who did a search ie. searches>0 or those who searched a lot, ie searches>10
        * commmit integration test, TESTING, DOCS, FAQ, release, and a nice Prayer to the universe and the stars, hoping that I can code a major new feature without any bug...
        * It would be awesome to have compatiblity with Transitions so we can see, for a given site search, what are the starting pages and Destination pages
       Thank you for your patience Timo, 
       and thank in advance everyone for your help Testing this new feature!
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  26. sept. 26, 2012
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      Refs #3158 #3227 · 443934a8
      mattpiwik a rédigé
       * Fixing encoding bugs. We never noticed but there was a bug in the code (see change in XML files which are now correct).
       * Display Between X and Y even when values are the same (otherwise it looks like there's a bug)
       * fixing other tests
      I'm SO glad we have nice tests coverage for this complicated code otherwise we would be totally screwed!
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  27. sept. 04, 2012
    • JulienMoumne's avatar
      refs #3013 · 7c4c6dde
      JulienMoumne a rédigé
       * plot multiple metrics using $columns (renamed from $column)
       * plot row evolutions using optional $labels, will plot top 5 labels when omitted
       * imageGraphEvolutionUrl added to report metadata (only for reports without constant row count and Referers.getRefererType)
       * $showMetricTitle renamed to $showLegend
      refs #3014
       * new report parameter 'Show Historical Graphs for the top 5 values'
       * better looking evolution graph on landcape pages
      refs #3158
       * $label is now optional, will return top N=filter_limit row evolutions sorted with filter_sort_column when omitted
       * support for $idGoal
       * integration tests updated
      constantRowsCount set on
       * Goals_getDaysToConversion
       * Goals_getVisitsUntilConversion
       * Referers_getRefererType
       * r6874
       * in Piwik UI, add a link 'display top 10 row evolutions' using API.getRowEvolution &label=false&filter_sort_column=xyz&filter_limit=10
       * fix scheduled report integration tests
       * review @reviews
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  28. août 02, 2012
  29. août 01, 2012
  30. juil. 29, 2012
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