- sept. 14, 2015
diosmosis a rédigé
Allow new CustomVariable segments to provide all custom variable suggested values by allowing the suggestedValuesCallback to accept Live.getLastVisitDetails data.
- oct. 05, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
refs #5940 put tests in correct folders, better testsuite names, some tests still fail and I cannot figure out why
- avr. 20, 2013
mattab a rédigé
* new segment 'siteSearchKeyword' Fixes #3903, #3905: * adding few fields in the Live API output to accomodate getSuggestedValuesForSegment * renamed other fields for consistency with segment names Fixes #3906: * new API: getSuggestedValuesForSegment which returns top suggested values for a particular segment. It uses the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API to fetch the most recently used values, and will show the most used values first * Adding tests for everything. The test case actually generates data for all segments so that VisitsSummary.get returns some data for each of the 47 segments being tested returns some data. How it works: * generate extended data in fixture * Tests (1) call getSuggestedValuesForSegment for each segment, check there is some data returned for each segment * get the first suggested value from the list, * Tests (2) call VisitsSummary.get with this segment value, eg. countryCode==ru. * I worked this way for all 47 segments until all tests had some data ==> now we know that all segments have been tested and that the auto suggest works for all segments. TDD FTW!
- oct. 19, 2012
sgiehl a rédigé
git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@7259 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
- fév. 12, 2011
mattpiwik a rédigé
* API functions returning data now have a new optional 'segment' parameter. segment can define a Visitor segment dynamically that will be applied to the report. For example, &segment=country==FR;actions>=3 (AND, OR supported. Only == and != supported currently, but easy to add more) * For API requests with a segment parameter, the reports will now be processed on the fly, and only the requested plugin report will be archived. * All plugins now define the 'segments', with a name, category, SQL field, filter, etc. * Simplifying archiving code a bit * Fixes #2069 Exit rate computation * New widget: lists the Top Keywords for a page URL, Widgets for a website only. Maybe later we could create a widget category "For your site"? * This widget is pretty cool SEO wise, but maybe the PHP snippet should do caching (not so good hitting the API on each page view... but why not?) * still to do! git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@3870 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
- juil. 06, 2010
mattpiwik a rédigé
Also adding integration test suite in place. * Adding new mechanism to trigger known tracking requests, then call all API methods get* and compare XML to the previous 'expected' XML. * make sure overwritten config files are not read during tests. Use defaults from global.ini.php. * piwik.php Tracker allow calling script to force Datetime and user IP for a specific request. * Wrote 3 main tests * wrong tracking requests should not return error and should not record anything * standard one visitor, 2 visits, with page view, download, outlink and goal tracked * Added integration test as an example in the ExampleAPI plugin (pretty simple to add testing code) TODO * Finish PiwikTracker and show it in UI * Show how to use image based tracker in UI * Add more tests (multi periods and multi sites) in Main.test.php * Fix failing Config.test.php test (when ran via all_tests.php doesn't fail otherwise) git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@2429 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105