- mai 10, 2015
Thomas Steur a rédigé
As the plugin does now nothing anymore, I removed it.
- déc. 21, 2014
sgiehl a rédigé
- oct. 23, 2014
sgiehl a rédigé
enabled DevicesDetection plugin for OneVisitorTwoVisits_withCookieSupport tests; updated expected test files
- oct. 13, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
refs #5940 moved files into a subfolder framework, added autoloader to remove duplicated code to load autoload.php and to be able to register more autoloaders (eg for test files) on demand. This I got read of many includes that had to be updated all the time and that had to be updated all the time when moving iles
- oct. 06, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
refs #5940 we might stay backwards compatible this way for 2 months. moved some tests from unit to integration and explained when a test is a unit test, an integration test or a system test.
- oct. 05, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
refs #5940 put tests in correct folders, better testsuite names, some tests still fail and I cannot figure out why
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
- juil. 10, 2014
diosmosis a rédigé
- juil. 09, 2014
diosmosis a rédigé
Refs #5800, add namespaces to integration tests in root folder. Also add IntegrationTestCase to a namespace, re-add individual test @groups, move test groups to class level, and rename test files & class names so underscores are not used.
- juin 10, 2014
mattab a rédigé
Piwik is a free/libre analytics platform. Refs #4455 GNU Package requirement to use free/libre instead of open source
- oct. 22, 2013
mattab a rédigé
- oct. 21, 2013
mattab a rédigé
- oct. 15, 2013
mattab a rédigé
- oct. 07, 2013
mattab a rédigé
* updating all variables/methods containing Referers * RENAMING custom segments definition, and custom scheduled reports definition, so that when they load "Referers" segment/report it still works as expected * RENAMING old archived data so that archived blobs are called Referrers * Reverting part of 0deb2bbb * Update integration tests generating PDF+HTML with images on my dev box (GD 2.1 and PHP 5.5)
- août 22, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
- mars 27, 2013
mattab a rédigé
Converting Piwik core source files, PHP, JS, TPL, CSS More info: http://piwik.org/participate/coding-standards/
- mars 11, 2013
diosmosis a rédigé
Refs #2908, refactored tests so database setup (adding sites, tracking visits) are separated from API tests. Put setup code into fixtures and reused code as much as possible.
- fév. 05, 2013
Fabian Becker a rédigé
- oct. 15, 2012
mattpiwik a rédigé
Implementing Site Search tracking & reporting in Piwik core! * New Admin UI to customize, for each site, wheter site search is enabled. Also options to set default values to use. * New Reports: Searches, Searches with no result, Search categories, Top Pages Following a Search * to track "No result keyword" users will have to tag their site with a JS call, or add a new parameter to the search result page &search_count=X (X being zero for no result searches) * Reports works with Row evolution, PDF/HTML reports, Piwik Mobile * idaction_url is now NULLable because, Site Search records a page with idaction_name == Keyword, and idaction_url == NULL. This ensures that the Site Searches don't create "Page URL Not defined" records. * updates to Tracker JS API, new function trackSiteSearch, also added in PHP tracker * New fields in log_visit to track searches * new segment, "searches" which can be used to select visitors who did a search ie. searches>0 or those who searched a lot, ie searches>10 TODO: * commmit integration test, TESTING, DOCS, FAQ, release, and a nice Prayer to the universe and the stars, hoping that I can code a major new feature without any bug... * It would be awesome to have compatiblity with Transitions so we can see, for a given site search, what are the starting pages and Destination pages Thank you for your patience Timo, and thank in advance everyone for your help Testing this new feature! git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@7190 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
- août 05, 2012
sgiehl a rédigé
refs #3227 removed class inheritance as that causes problems in some tests. improved and fixed some tests. now even more tests are running git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@6676 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
- août 02, 2012
sgiehl a rédigé
while setup (atm bulk tracking doesn't work) git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@6645 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
- août 01, 2012
sgiehl a rédigé
refs #3227 refactored integration tests to setup database and tracking only once per class; that should speed up the tests a bit git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@6626 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
- juil. 29, 2012
sgiehl a rédigé
git-svn-id: http://dev.piwik.org/svn/trunk@6589 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105