- juin 12, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
- juin 11, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
starting to refactor reports into classes, also refactored some more dimensions which is still not 100% working and needs more work
- juin 10, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
starting to move dimensions from core into plugins and put each dimension into its own class. This is very experimental right now. More experimental stuff will follow
- juin 09, 2014
Thomas Steur a rédigé
Thomas Steur a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
- juin 08, 2014
- juin 07, 2014
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
@iquito thanks for the tip, it is a better solution!
mattab a rédigé
Let's see if some test will fail as a result.
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
in particular adding instruction to restart web server after having updated piwik. This should help limit number of email reporting errors, as many of these errors are caused by OPcache being not updated.
mattab a rédigé
(not sure why this has changed in last couple days, no related code was changed)"
Matthieu Aubry a rédigé
Optimizations for import_logs.py Fixes #5314 Kuddos for nice pull request! We hope to see more contributions from you in the future :)
- juin 06, 2014
Cyril Bonté a rédigé
Cyril Bonté a rédigé
Cyril Bonté a rédigé
As suggested by cbay, the cache key can be a tuple instead of a string concatenation.
Cyril Bonté a rédigé