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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. oct. 19, 2012
  2. sept. 08, 2012
  3. sept. 06, 2012
    • JulienMoumne's avatar
      · 71b487c3
      JulienMoumne a rédigé
      refs #3158
       * adding more report exceptions from being filtered by AddColumnProcessedMetrics filter 
       * I forgot to manage an edge case when $label=false and there are no data, what should the API return ? see @review
       * only retrieve the last period when looking for top n labels
      refs #3013
       * better error message when specifying invalid metrics in $columns
       * same image height for all graph types in all page orientations for pdf reports
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  4. mars 07, 2012
  5. fév. 12, 2011
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      Refs #1736 · 0e325251
      mattpiwik a rédigé
       * API functions returning data now have a new optional 'segment' parameter. segment can define a Visitor segment dynamically that will be applied to the report. For example, &segment=country==FR;actions>=3 (AND, OR supported. Only == and != supported currently, but easy to add more)
       * For API requests with a segment parameter, the reports will now be processed on the fly, and only the requested plugin report will be archived.
       * All plugins now define the 'segments', with a name, category, SQL field, filter, etc.
       * Simplifying archiving code a bit
       * Fixes #2069 Exit rate computation
       * New widget: lists the Top Keywords for a page URL, Widgets for a website only. Maybe later we could create a widget category "For your site"?
        * This widget is pretty cool SEO wise, but maybe the PHP snippet should do caching (not so good hitting the API on each page view... but why not?)
       * still to do!
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  6. juil. 06, 2010
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      Introducing documented piwik.php PHP Tracking client. · 52ce332c
      mattpiwik a rédigé
      Also adding integration test suite in place.
       * Adding new mechanism to trigger known tracking requests, then call all API methods get* and compare XML to the previous 'expected' XML.
       * make sure overwritten config files are not read during tests. Use defaults from global.ini.php.
       * piwik.php Tracker allow calling script to force Datetime and user IP for a specific request. 
       * Wrote 3 main tests
        * wrong tracking requests should not return error and should not record anything 
        * standard one visitor, 2 visits, with page view, download, outlink and goal tracked
        * Added integration test as an example in the ExampleAPI plugin (pretty simple to add testing code)
       * Finish PiwikTracker and show it in UI
       * Show how to use image based tracker in UI
       * Add more tests (multi periods and multi sites) in Main.test.php
       * Fix failing Config.test.php test (when ran via all_tests.php doesn't fail otherwise)
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
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