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  1. mars 28, 2017
    • Matthieu Aubry's avatar
      All icons in own repo and included as a submodule (#11548) · a0f0eb8f
      Matthieu Aubry a rédigé
      * add icons submodule
      * replace path
      * change submodule url
      * fix JSONTest
      * fix integration tests
      * update icon submodules
      * fix preg_match
      * fix remaining system tests
      * better match for non dist icon files
      * fix .gitmodules
      * update icon submodule
      * Fixed custom dimension test
      * Do not completely fail when GD not enabled
      * Fix http test + refactor checklist
      * Refactored the code into a method
      * Changed icon path refs
      * System tests
      * Update valid UI tests
      * Fix integration test
  2. jan. 05, 2017
    • Stefan Giehl's avatar
      Improves various icons (#11148) · 57e33fff
      Stefan Giehl a rédigé
      * updated browser and os icons (#11063)
      * updated browser-icons
      * added os icons
      * added previous icons
      * changed macOS icon
      * replaced optipng with pngquant (36% size reduction)
      * center icons vertically
      * sharpen icons
      * increased icon size to 48x48
      * fixed visitorPopup and realtimemap
      * revert css change
      * fixed HTML-Reports
      * replaced Windows icon
      * max-width and max-height for datatables
      * removed submodul (sorry wrong commit)
      * add explicit max-size for dataTableRowActions
      * fixed UNK.png
      * first try at fixing system tests
      * fixed cookie.gif
      * updates icons in System tests
      * updated plugin icons (#11121)
      * updated plugin icons
      * increased icon size to 48x48
      * updated searchEngine and social icons (#11093)
      * updated and added searchEngine and social icons
      * removed unnecessary icons
      * sharpen icons
      * increased icon size to 48x48
      * fixed promovideo socialicons
      * fixed xx.png
      * updates plugin icons in system tests
      * [tests] RockMelt has it's own icon
      * updates expected UI test files
      * submodule update
      * fix some last tests
  3. fév. 13, 2015
  4. jan. 19, 2015
  5. déc. 08, 2014
  6. oct. 05, 2014
  7. sept. 09, 2014
    • mattab's avatar
      fixing few more tests: hide nb_users to make tests pass because for some... · 1ad4c494
      mattab a rédigé
      fixing few more tests: hide nb_users to make tests pass because for some reason the column does appear by default but in the backwardsCompatibilityTest it does not appear there. Also had to manually activate and install plugins in the test case for some reason. Message was:
      Exception: Failed to update database (errors or warnings found): Array
          [warnings] => Array
          [errors] => Array
                  [0] => /home/matt/dev/piwik-master/plugins/CustomAlerts/Updates/0.0.2.php:
      Error trying to execute the query 'ALTER TABLE `alert` CHANGE `enable_mail` `email_me` BOOLEAN NOT NULL'.
      The error was: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'piwik_tests.alert' doesn't exist
          [coreError] =>
          [deactivatedPlugins] => Array
                  [0] => CustomAlerts
  8. sept. 08, 2014
  9. jan. 23, 2014
  10. juil. 02, 2013
  11. oct. 19, 2012
  12. mai 20, 2012
  13. sept. 13, 2011
  14. juil. 13, 2010
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      Refs #396 · 0256a281
      mattpiwik a rédigé
       * updating exit_rate calculation to have nb of pages view as the denominator, rather than number of visits. Complies with WAA Page Exit Ratio (ie. Exit rate) proposal.
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  15. juil. 06, 2010
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      Fixing bug in Archiving found with this new test suite (max_actions was... · 43460d81
      mattpiwik a rédigé
      Fixing bug in Archiving found with this new test suite (max_actions was incorrectly summed during archiving, rather than max() operation)
      Updating expected file as naming convention changed in previous commit
      Refs #1446
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      Introducing documented piwik.php PHP Tracking client. · 52ce332c
      mattpiwik a rédigé
      Also adding integration test suite in place.
       * Adding new mechanism to trigger known tracking requests, then call all API methods get* and compare XML to the previous 'expected' XML.
       * make sure overwritten config files are not read during tests. Use defaults from global.ini.php.
       * piwik.php Tracker allow calling script to force Datetime and user IP for a specific request. 
       * Wrote 3 main tests
        * wrong tracking requests should not return error and should not record anything 
        * standard one visitor, 2 visits, with page view, download, outlink and goal tracked
        * Added integration test as an example in the ExampleAPI plugin (pretty simple to add testing code)
       * Finish PiwikTracker and show it in UI
       * Show how to use image based tracker in UI
       * Add more tests (multi periods and multi sites) in Main.test.php
       * Fix failing Config.test.php test (when ran via all_tests.php doesn't fail otherwise)
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
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