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Created with Raphaël 2.2.026Oct27262220192019201918171615161516151413121191098987656543232130Sep29282625242524232423222322212221222122212221222120212021191817161716151415141514131112111011109109898Try to install mysql 5.6 on container infrastructure.Enable container based travis build + remove python 2.6 install script.Disable travis autoupdate for now.fix testsUpdate dependenciesupdate submodulemake sure to return correct ip when all IPs are excludedfixes #9090 SettingsServer.php - in_array() expects parameter 2Merge pull request #9083 from piwik/gen_plugin_overwriteAllow plugin:generate command to overwrite existing files and/or continue if plugin directory exists if new --overwrite option specified.Update tests/travis submodule for tests/travis submodule for: fix bug in travis yml generation, if --php-versions is used, detect minimum PHP version from that.Submodules, new plugins on marketplace2.15.0Now shows (UTC) after date time in Tooltip UTC to generated datetime2.15.0-rc5Merge pull request #9075 from piwik/report_generated_tooltipUI test for Help tooltip example value to run a single UI test suite (tests:run-ui command)Minor commentSubmodulesAdd UI test for tooltip showing help text + "Report generated X ago"Merge branch 'master' into report_generated_tooltipAnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement 0.1.4Make the string ts_archivedPrint raw value as time "X min ago" can contain HTML entitiesDisplay 'Report generated Xs ago' in help tooltip, Fix years old regressionMerge pull request #9070 from piwik/translationupdatesupdate submodulelanguage updatefix testsfix submodule referencefix submodule referenceMerge branch 'master' into 3.0update submoduleUI tests: minor text change in plugin desc2.15.0-rc4 - maybe the last RC for 2.15.0!Merge pull request #9064 from piwik/7778_fixAnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement 0.1.2
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