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1 résultat
Created with Raphaël 2.2.02Feb131Jan1Feb31Jan30292827262524232223222122212019201820192019181918171816151413121312131211121187543131Dec2928272625242322212221222122212019181715161514131110910910987876764343232130Nov29302726252625242324232223191819181716171613121311109898654545432Merge pull request #9669 from piwik/actionType_dimensionCustomDimensions submodule update for tests to pass refs system tests following up pull request #9675 from piwik/9670Update submodulesMake UI tests more resilient when fixture data will changeFix error on PHP 5.3 as within callbacks only public methods can be calledFix regression where   was displayed in column namesUI tests now need the footer controls opened refs full datetimes strings and clearly mark datetime as UTCmention that variable was only introduced recentlyfixes #9670 fix translation usage in datatable footerrefs 6057a0f - Fix error detected in UI tests "using when not in object context "Mention more relevant features in the developer changelog is a segment of type "dimension"Merge pull request #9657 from piwik/9649create a new widget promoting piwik pro servicesMerge pull request #9656 from piwik/9650Merge pull request #9655 from piwik/9648Merge pull request #9654 from piwik/9652fix some tests as a file was missingrefs #9546 use numbered placeholders in translationsrefs #9546 use numbered placeholders in translationsIf current hots is localhost, do not show the SSL warning notificationSet 'c: i18n' label for translation update pull requestsrefs #9546 use numbered placeholders in translationsrefs #9546 use numbered placeholders in translationsrefs #9546 use numbered placeholders in translationsrefs #9546 use numbered placeholders in translationsrefs #9546 use numbered placeholders in translationsFix error detected in UI tests "using $this when not in object context "fixes #9650 new widget showing piwik pro blogadded missing filefixes #9648 New sentence presenting Piwik PRO after a successful Piwik installationmake pchart lib php7 compatiblerefs #9546 use numbered placeholders in translations2.16.0-rc1Merge pull request #9643 from piwik/8128Apply code review, more efficient implementation fetching report once onlyLog Analytics basic http auth fix
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