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Created with Raphaël 2.2.026Jun25262526252425242524252423222120212019181918191817181716151615161514131413121110111091098987876543231May302928272627262524232221smarter install and update of columns which will automatically update the column in case the type changes making it super easy for developers, not sure if everything works already and need to xhprof itfixes #5382 make sure a search with upper case characters worksupdated submoduleFix JavaScript tests refs #5384Applying change suggested by travisAllow integration tests to specify XML nodes to remove before comparison.pass all kind of column information so we can do some more checksupdate columns again after loading all the plugins, maybe this makes the tests work again?Show "There is no data for this report" when there is no user profile found (instead of showing error)Rename method to `setCustomRequestProcessing` refs #5384Merge pull request #325 from sslavic/request_content_processing_hookthe js proxy test is actually an integration / system test... moving it to Integration, might also fix the test does randomly not workTweak to travis helper, write invisible character to make sure there is some build outputSet reply_to equal to report creator.Made default request method and default request content type DRYAvoid strange travis error.Add segment table entry to DBStats' MockDataAccess not install a visitDimension in case it no longer implements a visit dimension method. This is not developer friendly as it is very hard to understand what kind of magic happens. It should only depend on columnTypeMake sure calendar period double click behavior works w/ Morpheus' iCheck control.this might fix a test in case it is failing on travisstarted to handle changes to dimensions, for instance if a new dimension is added the platform should detect this and run an update script. also if a dimension suddenly handles new cases such as conversion it should automatically add a column to log_conversion after a user confirms. Have not tested update and/or installation yetadd link to FAQ: How do I use Piwik from the Git repository?Revert last couple commitsAdd travis_retry to avoid some random build failuretrying to inline the function see if this helps?add set -e to be sure the script is calling travis_waitFix regression in c28c242, only initialize uninitialized iCheck checkboxes.Merge branch 'master' of #5371 Make Piwik work PHP session hash function is non default such as sha1 or sha512 or otherMinor change to erro messageRemove font family from long CSS.Use FrontController::dispatch to get dashboard layout in Dashboard controller so controller events are posted whenever a dashboard layout is requested.Added support for configuring tracking POST request content typeImplemented unit test for setCustomRequestContentProcessingMoved setCustomRequestContentProcessing code not ot be inbetween getter and setter for custom dataAdd theme base file before theme less files.Manage priority order depending on theme.Revert "Upgraded qunit from 1.12.0 to 1.14.0"Replaced tabs with spaces in javascript tests index.php so it has uniform formattingFixed jslint reported issues
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