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Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Dec1615161516151615141514151413121112111091091091098987878654543434323212130Nov1Dec30Nov2928272627262726272627262726252625242324232221201918191817161716171617161716171617161716151615161415141314131413141314131213121112111211121112111211101110Use the new PiwikCache::getTransientCache() to store the values instead of using the static array - these are called 50 K times or more when only 100 websites when rendering a scheduled reportFix the notice Notice: Undefined index: bounce_ratefixes #6862 use array_values when using as a bindremove extra param so the help text is displayedMerge pull request #6861 from piwik/6637_multicachegetEageCache does not expect a parameter anymore, idSite was already converted to intadded support for different caching backends such as redisTrying to fix strange travis error, make sure a database is selected in IntegrationTestCase::restoreDbTables.refs #6672 fixes bug when username contains underscoreAdd always_populate_raw_post_data=-1 to php.ini in travis.refs #6858 add test for spammerfixes #6858 we must get rid of submodules as they cause us painTrying to fix error on beta7 upgrade that killed the Plugins[] section of config fileMerge pull request #6856 from piwik/6672_preprocess_rangesFixes #6672 Pre-process custom date ranges when any user has this selected in preferences, and pre-process for ALL websites this user has access to, in case he selects "All websites" dashboardNew method getAllUsersPreferences and testMake exception more specific and throw only when site was invalidThrow the exception UnexpectedWebsiteFoundException instead of default exceptionProvide clearer URL error message in CronArchive.Do not exit in CronArchive::logFatalError, throw exception.Pull variable up as method parameter for reuseRefactor without changing logicUI build after plugin order changedUI build after plugin order changedFix System tests refs #6529refs #6529 Reordered plugins cause some re-ordering in API responsesFixes #6849 Move isPluginActivated to the API/API core API, remove @hideExceptSuperUser from the CoreAdminAPI as it broke this method.Fixes #6529 Throw an exception when codebase is older than schema to prevent broken race conditionsFixes #6529 before loading plugins in memory, order the list the same as it is in global.ini.php - then load remaining plugins in alphabetical orderRemove debugging change in pull request #6851 from piwik/cloudfront_and_iis_bugfixFixing build for merge and move IIS check for --w3c-time-taken-milli to Parser.check_format so only one warning outputted.Adding missing warnings checks, we should refactor this class so it's less hacky, refs #6726Adding support for parsing amazon cloudfront log files in log importer & making W3cExtendedFormat treat time-taken field as seconds by default (since that is what the W3C format specifies). Also add support for event tracking and cloudfront RTMP logs (which provide event logs). Also allow multiple spaces in between W3C extended log files. Allow derived classes of W3cExtendedFormat to define new custom field regexes.Initial commit, differences in ImportLogsTest.Use Common::mb_* proxies rather than direct mb_* access in case multibyte is disabledIn Model use placeholders / bind parameters rather than writing the Id Sites in the SQL query - Models should be implemented in a safe way and not assume that the callee will have validated all against SQLIMerge pull request #6853 from piwik/6841Proper fix
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