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Created with Raphaël 2.2.026Nov252423222122212221222122212221222120212021201920192019181918191817181718171615141314131413141314131211121112111011101110987656543232131Oct1Nov31Oct1Nov31Oct30also removed them from otrance (for tests to pass)Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Fixes #4341Updating submodulesMerge pull request #156 from piwik/translationupdateslanguage update refs #3430Updating submodulesFixes #4341 Updating command to generate integration test, including its fixture and expected/ processed/ folders. This will make it trivial to add skeleton for integration tests in plugins, FTW!Refs #4341 Adding Example integration test with very basic fixture and expected/* filesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Reverting wrongly committed test filescreate tmp path if it doesn't existrefs #4338 display featured icon for themesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Fixes #4340refs #4338 make icons reusable, display piwik owner icon in plugin details as wellMerge branch 'master' of #4338 better positionrefs #4338 display an icon for featured pluginsMoving code aroundRenaming build to JavascriptTestsMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Fix buildrefs #4338 move logo to zeitgeistrefs #4335 display developer informationMerge branch 'master' of Fixing the items avg_price valueUpdating fixturesRevertingrefs #4338 format date, open external links in new windowMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'refs #4338 display developerDisplay scrollbar all the time to make sure content does not shift when clicking on menuMake realtime map and visitor map themable.Refs #4200, fixing typo in method name and tweaking docs.refs #4338 make full box clickable and open plugin details page in overlay, work in progressTypo in test fileSmall refactor in test fixture so it can be better reusedtrying to fix the build, let's see if this breaks something elseMinor
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