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Created with Raphaël 2.2.014Jan15141514131413141312111091098989878787643231Dec3029282928272827282726252425242322202120191817181718171617161516151615141512131213121110111098786564329Nov282928292829282728272827282728272627262726Merge pull request #200 from ronaldrager/masterAdded an android smart app promo barMore formattingMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Removing chart_line_edit_bg image referencesAdding simple test file for the UserAgentParserEnhanced libraryAdded link from the finished installation page to the translation page on composer.lockChanged topBars div, About Piwik 2.0.3, and Website choice so that they are all right aligned.Merge pull request #198 from radicalbub/masterMerge pull request #197 from ronaldrager/masterMerge pull request #196 from Uma5/mastermove line belowAdded a smart banner linking to the app storeFixed html error in Installation, System Check page.fixed typo in referrerAdded a smart banner linking to the app storeMerge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'refs #1486 updated submodule where we now store the reportUniqueId instead of module.action to support all reports (goals etc)Merge pull request #195 from craue/relax-lessphp-versionMerge pull request #194 from craue/fix-readme-php-versionfix PHP version in README.mdrelax version constraint for lessphp to allow newer releasesfix some tests because Treemap plugin was not thereMerge pull request #192 from MeganLiang/masterupdated submodulesubscribe button was covering smily face; height reoved to fixdeleted the height to fix support piwik subscribe buttonMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Fixes #4516 Ignore visits by pingdom botMerge pull request #191 from piwik/translationupdateslanguage update refs #3430small code improvementFix warning: The following plugins are not compatible with Piwik 2.0.3 and could not be loaded: DoNotTrackFix "Key "extra" for array with keys [...] does not exist in "@Installation/_systemCheckSection.twig" at line 291"Preventing warning when deactivating the pluginFix bug when upgrading and disabling DNT+AnonymizeIP have failedFixes #4471 Only include websites that have access in scheduled reports2.
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