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Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Dec2627262519161514131298765654212130Nov1Dec30Nov2827282725242522232223222322232221201615161514131110875432131Oct30313031302721201817181716131087656545430Sep4Oct34330Sep4Oct330Sep293Oct2130Sep292827262526232423222120191815141514131411101391311652131Aug1Sep31Aug1Sep31Aug1Sep31AugFile integrity checker now reports files found in the filesystem but not expected to be there (#11096)Prevent out of range issues for interaction_position (#11101)Revert "Minor angular update from 1.4.10 to 1.4.14" (#11099)Requirements: MySQL version 5.5 or greater, or MariaDBminor angular update (#11021)fix WARNING: /home/piwik/htdocs/plugins/Referrers/Controller.php(422) Warning - Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (#11098) Fix message stating Piwik 3 (#11084)Merge pull request #11097 from piwik/revert_10931Merge pull request #11042 from cybernet/patch-1Piwik works with any version of MySQL/MariaDBDo not add Options -Indexes to .htaccessfixes undefined index errorfix false entity decoding in translations3.0.1-b1Merge pull request #11091 from ksubileau/woff_iiscurl http connections: always load cacert.pem since it's always availableRecreate web.config files on next upgrade to enable woff filesEnabling Woff files under Windows IISRemove on pixel overlapping boxshadow on the corners (#11052)Allow Geoip to auto-update geolocation databases ending with 'mmdb.gz'fix title in automatic translation pull requestslanguage update (#11080)update requirements [skip ci]Merge pull request #11038 from piwik/3.x-devOffer our support for upgrading Piwik safely (#11037)UI test with same font as on travisintegration testfix:boom: :sparkles: Piwik 3.0.0 :sparkles: :boom:Fix Uncaught TypeError: this.jsViewDataTable.indexOf is not a function (#11035)Fix segment editor ui tests (#11036)Fix API reference page is partly broken (#11033)Merge pull request #11026 from piwik/3.x-devBetter piwik.js json compatibility (#11024)Expose JSON property for Piwik custom trackers (#11025)3.0.0-rc4 was never releasedStore site search settings correctly (#11022)Updated instruction for JS code in where to put the JS code
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