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echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
  show: View
  save: Save
  edit: Edit
  validate: Validate
  refuse: Refuse
  destroy: Destroy
  logout: Disconnect
  staleObjectError: Sorry, your modification was rejected because someone else
    already intervened
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé

  # Translatings screens
      login: Authentication
      title: L'Agenda du Libre
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      subtitle: Software, Arts, Data, Hardware, Contents, Commons, Internet...
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      flag: Flag
      propose: Propose an event
      propose_orga: Propose an organisation
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      tags: Tags
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      infos: Infos
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      stats: Statistics
      contact: Contact
      moderation: Moderation
      title: Hello,
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      more: "Infos: %{infos}.
\nContact: %{contact}."
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      calendar_in_html: This calendar in <em class='fa fa-rss'></em> %{rss},
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
        <em class='fa fa-calendar'></em> %{webcal}/%{ical}
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      nb_events: "%{count} events"
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      at: At
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      noMap: No OpenStreetMap map could be associated to this address. You can
        test other syntaxes here
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      infos: Informations
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      orga-list: Region's orgas
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      actions: Actions
      add_to_calendar: Add to my calendar
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      edit: Edit event
      copy: Duplicate event
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      cancel: Cancel event
        at: At
        description: Description
        infos: Informations
      title: Propose an event
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      subtitle: "No need for an account with login and password, instead
propositions will be published only after moderation.
\nA mail will be sent to the *submitter* address, with *two links*: one for
edition and another cancellation."
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      advises: "## Recommandations
\n* The event must relate to **Free** software, arts, data, hardware, content,
internet. The agenda is not intended for other kinds of events.
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
\n* Do **redact** the description, with complete sentences, rather than a
telegraphic style.
michelmimi's avatar
michelmimi a validé
\n* Professional events are accepted if accessible and open to everyone. In this
case, paid events are accepted if they don't restrict access solely to a
professional audience.
\n* When using certain keywords, a specific moderation can be applied.
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
\nThe moderation team may modify the event's description, to complete it, make
it more readable or agreable."
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      preview: Previsualisation
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      ok: Your event was added to the lists of events waiting for moderation.
        It will appear online as soon as a moderator validates it.
      title: Edit an event
      warning: 'Event already moderated: any modification will be immediately
        visible on the site'
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      forbidden: You are not authorised to modify this event
      preview: Previsualisation
      edit: Edition
      warning: 'Event already moderated: any modification will be immediately
        visible on the site'
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      ok: Your event was updated
      title_helper: No address nor date, please
      description_helper: You can copy-paste another page here
      address_helper_html: The address and city generate a
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
        [<em class='fa fa-map'></em> map]({:target="_blank"}
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
        displayed above the description
      url_helper: "Direct link to a page with more information on the event"
      contact_helper: Contact's email address, obfuscated so that spammers
        won't understand it
      submitter_helper: Submitter's email address, not displayed. It will only
        be used by the moderators to contact the person who proposed the event,
        to inform her about her acceptation or rejection
      tags_helper: Separated with spaces, contain letters, numbers and
        hyphens. Add the event's organisation(s), but not the city or region.
      repeat_helper: Repeated events will be generated during validation. You
        will receive by mail all edition and cancellation links
      rule_helper: The "Nth day of the month", for example "1st thursday of the
        month" ou "3rd saturday of the month", is deducted from the very first
      save: Save
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      visualise: Visualise
      title: Cancel event
      already_moderated: 'Event already moderated: this cancellation will
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      confirm: Do you confirm this event cancellation?
      preview: Event visualisation
      ok: Yes
      ko: No
      ok: Your event was canceled
      nearMe: Near
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      all_regions: All regions
      national: National events
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      title: Feeds
      quick: Each feed lists events for the coming 30 days in a given region
      help: "Some interesting features using parameters:
        * `tag`: limit events to a specific tag. This will for example give you
        a feed of all your organisation's events, if you do remember to tag all
        your events with a specific tag. \n
        * `daylimit`: limit future events to some number of days. \n
        Example: `%{daylimit}` \n
        * `near[location]` and `near[distance]`: limit to events near a
        specific location and distance (default to 20 km). \n
        Example: `%{near}` \n
        Those parameters can be used with feeds, and also on the map of the
        main calendar"
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      title: Statistics
      allEvents: Validated events
      allOrgas: Validated organisations
      awaitingModeration: Waiting for validation
      dates: Per date
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      regional: Per region
      city: Per city
      city_conditions: Only cities where more than 3 events have been organised
        are displayed.
      total: Total
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      web: Web statistics
      title: Tags
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      threshold: Tags used more than %{threshold} times
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      title: Tag
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      links: See also
      future: Future
      past: Past
        one: one event
        other: "%{count} events"
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      link: This event is part of
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      title: To moderate
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      rules: Moderators, thanks for reading and taking notice of [moderation
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      actions: Actions
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      posted_by: Created by %{author} on %{date}
      date: Date
      askInfos: Ask informations
      createNote: Add a note
      title: Edit event
      moderation: Moderation
      warning: 'Event already moderated: any modification will be immediately
        visible on the site'
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      preview: Previsualisation
      edit: Edition
      ok: Updated events
      title: Do you confirm this event validation?
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      warning: Warning, this event is of national scope!
      ok: Yes
      ko: Moderation
      tweet_helper: A tweet will be published, here is its content
        one: One other event will be generated
        other: "%{count} events will be generated"
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      ok: Event accepted
      title: What motive do you wish to associate to this event's rejection?
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      motif: Motive
      ok: Reject
      ko: Moderation
      reason_r_0: SPAM!
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      reason_r_1: Off-topic
      reason_r_2: Not enough information
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      reason_r_3: Already recorded
      reason_r_4: Specific
      reason_r_0_long: SPAM! SPAM! SPAM!
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      reason_r_1_long: Nonetheless, the proposed event hasn't yet retained the
        moderators' attention. As it were, the proposed event isn't about Free
        Software, or does not relate to Free Software, or the link with Free
        Software is not evident considering the current formulation, or this is
        about an expensive event or formation. If the event does relate to Free
        Software and this is not a paying formation, do not hesitate to submit
        it again with a clearer description.
      reason_r_2_long: "Your event is relevant, but moderators think its
description is not complete enough to be validated.
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
\nDescription must be comprehensible by a newcomer to Free Software, and must
thus detail the meeting cause, the targeted audience, the concerned concepts,
the date and place. Including if this is a recurring meeting, don't hesitate to
repeat each time these informations, they are important.
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
\nWe strongly invite you to submit again this event with a more complete
      reason_r_3_long: Your event is relevant, but has already been submitted.
      reason_text: Your reason
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      ok: Event rejected
      back: Moderation
      title: Add a moderation note
      event: Events to moderate
      sendByMailWrap: "<p>Demand for complementary informations:</p>
      ok: The note was added, thanks!
      save: Submit
      ok: Save
      ko: Moderation
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      title: Events and organisations map
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      title: Authentication
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      title: Find your %{entity}!
      label: Search
      helper: You can search an organisation by name, tag, description or city
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      title: Organisations
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      new: Add an organisation
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      view: View organisation
      edit: Edit organisation
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      links: See also
      infos: Informations
      future: Coming
      past: In the past
        one: one event
        other: "%{count} events"
      title: Organisation
      preview: Preview
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      ok: Organisation has been submitted to moderation
      preview: Preview
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      forbidden: You are not authorised to modify this organisation
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      ok: Organisation has been updated
      address_helper_html: The address and city generate a
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
        [<em class='fa fa-map'></em> map]({:target="_blank"}
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
        displayed above the description
      url_helper: Link to the organisation's website
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      feed_helper: Direct link to a web feed, RSS or atom
      contact_helper: Contact's email address, obfuscated so that spammers
        won't understand it
      submitter_helper: Submitter's email address. It will only be used by the
        moderators to contact the person who proposed the organisation, to
        inform about her acceptation or rejection. If this address is
        present, this organisation will only be editable by the submitter, who
        will receive a secret edition link...
      tags_helper: Separated with spaces, contain letters, numbers and hyphens
      visualise: Visualise
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      title: Organisation moderation
      ok: Yes
      ko: Moderation
      ok: Organisation accepted
      title: Delete organisation
      already_moderated: 'Organisation already moderated: this will delete it'
      confirm: Do you confirm this event cancellation?
      preview: Organisation
      ok: Yes
      ko: No
      ok: Organisation was deleted
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      title: Agenda du Libre for week %{week} of the year %{year}
      week: Week of %{count} events (%{count_by_country}).
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé

        title: Authentication
        sign_in: Identify

      subject: "Your event: '%{subject}' is waiting for moderation"
      body: "Your event titled '%{subject}',
\nwhich will take place on the '%{start_time}' has been recorded.
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
\nThe moderation team will take charge of it very soon.
\nMeanwhile, and later if your event is accepted, you can edit it at the
\nfollowing address:"
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      delete_link: "and you can cancel it using the address:"
      signature: Thanks for your participation!
      subject: "Event '%{subject}' edition"
      body: "Event '%{subject}' has been modified.
      submitter: the submitter
      signature: Have a good day
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      subject: "Event '%{subject}' moderated"
      body: "The event you submitted was moderated by %{moderator}. It is now
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      edit_link: "You can modify this event later to add details at the
      delete_link: "You can can also cancel it at the address:"
        one: Another event was genereated, here are the edition and cancellation links
        other: "%{count} other events were generated, here are the edition and cancellation links"
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      reminder: "Pour rappel, l'événement:"
      signature: Thank you for your contribution and see you soon!
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      subject: "Event '%{subject}' refused"
      body: You have submitted the following event, and we thank you for this
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      reclamation: For any reclamation, don't hesitate to contact the
        moderation team.
      reminder: "Reminder, here is your event's content:"
      signature: With all our thanks for your contribution
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      subject: "New event to moderate: '%{subject}'"
      body: A new event is to be moderated on
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      subject: "Event '%{subject}' edition"
      body: "Event '%{subject}' has been modified by
      submitter: the submitter
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      subject: "Event '%{subject}' moderated"
      body: The event has been moderated by %{author}.
      reminder: "The organisation:"
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      access: "You can consult it here:"
      signature: Thanks for your contribution!
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      subject: "Event '%{subject}' refused"
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      body: "The event '%{subject}' was rejected by %{author} for the following
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      reminder: "The event:"
      signature: Thank you for your contribution
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      subject: "Demand for more information on event '%{subject}'"
      body: "We have received your event proposal '%{subject}',
\nit is relevant. Nonetheless, before acceptation we need some complementary
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      edit_link: "We invite you to directly add these informations to the
\nevent at the following address:"
      signature: Thank you for your contribution
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      subject: "A note was added to event '%{subject}'"
      body: "A comment was added to '%{subject}':"
      signature: Thank you for your contribution
      subject: Organisation '%{subject}' is awaiting moderation
      body: "Organisation titled '%{subject}' has been recorded.
\nThe moderation team will take charge of it very soon.
\nMeanwhile, and later if this organisation is accepted, you can edit it at the
\nfollowing address:"
      delete_link: "and you can delete it using the address:"
      signature: Thank you for your contribution and see you soon!
      subject: "Organisation '%{subject}' modified"
      body: "Organisation '%{subject}' has been modified by %{author}.
      submitter: the submitter
      access: "You can consult it here:"
      signature: Have a good day!
      subject: "Organisation '%{subject}' moderated"
      body: The organisation has been moderated by %{author}.
      access: "You can consult it here:"
      signature: Thanks for your contribution!
      subject: Organisation '%{subject}' deleted
      body: You submitted the following organisation, and we thank you for this
      reclamation: For any reclamation, don't hesitate to contact the
        moderation team.
      reminder: "Reminder, here is your organisation's content:"
      signature: With all our thanks for your contribution
      subject: "New organisation to moderate: '%{subject}'"
      body: A new organisation is to be moderated on
      signature: Thank you!
      subject: "Organisation '%{subject}' edition"
      body: "Organisation '%{subject}' has been modified by %{author}.
      submitter: the submitter
      signature: Have a good day
      subject: "Organisation '%{subject}' moderated"
      body: The organisation has been moderated by %{author}.
      reminder: "The organisation:"
      access: "You can consult it here:"
      signature: Thanks for your contribution!
      subject: "Organisation '%{subject}' refused"
      body: "Organisation '%{subject}' was rejected by %{author} for the
      reminder: "The organisation:"
      signature: Thank you for your contribution

      title: Versions
      create_html: <em class='fa fa-plus-circle'></em>
      update_html: <em class='fa fa-exchange-alt'></em>
      destroy_html: <em class='fa fa-trash-alt'></em>
      title: Advanced filtering
      helper: Choose one or more filters to display events/orgas or integrate
        them in another website
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      past_helper: Also include past events in RSS feed, map and geojson
      period_year_helper: To define the digest week/year
      period_week: Week
      near_location: Near
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      near_location_helper: City or place
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      near_distance_helper: from city or place
      region: Region
      tag: Tag
      iframe: Borderless
echarp's avatar
echarp a validé
      iframe_helper: Remove header and footer, for integration in an iframe
      events: Agenda
      map: Map
      geojson: GeoJSON
      json: JSON
      rss: RSS
      ics: iCal
      xml: XML
      digest: Abstract
      orgas: Orgas