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Cleaning up code

parent 3cbbad93
Aucune branche associée trouvée
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# Resume of all events over a period of time
# A digest of all events over a period of time
class DigestsController < ApplicationController
has_scope :moderated, default: nil, allow_blank: true
has_scope :region, :locality, :tag
has_scope :period, allow_blank: true,
type: :hash, using: [:year, :week],
......@@ -22,6 +23,6 @@ class DigestsController < ApplicationController
def set_events
@week ||= + 7.days
@events = apply_scopes Event.moderated
@events = apply_scopes Event
......@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
after_update EventCallbacks
after_destroy EventCallbacks
scope :moderated, -> { where moderated: true }
scope :unmoderated, -> { where moderated: false }
scope :moderated, ->(*) { where moderated: true }
scope :unmoderated, ->(*) { where moderated: false }
scope :last_year, -> { where '? <= end_time', 1.year.ago }
scope :past, -> { where 'start_time <= ?', }
scope :future, -> { where '? <= end_time', }
......@@ -14,16 +14,17 @@
- @events.sort_by(&:start_time).each do |event|
- @event = event
\## [#{}] [#{event.title}](#{event_url event}) - #{display_date}
- lines = strip_tags(@event.description).split(/\r\n/).reject(&:blank?)
[#{}] [#{event.title}](#{event_url event}) - #{display_date event}
- lines = strip_tags(event.description).split(/\r\n/).reject(&:blank?)
- lines[0..2].each do |p|
= p
* #{[@event.place_name, event.full_address].compact.join ', '}
* #{Event.human_attribute_name :url}: #{link_to @event.url, @event.url}
* #{[event.place_name, event.full_address].compact.join ', '}
* #{Event.human_attribute_name :url}: #{link_to event.url, event.url}
* #{Event.human_attribute_name :tags}:
#{@event.tags.split.collect { |tag| "[#{tag}](#{tag_url tag})" }.join ', '}
#{event.tags.split.collect { |tag| "[#{tag}](#{tag_url tag})" }.join ', '}
%h1= title
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