The privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all, open source social network.
Preparing your system
## Preparing your system
In order to run Diaspora for development, there are a few external dependencies in getting your environment set up:
-[Ruby]( - The Ruby programming language. __(We're using 1.8. Comes preinstalled on Mac OS X.)__
-[Ruby]( - The Ruby programming language. (We're using 1.8. Comes preinstalled on Mac OS X.)
-[MongoDB]( - A snappy noSQL database.
-[OpenSSL]( - An encryption implementation. (Comes preinstalled on Mac OS X and later versions of Ubuntu.)
-[ImageMagick]( - An Image processing library used to resize uploaded photos.
@@ -18,40 +15,36 @@ In order to run Diaspora for development, there are a few external dependencies
We suggest using a package management system to download these dependencies. Trust us, it's going to make your life a lot easier. If you're using Mac OS X, you can use [homebrew](; and if you're using Debian, just use Synaptic (it comes pre-installed).
After you have Ruby installed on your system, you will need to get Bundler.
After you have Ruby installed on your system, you will need to get Rubygems, then install Bundler:
-[RubyGems]( - Source for Ruby gems.
-[Bundler]( - Gem management tool for Ruby projects.
Getting Diaspora
## Getting Diaspora
To download Diaspora, you will want to clone it from the official github repository [here]( If you have never used github before, their [help desk]( has a pretty awesome guide on getting setup[.](
Running Diaspora
## Running Diaspora
After installing the above, run the following command from where mongo is installed to start mongo.
sudo mongod
### Start Mongo
After installing the above, run `sudo mongod` from where mongo is installed to start mongo.
Diaspora will **not run** unless mongo is running. Mongo will not run by default, and will need to be started every time you wish to use or run the test suite for Diaspora.
In order to start the app server for the first time, bundler needs to grab Diaspora's gem depencencies. To allow this, run the following command from Diaspora's root directory.
bundle install
### Install required gems
In order to start the app server for the first time, bundler needs to grab Diaspora's gem depencencies. To allow this, run `bundle install` from Diaspora's root directory.
It is important to run a bundle install every so often, in the event of a new gem dependency. We will make sure to make an announcement in the event of a gem change.
Once mongo is running and bundler has finished, run:
bundle exec thin start
This will start the app server in development mode.
### Run the app server
Once mongo is running and bundler has finished, run `bundle exec thin start`. This will start the app server in development mode.
Diaspora's test suite uses [rspec](, a behavior driven testing framework. In order to run the tests, run the following command:
bundle exec rspec spec
### Testing
Diaspora's test suite uses [rspec](, a behavior driven testing framework. In order to run the tests, run `bundle exec rspec spec`.
Getting Help
## Getting Help
There are multiple outlets of ongoing discussion on the development of Diaspora.
-[Diaspora Developer Google Group](
@@ -61,8 +54,7 @@ There are multiple outlets of ongoing discussion on the development of Diaspora.
More general info and updates about the project can be found on our [blog](, [twitter]( Also, be sure to join the official [mailing list](http://
## License
Copyright 2010 Diaspora Inc.
Diaspora is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
@@ -71,4 +63,3 @@ Diaspora is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARR
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Diaspora. If not, see <>.