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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. avr. 11, 2012
    • Steven Hancock's avatar
      bootstrap-sass · 021cc994
      Steven Hancock a rédigé
      Upgrade our current Bootstrap 1 and 2 dependencies to use Bootstrap 2.0.2
      from the bootstrap-sass gem.
      I had to modify layouts/application to get the stream page to render properly,
      looks like a slight conflict between Bootstrap and Blueprint grid systems, with
      .span-24 instead of .row I was seeing the whole right bar dropped to the bottom
      of the page below the left bar.
      I also modified two other templates since Bootstrap 2.0.2 includes a "badge"
      class that was making our navbar badges look funny. :)
    • Maxwell Salzberg's avatar
      update jasmine and move it to the test/development group · 37c3c3a8
      Maxwell Salzberg a rédigé
      move jasmine to development and test env, update it
  2. avr. 10, 2012
  3. avr. 09, 2012
  4. avr. 08, 2012
  5. avr. 07, 2012
  6. avr. 06, 2012
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