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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. avr. 11, 2015
  2. mars 25, 2015
  3. mars 14, 2015
  4. mars 02, 2015
  5. mars 01, 2015
  6. fév. 27, 2015
  7. jan. 24, 2015
  8. déc. 08, 2014
  9. déc. 04, 2014
  10. déc. 03, 2014
  11. déc. 01, 2014
  12. nov. 16, 2014
  13. oct. 10, 2014
  14. oct. 01, 2014
  15. sept. 17, 2014
  16. sept. 16, 2014
  17. août 27, 2014
  18. août 23, 2014
  19. août 19, 2014
    • op48's avatar
      Allow users to delete own photos from gallery · 844fe9d6
      op48 a rédigé
      Added delete label to photos in gallery
      added an event to delete photos of current user
      Added css for hiding/revealing the delete label
      Included the photo stylesheet
      Added cucumber test for deleting your own photos
      Removed wip
  20. avr. 22, 2014
  21. avr. 21, 2014
  22. avr. 11, 2014
  23. avr. 07, 2014
  24. fév. 23, 2014
  25. jan. 25, 2014
    • Jonne Haß's avatar
      Make toggle aspect call synchronous and bump capybaras wait timeout · 8b807192
      Jonne Haß a rédigé
      in features/desktop/aspect_navigation.feature:18 we quickly leave the page
      before waiting for the request to finish. By making the HTTP call
      synchronous we wait for it to finish before we reflect the change in the DOM,
      thus giving Capybara a chance to wait for it. Also let Capybara wait longer.
      This should random failures of the aforementioned cuke rarer.
  26. jan. 16, 2014
    • Florian Staudacher's avatar
      replace vendored backbone.js/underscore.js with 'backbone-on-rails' gem · 1924c40d
      Florian Staudacher a rédigé
      - updates underscore to 1.5.2 and backbone to 1.1.0
      backbone had some breaking changes:
      - fix url/urlRoot handling in models & collections
      - options are no longer attached to the view by default
      - collections reset when 'fetch' is called, tell it to keep the existing
      other changes:
      - fix some events triggering multiple times in connection with deleting
        a model
      - use document fragments instead of an element array for stream entries
      - adapt jasmine and cucumber specs to the changed code
        * no longer test the backbone router as part of our code
        * jasmine factory already returns model instances, no need to wrap
          that again
  27. déc. 04, 2013
  28. sept. 24, 2013
  29. sept. 14, 2013
  30. août 27, 2013
  31. août 22, 2013
  32. août 19, 2013
  33. août 13, 2013
Chargement en cours