- nov. 22, 2010
danielvincent a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
Sarah Mei a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
photo show links to original post and siblings. status message shows all photos associated with it. youtube player makes http/s call instead of just http.
danielvincent a rédigé
button for adding photos works again. pulled _aspect_nav into _header. fixed all but one cucumber test.
danielvincent a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
user can now remove contact from aspects on contact's profile page. a contact's posts are retained in a given aspect reflecting the duration of said contact's inclusion.
maxwell a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
aspect#show does not display search for contacts if user does not have any. aspect#index displays search box where all contact pictures go if user does not haveany contacts.
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
maxwell a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
a search yielding exactly one person will redirect to that person's page. hotkey ctrl+f triggers focus on search box.
danielvincent a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
danielvincent a rédigé
- nov. 21, 2010