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  1. mai 03, 2017
    • Benjamin Neff's avatar
      Initialize timeago only after language is set · 9e36f020
      Benjamin Neff a rédigé
      closes #7419
      Non vérifiée
    • cmrd Senya's avatar
      bump rails-timeago · 87ed561d
      cmrd Senya a rédigé
      Here we also set autoDispose to false. This is an option that was introduced
      sometime after our last bump. Default is true and it disposes timeago object
      if it is not in DOM. But that is the way we initialize timeago objects, therefore
      if we have autoDispose=true then they will be disposed before they inserted in DOM.
      So by using autoDispose=false we enforce previous behavior that worked fine for us.
      Non vérifiée
  2. avr. 26, 2017
  3. avr. 07, 2017
  4. avr. 06, 2017
  5. mars 28, 2017
  6. mars 27, 2017
  7. mars 26, 2017
  8. mars 25, 2017
  9. mars 21, 2017
  10. mars 17, 2017
  11. mars 06, 2017
  12. mars 04, 2017
  13. fév. 19, 2017
  14. fév. 18, 2017
  15. fév. 14, 2017
  16. fév. 13, 2017
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