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  1. nov. 23, 2016
  2. août 18, 2016
    • Denis Hovart's avatar
      6840 : meta tags update (#6998) · bcace2de
      Denis Hovart a rédigé
      * Adds a new metadata helper and methods to PostPresenter to have metas on post pages.
      * Adds tests to post controller to check correctness of metas
      * Add methods to PersonPresenter to have metas on profile pages
      * Correct meta data helper test
      * Update PersonPresenter, add test to PeopleController
      * Creates TagPresenter. Display tag metas on tag index page
      * Updata meta data helper spec
      * Not displaying bio as the description meta on profile page for now. Privacy concerns to be cleared.
      * Set meta info as hashes in presenters
      * Move original hardcoded metas info to config/defaults.yml
      * metas_tags include by default the general metas, update views
      * Update code style, clean views
      * Renames TagPresenter StreamTagPresenter, updates TagController spec
      * Add a default_metas entry to diaspora.yml.example
      * Align metas hash in presenters, refactor meta data helper
      * Use bio as description meta if user has a public profile
      * Rename StreamTagPresenter to TagStreamPresenter
  3. mars 07, 2016
    • Benjamin Neff's avatar
      refactoring PostService · d94eae0d
      Benjamin Neff a rédigé
      * move presenters back to controllers, this is view-logic
      * use PostService in CommentService
      * remove iframe route, this is not used anymore
      * id/guid limit at 16 chars, hex(8) is 16 chars long
  4. juin 04, 2015
    • Augier's avatar
      Port to Bootstrap 3 · 207b6c61
      Augier a rédigé
      correcting images display on stream sidebar
      Corrections on profile page
  5. août 06, 2014
  6. mars 06, 2013
  7. sept. 23, 2012
  8. mars 28, 2012
    • Steven Hancock's avatar
      Move Javascript to the asset pipeline · 1aa0b15c
      Steven Hancock a rédigé
      * Move all Diaspora-specific javascripts to app/assets/javascripts
      * Move all vendored javascripts to vendor/assets/javascripts
      * Add the appropriate Sprockets require directives to make sure
        everything gets included in the right order
      * Remove Jammit dependencies
      * Fix all templates that were using Jammit's include_javascripts helper
      * Add handlebars_assets gem for compiling Handlebars templates
      * Move all Handlebars templates to app/assets/templates and rename
        from .handlebars to .jst.hbs (this is to keep them in the same
        global JST namespace that they were in under Jammit)
      * Add public/assets to .gitignore since these files can and should
        be re-generated by Heroku or Capistrano during each deploy
      * Fix a few Handlebars templates that were looking for images in the
        wrong location (I'm sure there are others, but it's late)
      * Configure application.rb to precompile all javascript and css assets
        that were compiled by Jammit in the Rails 3.0 code
  9. mars 27, 2012
  10. fév. 21, 2012
  11. jan. 13, 2012
  12. jan. 07, 2012
  13. oct. 16, 2011
  14. oct. 05, 2011
    • maxwell's avatar
      wip · eef054dc
      maxwell a rédigé
  15. oct. 03, 2011
  16. sept. 28, 2011
  17. sept. 14, 2011
  18. août 30, 2011
Chargement en cours