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    ; If you want to change some of these default values, the best practise is to override
    ; them in your configuration file in config/config.ini.php. If you directly edit this file,
    ; you will lose your changes when you upgrade Piwik.
    ; For example if you want to override action_title_category_delimiter,
    ; edit config/config.ini.php and add the following:
    ; [General]
    ; action_title_category_delimiter = "-"
    ; WARNING - YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY - Edit config.ini.php instead.
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    host =
    username =
    password =
    dbname =
    tables_prefix =
    port = 3306
    adapter = PDO\MYSQL
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    schema = Mysql
    ; if charset is set to utf8, Piwik will ensure that it is storing its data using UTF8 charset.
    ; it will add a sql query SET at each page view.
    ; Piwik should work correctly without this setting.
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    ;charset = utf8
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    host = localhost
    username = root
    password =
    dbname = piwik_tests
    tables_prefix = piwiktests_
    port = 3306
    adapter = PDO\MYSQL
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    schema = Mysql
    ; needed in order to run tests.
    ; if Piwik is available at http://localhost/dev/piwik/ replace @REQUEST_URI@ with /dev/piwik/
    ; note: the REQUEST_URI should not contain "plugins" or "tests" in the PATH
    request_uri = "@REQUEST_URI@"
    ; access key and secret as listed in AWS -> IAM -> Users
    aws_accesskey = ""
    aws_secret = ""
    ; key pair name as listed in AWS -> EC2 -> Key Pairs. Key name should be different per user.
    aws_keyname = ""
    ; PEM file can be downloaded after creating a new key pair in AWS -> EC2 -> Key Pairs
    aws_pem_file = "<path to pem file>"
    aws_securitygroups[] = "default"
    aws_region = "us-east-1"
    Thomas Steur's avatar
    Thomas Steur a validé
    aws_ami = "ami-ac24bac4"
    aws_instance_type = "c3.large"
    ; possible values for log: screen, database, file
    log_writers[] = screen
    ; log level, everything logged w/ this level or one of greater severity
    ; will be logged. everything else will be ignored. possible values are:
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    ; if set to 1, only requests done in CLI mode (eg. the ./console core:archive cron run) will be logged
    ; NOTE: log_only_when_debug_parameter will also be checked for
    log_only_when_cli = 0
    ; if set to 1, only requests with "&debug" parameter will be logged
    ; NOTE: log_only_when_cli will also be checked for
    log_only_when_debug_parameter = 0
    ; if configured to log in a file, log entries will be made to this file
    logger_file_path = tmp/logs/piwik.log
    ; if set to 1, the archiving process will always be triggered, even if the archive has already been computed
    ; this is useful when making changes to the archiving code so we can force the archiving process
    always_archive_data_period = 0;
    always_archive_data_day = 0;
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; Force archiving Custom date range (without re-archiving sub-periods used to process this date range)
    always_archive_data_range = 0;
    ; if set to 1, all the SQL queries will be recorded by the profiler
    ; and a profiling summary will be printed at the end of the request
    ; NOTE: you must also set [log] log_writers[] = "screen" to enable the profiler to print on screen
    ; if set to > 0, a Piwik tracking code will be included in the Piwik UI footer and will track visits, pages, etc.
    ; data will be stored for idSite = enable_measure_piwik_usage_in_idsite
    ; this is useful for Piwik developers as an easy way to create data in their local Piwik
    enable_measure_piwik_usage_in_idsite = 0
    ; If set to 1, all requests to piwik.php will be forced to be 'new visitors'
    tracker_always_new_visitor = 0
    ; Allow automatic upgrades to Beta or RC releases
    allow_upgrades_to_beta = 0
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    ; When set to 1, standalone plugins (those with their own git repositories)
    ; will be loaded when executing tests.
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    enable_load_standalone_plugins_during_tests = 0
    ; Enables the development mode where we avoid most caching to make sure code changes will be directly applied as
    ; some caches are only invalidated after an update otherwise. When enabled it'll also performs some validation checks.
    ; For instance if you register a method in a widget we will verify whether the method actually exists and is public.
    ; If not, we will show you a helpful warning to make it easy to find simple typos etc.
    enabled = 0
    ; if set to 1, javascript files will be included individually and neither merged nor minified.
    ; this option must be set to 1 when adding, removing or modifying javascript files
    disable_merged_assets = 0
    ; the following settings control whether Unique Visitors `nb_uniq_visitors` and Unique users `nb_users` will be processed for different period types.
    ; year and range periods are disabled by default, to ensure optimal performance for high traffic Piwik instances
    ; if you set it to 1 and want the Unique Visitors to be re-processed for reports in the past, drop all piwik_archive_* tables
    ; it is recommended to always enable Unique Visitors and Unique Users processing for 'day' periods
    enable_processing_unique_visitors_day = 1
    enable_processing_unique_visitors_week = 1
    enable_processing_unique_visitors_month = 1
    enable_processing_unique_visitors_year = 0
    enable_processing_unique_visitors_range = 0
    ; controls whether Unique Visitors will be processed for groups of websites. these metrics describe the number
    ; of unique visitors across the entire set of websites, so if a visitor visited two websites in the group, she
    ; would still only be counted as one. only relevant when using plugins that group sites together
    enable_processing_unique_visitors_multiple_sites = 0
    ; The list of periods that are available in the Piwik calendar
    ; Example use case: custom date range requests are processed in real time,
    ; so they may take a few minutes on very high traffic website: you may remove "range" below to disable this period
    enabled_periods_UI = "day,week,month,year,range"
    enabled_periods_API = "day,week,month,year,range"
    ; when set to 1, all requests to Piwik will return a maintenance message without connecting to the DB
    ; this is useful when upgrading using the shell command, to prevent other users from accessing the UI while Upgrade is in progress
    maintenance_mode = 0
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; character used to automatically create categories in the Actions > Pages, Outlinks and Downloads reports
    ; for example a URL like "" will create
    ; the page first-post in the subcategory development which belongs to the blog category
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    action_url_category_delimiter = /
    ; similar to above, but this delimiter is only used for page titles in the Actions > Page titles report
    action_title_category_delimiter = /
    ; the maximum url category depth to track. if this is set to 2, then a url such as
    ; "" would be treated as "".
    ; this setting is used mainly to limit the amount of data that is stored by Piwik.
    action_category_level_limit = 10
    clearcode's avatar
    clearcode a validé
    ; minimum number of websites to run autocompleter
    autocomplete_min_sites = 5
    ; maximum number of websites showed in search results in autocompleter
    site_selector_max_sites = 15
    clearcode's avatar
    clearcode a validé
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; if set to 1, shows sparklines (evolution graph) in 'All Websites' report (MultiSites plugin)
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
    show_multisites_sparklines = 1
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; number of websites to display per page in the All Websites dashboard
    all_websites_website_per_page = 50
    ; if set to 0, the anonymous user will not be able to use the 'segments' parameter in the API request
    ; this is useful to prevent full DB access to the anonymous user, or to limit performance usage
    anonymous_user_enable_use_segments_API = 1
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; if browser trigger archiving is disabled, API requests with a &segment= parameter will still trigger archiving.
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    ; You can force the browser archiving to be disabled in most cases by setting this setting to 1
    JulienMoumne's avatar
    JulienMoumne a validé
    ; The only time that the browser will still trigger archiving is when requesting a custom date range that is not pre-processed yet
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    browser_archiving_disabled_enforce = 0
    ; By default, users can create Segments which are to be processed in Real-time.
    ; Setting this to 0 will force all newly created Custom Segments to be "Pre-processed (faster, requires archive.php cron)"
    ; This can be useful if you want to prevent users from adding much load on the server.
    ; Notes:
    ;  * any existing Segment set to "processed in Real time", will still be set to Real-time.
    ;    this will only affect custom segments added or modified after this setting is changed.
    ;  * when set to 0 then any user with at least 'view' access will be able to create pre-processed segments.
    enable_create_realtime_segments = 1
    ; Whether to enable the "Suggest values for segment" in the Segment Editor panel.
    ; Set this to 0 in case your Piwik database is very big, and suggested values may not appear in time
    enable_segment_suggested_values = 1
    ; By default, any user with a "view" access for a website can create segment assigned to this website.
    ; Set this to "admin" or "superuser" to require that users should have at least this access to create new segments.
    ; Note: anonymous user (even if it has view access) is not allowed to create or edit segment.
    ; Possible values are "view", "admin", "superuser"
    adding_segment_requires_access = "view"
    ; Whether it is allowed for users to add segments that affect all websites or not. If there are many websites
    ; this admin option can be used to prevent users from performing an action that will have a major impact
    ; on Piwik performance.
    allow_adding_segments_for_all_websites = 1
    ; this action name is used when the URL ends with a slash /
    ; it is useful to have an actual string to write in the UI
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    action_default_name = index
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; if you want all your users to use Piwik in only one language, disable the LanguagesManager
    ; plugin, and set this default_language (users won't see the language drop down)
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    default_language = en
    ; default number of elements in the datatable
    ; Each datatable report has a Row Limit selector at the bottom right.
    ; By default you can select from 5 to 500 rows. You may customise the values below:
    datatable_row_limits = "5,10,25,50,100,250,500"
    ; default number of rows returned in API responses
    ; this value is overwritten by the '# Rows to display' selector.
    ; if set to -1, a click on 'Export as' will export all rows independently of the current '# Rows to display'.
    ; When period=range, below the datatables, when user clicks on "export", the data will be aggregate of the range.
    ; Here you can specify the comma separated list of formats for which the data will be exported aggregated by day
    ; (ie. there will be a new "date" column). For example set to: "rss,tsv,csv"
    datatable_export_range_as_day = "rss"
    ; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "User Settings".
    ; The date and period loaded by Piwik uses the defaults below. Possible values: yesterday, today.
    default_day = yesterday
    ; Possible values: day, week, month, year.
    default_period = day
    ; Time in seconds after which an archive will be computed again. This setting is used only for today's statistics.
    ; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "General Settings".
    ; This setting is only used if it hasn't been overriden via the UI yet, or if enable_general_settings_admin=0
    time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated = 150
    ; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "General Settings".
    ; The default value is to allow browsers to trigger the Piwik archiving process.
    ; This setting is only used if it hasn't been overriden via the UI yet, or if enable_general_settings_admin=0
    ; By default Piwik runs OPTIMIZE TABLE SQL queries to free spaces after deleting some data.
    ; If your Piwik tracks millions of pages, the OPTIMIZE TABLE queries might run for hours (seen in "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST \g")
    ; so you can disable these special queries here:
    enable_sql_optimize_queries = 1
    ; MySQL minimum required version
    ; note: timezone support added in 4.1.3
    minimum_mysql_version = 4.1
    ; PostgreSQL minimum required version
    minimum_pgsql_version = 8.3
    ; Minimum adviced memory limit in php.ini file (see memory_limit value)
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    minimum_memory_limit = 128
    ; Minimum memory limit enforced when archived via ./console core:archive
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    minimum_memory_limit_when_archiving = 768
    ; Piwik will check that usernames and password have a minimum length, and will check that characters are "allowed"
    ; This can be disabled, if for example you wish to import an existing User database in Piwik and your rules are less restrictive
    disable_checks_usernames_attributes = 0
    ; Piwik will use the configured hash algorithm where possible.
    ; For legacy data, fallback or non-security scenarios, we use md5.
    hash_algorithm = whirlpool
    ; by default, Piwik uses PHP's built-in file-based session save handler with lock files.
    ; For clusters, use dbtable.
    session_save_handler = files
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; If set to 1, Piwik will automatically redirect all http:// requests to https://
    ; If SSL / https is not correctly configured on the server, this will break Piwik
    ; If you set this to 1, and your SSL configuration breaks later on, you can always edit this back to 0
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; it is recommended for security reasons to always use Piwik over https
    force_ssl = 0
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; login cookie name
    login_cookie_name = piwik_auth
    ; login cookie expiration (14 days)
    login_cookie_expire = 1209600
    ; The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on.
    ; Defaults to empty. See spec in
    ; email address that appears as a Sender in the password recovery email
    ; if specified, {DOMAIN} will be replaced by the current Piwik domain
    login_password_recovery_email_address = "password-recovery@{DOMAIN}"
    ; name that appears as a Sender in the password recovery email
    login_password_recovery_email_name = Piwik
    ; email address that appears as a Repy-to in the password recovery email
    ; if specified, {DOMAIN} will be replaced by the current Piwik domain
    login_password_recovery_replyto_email_address = "no-reply@{DOMAIN}"
    ; name that appears as a Reply-to in the password recovery email
    login_password_recovery_replyto_email_name = "No-reply"
    ; By default when user logs out he is redirected to Piwik "homepage" usually the Login form.
    ; Uncomment the next line to set a URL to redirect the user to after he logs out of Piwik.
    ; login_logout_url = http://...
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; Set to 1 to disable the framebuster on standard Non-widgets pages (a click-jacking countermeasure).
    ; Default is 0 (i.e., bust frames on all non Widget pages such as Login, API, Widgets, Email reports, etc.).
    enable_framed_pages = 0
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; Set to 1 to disable the framebuster on Admin pages (a click-jacking countermeasure).
    ; Default is 0 (i.e., bust frames on the Settings forms).
    enable_framed_settings = 0
    ; language cookie name for session
    language_cookie_name = piwik_lang
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; standard email address displayed when sending emails
    noreply_email_address = "noreply@{DOMAIN}"
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
    ; feedback email address;
    ; when testing, use your own email address or "nobody"
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    feedback_email_address = ""
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
    ; using to set reply_to in reports e-mail to login of report creator
    scheduled_reports_replyto_is_user_email_and_alias = 0
    ; scheduled reports truncate limit
    ; the report will be rendered with the first 23 rows and will aggregate other rows in a summary row
    ; 23 rows table fits in one portrait page
    scheduled_reports_truncate = 23
    ; during archiving, Piwik will limit the number of results recorded, for performance reasons
    ; maximum number of rows for any of the Referrers tables (keywords, search engines, campaigns, etc.)
    datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_referrers = 1000
    ; maximum number of rows for any of the Referrers subtable (search engines by keyword, keyword by campaign, etc.)
    datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_referrers = 50
    ; maximum number of rows for the Custom Variables names report
    ; Note: if the website is Ecommerce enabled, the two values below will be automatically set to 50000
    datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_custom_variables = 1000
    ; maximum number of rows for the Custom Variables values reports
    datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_custom_variables = 1000
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; maximum number of rows for any of the Actions tables (pages, downloads, outlinks)
    datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_actions = 500
    ; maximum number of rows for pages in categories (sub pages, when clicking on the + for a page category)
    ; note: should not exceed the display limit in Piwik\Actions\Controller::ACTIONS_REPORT_ROWS_DISPLAY
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    ; because each subdirectory doesn't have paging at the bottom, so all data should be displayed if possible.
    datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_actions = 100
    ; maximum number of rows for any of the Events tables (Categories, Actions, Names)
    datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_events = 500
    ; maximum number of rows for sub-tables of the Events tables (eg. for the subtables Categories>Actions or Categories>Names).
    datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_events = 100
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; maximum number of rows for other tables (Providers, User settings configurations)
    datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_standard = 500
    ; maximum number of rows to fetch from the database when archiving. if set to 0, no limit is used.
    ; this can be used to speed up the archiving process, but is only useful if you're site has a large
    ; amount of actions, referrers or custom variable name/value pairs.
    archiving_ranking_query_row_limit = 50000
    ; maximum number of actions that is shown in the visitor log for each visitor
    visitor_log_maximum_actions_per_visit = 500
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; by default, the real time Live! widget will update every 5 seconds and refresh with new visits/actions/etc.
    ; you can change the timeout so the widget refreshes more often, or not as frequently
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    live_widget_refresh_after_seconds = 5
    ; by default, the Live! real time visitor count widget will check to see how many visitors your
    ; website received in the last 3 minutes. changing this value will change the number of minutes
    ; the widget looks in.
    live_widget_visitor_count_last_minutes = 3
    ; In "All Websites" dashboard, when looking at today's reports (or a date range including today),
    ; the page will automatically refresh every 5 minutes. Set to 0 to disable automatic refresh
    multisites_refresh_after_seconds = 300
    ; Set to 1 if you're using https on your Piwik server and Piwik can't detect it,
    ; e.g., a reverse proxy using https-to-http, or a web server that doesn't
    ; set the HTTPS environment variable.
    assume_secure_protocol = 0
    ; List of proxy headers for client IP addresses
    ; CloudFlare (CF-Connecting-IP)
    ;proxy_client_headers[] = HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP
    ;proxy_client_headers[] = HTTP_CLIENT_IP
    ; de facto standard (X-Forwarded-For)
    ;proxy_client_headers[] = HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR
    ; List of proxy headers for host IP addresses
    ; de facto standard (X-Forwarded-Host)
    ;proxy_host_headers[] = HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST
    ; List of proxy IP addresses (or IP address ranges) to skip (if present in the above headers).
    ; Generally, only required if there's more than one proxy between the visitor and the backend web server.
    ; Examples:
    ;proxy_ips[] = 204.93.240.*
    ;proxy_ips[] =
    ;proxy_ips[] =
    ;proxy_ips[] =
    ; Whether to enable trusted host checking. This can be disabled if you're running Piwik
    ; on several URLs and do not wish to constantly edit the trusted host list.
    enable_trusted_host_check = 1
    ; List of trusted hosts (eg domain or subdomain names) when generating absolute URLs.
    ; Examples:
    ;trusted_hosts[] =
    ;trusted_hosts[] =
    ; List of Cross-origin resource sharing domains (eg domain or subdomain names) when generating absolute URLs.
    ; Described here:
    ; Examples:
    ;cors_domains[] =
    ;cors_domains[] =
    ; OR allow for all domains
    ;cors_domains[] = *
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    ; If you use this Piwik instance over multiple hostnames, Piwik will need to know
    ; a unique instance_id for this instance, so that Piwik can serve the right custom logo and tmp/* assets,
    ; independantly of the hostname Piwik is currently running under.
    ; instance_id =
    ; The release server is an essential part of the Piwik infrastructure/ecosystem
    ; to provide the latest software version.
    latest_version_url =
    ; The API server is an essential part of the Piwik infrastructure/ecosystem to
    ; provide services to Piwik installations, e.g., getLatestVersion and
    ; subscribeNewsletter.
    api_service_url =
    ; When the ImageGraph plugin is activated, report metadata have an additional entry : 'imageGraphUrl'.
    ; This entry can be used to request a static graph for the requested report.
    ; When requesting report metadata with $period=range, Piwik needs to translate it to multiple periods for evolution graphs.
    ; eg. $period=range&date=previous10 becomes $period=day&date=previous10. Use this setting to override the $period value.
    graphs_default_period_to_plot_when_period_range = day
    BeezyT's avatar
    BeezyT a validé
    ; The Overlay plugin shows the Top X following pages, Top X downloads and Top X outlinks which followed
    BeezyT's avatar
    BeezyT a validé
    ; a view of the current page. The value X can be set here.
    BeezyT's avatar
    BeezyT a validé
    overlay_following_pages_limit = 300
    BeezyT's avatar
    BeezyT a validé
    BeezyT's avatar
    BeezyT a validé
    ; With this option, you can disable the framed mode of the Overlay plugin. Use it if your website contains a framebuster.
    BeezyT's avatar
    BeezyT a validé
    overlay_disable_framed_mode = 0
    BeezyT's avatar
    BeezyT a validé
    ; By default we check whether the Custom logo is writable or not, before we display the Custom logo file uploader
    enable_custom_logo_check = 1
    ; If php is running in a chroot environment, when trying to import CSV files with createTableFromCSVFile(),
    ; Mysql will try to load the chrooted path (which is imcomplete). To prevent an error, here you can specify the
    ; absolute path to the chroot environment. eg. '/path/to/piwik/chrooted/'
    absolute_chroot_path =
    ; In some rare cases it may be useful to explicitely tell Piwik not to use LOAD DATA INFILE
    ; This may for example be useful when doing Mysql AWS replication
    enable_load_data_infile = 1
    ; By setting this option to 0, you can disable the Piwik marketplace. This is useful to prevent giving the Super user
    ; the access to disk and install custom PHP code (Piwik plugins).
    enable_marketplace = 1
    ; By setting this option to 0:
    ; - links to Enable/Disable/Uninstall plugins will be hidden and disabled
    ; - links to Uninstall themes will be disabled (but user can still enable/disable themes)
    ; - as well as disabling plugins admin actions (such as "Upload new plugin"), setting this to 1 will have same effect as setting enable_marketplace=1
    enable_plugins_admin = 1
    ; By setting this option to 0, you can prevent Super User from editing the Geolocation settings.
    enable_geolocation_admin = 1
    ; By setting this option to 0, the old log data and old report data features will be hidden from the UI
    ; Note: log purging and old data purging still occurs, just the Super User cannot change the settings.
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    enable_delete_old_data_settings_admin = 1
    ; By setting this option to 0, the following settings will be hidden and disabled from being set in the UI:
    ; - "Archiving Settings"
    ; - "Update settings"
    ; - "Email server settings"
    enable_general_settings_admin = 1
    ; By setting this option to 0, it will disable the "Auto update" feature
    enable_auto_update = 1
    ; By setting this option to 0, no emails will be sent in case of an available core.
    ; If set to 0 it also disables the "sent plugin update emails" feature in general and the related setting in the UI.
    enable_update_communication = 1
    ; This controls whether the pivotBy query parameter can be used with any dimension or just subtable
    ; dimensions. If set to 1, it will fetch a report with a segment for each row of the table being pivoted.
    ; At present, this is very inefficient, so it is disabled by default.
    pivot_by_filter_enable_fetch_by_segment = 0
    ; This controls the default maximum number of columns to display in a pivot table. Since a pivot table displays
    ; a table's rows as columns, the number of columns can become very large, which will affect webpage layouts.
    ; Set to -1 to specify no limit. Note: The pivotByColumnLimit query parameter can be used to override this default
    ; on a per-request basis;
    pivot_by_filter_default_column_limit = 10
    Thomas Steur's avatar
    Thomas Steur a validé
    ; Piwik uses first party cookies by default. If set to 1,
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; the visit ID cookie will be set on the Piwik server domain as well
    ; this is useful when you want to do cross websites analysis
    use_third_party_id_cookie = 0
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; If tracking does not work for you or you are stuck finding an issue, you might want to enable the tracker debug mode.
    ; Once enabled (set to 1) messages will be logged to all loggers defined in "[log] log_writers" config.
    debug = 0
    ; This setting is described in this FAQ:
    ; Note: generally this should only be set to 1 in an intranet setting, where most users have the same configuration (browsers, OS)
    ; and the same IP. If left to 0 in this setting, all visitors will be counted as one single visitor.
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; name of the cookie used to store the visitor information
    ; This is used only if use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    cookie_name = _pk_uid
    ; by default, the Piwik tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days)
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; This is used only if use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
    ; The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on.
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; Defaults to empty. See spec in
    ; This is used for the Ignore cookie, and the third party cookie if use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
    ; set to 0 if you want to stop tracking the visitors. Useful if you need to stop all the connections on the DB.
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    record_statistics = 1
    ; length of a visit in seconds. If a visitor comes back on the website visit_standard_length seconds
    ; after his last page view, it will be recorded as a new visit
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    visit_standard_length = 1800
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    ; The window to look back for a previous visit by this current visitor. Defaults to visit_standard_length.
    ; If you are looking for higher accuracy of "returning visitors" metrics, you may set this value to 86400 or more.
    ; This is especially useful when you use the Tracking API where tracking Returning Visitors often depends on this setting.
    ; The value window_look_back_for_visitor is used only if it is set to greater than visit_standard_length
    window_look_back_for_visitor = 0
    ; visitors that stay on the website and view only one page will be considered as time on site of 0 second
    ; if set to 1, Piwik attempts a "best guess" at the visitor's country of
    ; origin when the preferred language tag omits region information.
    ; The mapping is defined in core/DataFiles/LanguageToCountry.php,
    ; When the `./console core:archive` cron hasn't been setup, we still need to regularly run some maintenance tasks.
    ; Visits to the Tracker will try to trigger Scheduled Tasks (eg. scheduled PDF/HTML reports by email).
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; Scheduled tasks will only run if 'Enable Piwik Archiving from Browser' is enabled in the General Settings.
    ; Tasks run once every hour maximum, they might not run every hour if traffic is low.
    ; Set to 0 to disable Scheduled tasks completely.
    scheduled_tasks_min_interval = 3600
    ; name of the cookie to ignore visits
    ; Comma separated list of variable names that will be read to define a Campaign name, for example CPC campaign
    ; Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?piwik_campaign=Adwords-CPC' then it will be counted as a campaign referrer named 'Adwords-CPC'
    ; Includes by default the GA style campaign parameters
    campaign_var_name = "pk_cpn,pk_campaign,piwik_campaign,utm_campaign,utm_source,utm_medium"
    ; Comma separated list of variable names that will be read to track a Campaign Keyword
    ; Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?piwik_campaign=Adwords-CPC&piwik_kwd=My killer keyword' ;
    ; then it will be counted as a campaign referrer named 'Adwords-CPC' with the keyword 'My killer keyword'
    ; Includes by default the GA style campaign keyword parameter utm_term
    campaign_keyword_var_name = "pk_kwd,pk_keyword,piwik_kwd,utm_term"
    ; maximum length of a Page Title or a Page URL recorded in the table
    page_maximum_length = 1024;
    ; Tracker cache files are the simple caching layer for Tracking.
    ; TTL: Time to live for cache files, in seconds. Default to 5 minutes.
    tracker_cache_file_ttl = 300
    ; Whether Bulk tracking requests to the Tracking API requires the token_auth to be set.
    bulk_requests_require_authentication = 0
    ; Whether Bulk tracking requests will be wrapped within a DB Transaction.
    ; This greatly increases performance of Log Analytics and in general any Bulk Tracking API requests.
    bulk_requests_use_transaction = 1
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    ; Comma separated list of known Referrer Spammers, ie. bot visits that set a fake Referrer field.
    ; All Visits with a Referrer URL host set to one of these will be excluded.
    ; If you find new spam entries in Referrers>Websites, please report them here:
    mattpiwik's avatar
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    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    ; !!! Security risk: if set to 0, it would allow anyone to push data to Piwik with custom dates in the past/future and even with fake IPs!
    ; When using the Tracking API, to override either the datetime and/or the visitor IP,
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    ; token_auth with an "admin" access is required. If you set this setting to 0, the token_auth will not be required anymore.
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    tracking_requests_require_authentication = 1
    ; Reports with segmentation in API requests are processed in real time.
    ; On high traffic websites it is recommended to pre-process the data
    ; so that the analytics reports are always fast to load.
    ; You can define below the list of Segments strings
    ; for which all reports should be Archived during the cron execution
    ; All segment values MUST be URL encoded.
    ; If you define Custom Variables for your visitor, for example set the visit type
    ; delete_logs_enable - enable (1) or disable (0) delete log feature. Make sure that all archives for the given period have been processed (setup a cronjob!),
    ; otherwise you may lose tracking data.
    ; delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval - lowest possible interval between two table deletes (in days, 1|7|30). Default: 7.
    ; delete_logs_older_than - delete data older than XX (days). Default: 180
    delete_logs_enable = 0
    delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval = 7
    delete_logs_older_than = 180
    delete_logs_max_rows_per_query = 100000
    delete_reports_enable                = 0
    delete_reports_older_than            = 12
    delete_reports_keep_basic_metrics    = 1
    delete_reports_keep_day_reports      = 0
    delete_reports_keep_week_reports     = 0
    delete_reports_keep_month_reports    = 1
    delete_reports_keep_year_reports     = 1
    delete_reports_keep_range_reports    = 0
    delete_reports_keep_segment_reports  = 0
    mattpiwik's avatar
    mattpiwik a validé
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    defaultHostnameIfEmpty = ; default Email @hostname, if current host can't be read from system variables
    transport = ; smtp (using the configuration below) or empty (using built-in mail() function)
    port = ; optional; defaults to 25 when security is none or tls; 465 for ssl
    host = ; SMTP server address
    type = ; SMTP Auth type. By default: NONE. For example: LOGIN
    username = ; SMTP username
    password = ; SMTP password
    encryption = ; SMTP transport-layer encryption, either 'ssl', 'tls', or empty (i.e., none).
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    type = BASIC ; proxy type for outbound/outgoing connections; currently, only BASIC is supported
    host = ; Proxy host: the host name of your proxy server (mandatory)
    port = ; Proxy port: the port that the proxy server listens to. There is no standard default, but 80, 1080, 3128, and 8080 are popular
    username = ; Proxy username: optional; if specified, password is mandatory
    password = ; Proxy password: optional; if specified, username is mandatory
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    Plugins[] = CorePluginsAdmin
    Plugins[] = CoreAdminHome
    Plugins[] = CoreHome
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    Plugins[] = Proxy
    Plugins[] = API
    Plugins[] = ExamplePlugin
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    Plugins[] = Widgetize
    Plugins[] = Transitions
    Plugins[] = LanguagesManager
    Plugins[] = Actions
    Plugins[] = Dashboard
    Plugins[] = MultiSites
    Plugins[] = Referrers
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    Plugins[] = UserSettings
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    Plugins[] = Goals
    Plugins[] = SEO
    Plugins[] = Events
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    Plugins[] = UserCountry
    Plugins[] = VisitsSummary
    Plugins[] = VisitFrequency
    Plugins[] = VisitTime
    Plugins[] = VisitorInterest
    Plugins[] = ExampleAPI
    Plugins[] = ExampleRssWidget
    Plugins[] = Provider
    Plugins[] = Feedback
    Plugins[] = Login
    Plugins[] = UsersManager
    Plugins[] = SitesManager
    Plugins[] = Installation
    Plugins[] = CoreUpdater
    Plugins[] = CoreConsole
    Plugins[] = ScheduledReports
    mattab's avatar
    mattab a validé
    Plugins[] = UserCountryMap
    Plugins[] = Live
    Plugins[] = CustomVariables
    Plugins[] = PrivacyManager
    Plugins[] = ImageGraph
    Plugins[] = Annotations
    Plugins[] = MobileMessaging
    Plugins[] = Overlay
    Plugins[] = SegmentEditor
    Plugins[] = TestRunner
    Thomas Steur's avatar
    Thomas Steur a validé
    Plugins[] = BulkTracking
    PluginsInstalled[] = Login
    PluginsInstalled[] = CoreAdminHome
    PluginsInstalled[] = UsersManager
    PluginsInstalled[] = SitesManager
    PluginsInstalled[] = Installation
    ; Any key/value pair can be added in this section, they will be available via the REST call
    ; index.php?module=API&method=API.getSettings
    ; This can be used to expose values from Piwik, to control for example a Mobile app tracking
    SDK_batch_size = 10
    SDK_interval_value = 30
    robocoder's avatar
    robocoder a validé
    ; NOTE: do not directly edit this file! See notice at the top