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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. mai 20, 2012
  2. avr. 10, 2012
    • BeezyT's avatar
      refs #2714, refs #3073 · 3f5f1eb6
      BeezyT a rédigé
       * flat settings are passed to graph views and exports
       * csv renderer does not do flattening anymore. the new api parameters can be used instead - js and tests updated accordingly
       * aggregate rows are italic (imo, the plus logo would be misleading because it would suggest clickability)
       * disable row evolution on flat tables for performance reasons
       * minor language adjustments
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  3. déc. 07, 2011
  4. déc. 06, 2011
  5. déc. 02, 2011
  6. nov. 30, 2011
  7. nov. 22, 2011
  8. nov. 09, 2011
  9. oct. 27, 2011
  10. oct. 19, 2011
  11. oct. 14, 2011
  12. jan. 03, 2011
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      Various code cleanups and small improvements: · 956c2521
      mattpiwik a rédigé
       * Live! widget shows IP for all users except anonymous
       * Widgetize displays full URL to the widget + preview link below widget
       * Live! visitors text change from "Today" to "Last 24 hours" in preview
       * remove data_push feature introduced in r1330 + removing campaign redirect feature since they are not used
       * all errors should now display the Piwik header when applicable (or if a php error, prefixed with a sentence suggesting to submit error in piwik forums)
       * fixing bug with cookie update when a visitor manually converts the same goal in the same second
       * fixing XML output not valid in Chrome (HTML entities not valid, must use XML entities)
       * simplifying + refactoring the truncation code in datatables.js (move from JS to small smarty template - hopefully we can fix this truncation and make it nice soon)
       * removing unnecessary line breaks from translations
       * refactoring duplicate code in renderers 
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  13. nov. 04, 2010
  14. nov. 01, 2010
  15. août 20, 2010
  16. juil. 13, 2010
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      Refs #1446 · f1d8f1c1
      mattpiwik a rédigé
      Integration tests were often different simply because the internal idsubdatatable in the response was different. However. this idsubtable is really just an internal ID and it is not expected that this ID is the same across several archiving processes. Therefore integration tests will now set a special flag to remove the ID from the response, to minimize noise.
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  17. juin 11, 2010
  18. mai 25, 2010
  19. mai 13, 2010
  20. mai 05, 2010
  21. mars 31, 2010
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      Fixes #1227 · dbd2e788
      mattpiwik a rédigé
      the archive script now loops over all websites and triggers a different request for each archive, helping out with the archive memory exhausted issue (refs #766)
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  22. août 22, 2009
    • robocoder's avatar
      phpdoc cleanup: · 20cac9ad
      robocoder a rédigé
       * add @category (Piwik => 'core', Piwik_Plugins => 'plugins')
       * in core, use @package and @subpackage more consistently to group files/classes; exception is DataFiles/*, PluginsFunctions/*, and SmartyPlugins/*
       * in plugins, @package is the plugin name
       * removed '@param none' -- not a phpdoc convention
       * '@throws' and '@return void' are also not phpdoc conventions, but are widely used elsewhere, e.g., Smarty & Zend
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  23. juil. 08, 2009
  24. juil. 01, 2009
  25. juin 12, 2009
  26. juin 09, 2009
  27. mai 04, 2009
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      - ADDED search field below data tables is now using the regular expression... · 26aebfe0
      mattpiwik a rédigé
      - ADDED search field below data tables is now using the regular expression syntax. For example, a search for "google|yahoo" would match all rows containing "google" or "yahoo". All search strings containing any of the special characters from this list: . \ + * ? [ ^ ] $ ( ) { } = ! < > | must be escaped with a back slash, eg. if you want to search for keywords containing "piwik!" you would search for "piwik\!". 
      - ADDED new configuration option: default number of rows returned in API responses "API_datatable_default_limit = 50"
      - REMOVED the automatic generic filters. The limit and sort and safe decode are applied by each module when necessary.
      - removed exact match filter. Now all searches are using regular expressions syntax. Exact match can be done using ^exact search here$
      - fixed notice when natural sort on a non existing column
      - fixed CSV export for datatable_array
      - clarified code for plotting multiple lines in an evolution chart
      - FIXED #624 Added icon "save as image" below all graphs (next to the Export icon)
      - moved all JS functions into the piwikHelper static class
      - added example in ExampleUI plugin to plot only visits from google and yahoo! in 4 lines of code
      - added message when flash is disabled and graph not showing, linking to piwik faq. 
      - added expressInstall.swf feature
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  28. avr. 27, 2009
    • mattpiwik's avatar
      - API CHANGE: the API for the function Piwik_AddWidget has changed. The new... · 16aab5b2
      mattpiwik a rédigé
      - API CHANGE: the API for the function Piwik_AddWidget has changed. The new API is Piwik_AddWidget( $widgetCategory, $widgetName, $controllerName, $controllerAction, $customParameters = array()). See examples of calls in all the core Piwik plugins. This change was necessary to make widgets more modular (they now accept custom parameters).
      - API CHANGE: a small number of CSV outputs for some API calls would change following the simplification of DataTable_Simple implementation. Affected calls are VisitsSummary.get, Goals.get, VisitFrequency.get. This is due to a change in the implementation of DataTable_Simple (we simplified implementation).
      - FIXED #84 Added proper translations for all columns, in tables, and graphs.
      - FIXED #322 piwik is now using open flash chart 2
      - FIXED #126 all dates should be correctly displayed in all graphs. For example, evolution graph for days would show, on the X axis "Mon 29", "Wed 31". For months it would show "Aug 2009", etc. 
      - ADDED: when hovering any of the sparklines, the UI makes it clear that clicking will refresh the evolution graph. This feature was in Piwik for months, and even Google Analytics implemented this UI feature after Piwik. However in Piwik it wasn't clear to the user that the sparklines were clickable.
      - ADDED: now widgets can be created with custom parameters. This makes it possible to create a widget that calls a controller->action with other custom parameters, this is used in Piwik to draw an evolution graph (module=VisitsSummary & action=getEvolutionGraph) for a given metric (&columns[]=nb_visits). These custom parameters are automatically forwarded to the sparkline url, the flash graph when clicked on sparkline, etc.
      - The widget layout is now saved as a JSON string rather than a custom data structure. The dashboard code should be able to read & restore most of the layouts from the old format (except the evolution graphs widgets). Simplified the Dashboard.js, widgetMenu.js, cleaned up what was a messy code.
      - Added sentence in Widgetize to let users know they can easily export the Piwik dashboard in an iframe.
      - Changed the way translations used in Javascript are loaded: all translations strings finishing by _js will be loaded to be used in the templates when calling {loadJavascriptTranslations plugins='YOUR_PLUGIN_NAME'}
      - Moved all templates in plugins under plugins/$PLUGIN/templates/
      - 'Khtml (Konqueror, Safari)' now displayed as 'KHTML (Safari, Chrome)'
      git-svn-id: 59fd770c-687e-43c8-a1e3-f5a4ff64c105
  29. mars 23, 2009
  30. mars 02, 2009
  31. jan. 14, 2009
  32. déc. 17, 2008
  33. août 04, 2008
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