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Extraits de code Groupes Projets
  1. oct. 21, 2013
  2. oct. 18, 2013
  3. oct. 15, 2013
  4. oct. 14, 2013
  5. oct. 09, 2013
  6. oct. 08, 2013
  7. oct. 07, 2013
  8. sept. 12, 2013
  9. sept. 02, 2013
  10. août 31, 2013
  11. août 03, 2013
  12. août 02, 2013
  13. juil. 31, 2013
  14. juil. 28, 2013
  15. juil. 21, 2013
  16. juil. 20, 2013
  17. juil. 13, 2013
  18. juil. 06, 2013
  19. juil. 02, 2013
  20. juin 28, 2013
  21. juin 16, 2013
  22. mai 31, 2013
    • Benaka Moorthi's avatar
      Refactored archive data querying code. Removed tree-like data structure from... · 6abbacb9
      Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
      Refactored archive data querying code. Removed tree-like data structure from Piwik_Archive, added memory optimizations for archiving (not storing archive processing instances), added optimization for querying data indexed by site + date, added ability to select multiple blobs/metrics at once (from different plugins), added optimization to Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Period where numerics/records are selected all at once instead of one at a time.
      Also added data access layer object for archive querying code, allowed anonymous function objects to be used as DataTable filters, and removed 'timestamp' DataTable metadata.
  23. mai 08, 2013
  24. avr. 20, 2013
    • mattab's avatar
      Fixes #3904: · 35f975ac
      mattab a rédigé
       * new segment 'siteSearchKeyword'
      Fixes #3903, #3905:
       * adding few fields in the Live API output to accomodate getSuggestedValuesForSegment
       * renamed other fields for consistency with segment names
      Fixes #3906:
       * new API: getSuggestedValuesForSegment which returns top suggested values for a particular segment. It uses the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API to fetch the most recently used values, and will show the most used values first
       * Adding tests for everything. The test case actually generates data for all segments so that VisitsSummary.get returns some data for each of the 47 segments being tested returns some data.
        How it works:
        * generate extended data in fixture
        * Tests (1) call getSuggestedValuesForSegment for each segment, check there is some data returned for each segment
        * get the first suggested value from the list,
        * Tests (2) call VisitsSummary.get with this segment value, eg. countryCode==ru.
          * I worked this way for all 47 segments until all tests had some data ==> now we know that all segments have been tested and that the auto suggest works for all segments. TDD FTW!
  25. avr. 17, 2013
  26. avr. 10, 2013
    • Timo Besenreuther's avatar
      refs #1700 time tracking · 1d91fd2d
      Timo Besenreuther a rédigé
       * bug fix: min/max generation time didn't work in nested data tables because the column aggregation operations were not passed to sub tables
       * ui improvement: very small values were shown as 0s. use three decimal places if value is smaller than 10ms (e.g. display 2ms as 0.002s instead of 0s)
  27. avr. 04, 2013
    • mattab's avatar
      Very nice commit! · f61c0196
      mattab a rédigé
      Refs #1700
      * Refactoring + adding missing parameters to other sumRow() calls
      * Fixing tests on PHP 5.4 / 5.5
  28. avr. 03, 2013
    • Timo Besenreuther's avatar
      refs #1700: new metrics min_time_generation, max_time_generation · 30f06e28
      Timo Besenreuther a rédigé
       * DataTable_Row::sumRow has a new parameter $aggregationOperations which allows treating columns as min or max (not only sum)
       * The aggregation operations can be set on any data table or passed to ArchiveProcessing_Period::archiveDataTable()
       * The Actions plugin uses the mechanism to aggregate the new metrics as min and max
       * The metrics are in the API output but not in processed reports
       * The min/max values are shown in the tooltip that appears when hovering the average generation times
       * Integration test updates
  29. avr. 02, 2013
  30. mars 31, 2013
  31. mars 27, 2013
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