- août 21, 2013
Fabian Becker a rédigé
- août 16, 2013
Fabian Becker a rédigé
Fabian Becker a rédigé
- août 15, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
- août 11, 2013
Julien Moumné a rédigé
Julien Moumné a rédigé
Julien Moumné a rédigé
- août 10, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
- août 06, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Refs #4041, added parameter to Archive::getDataTableExpanded so entire tree will not be created if not necessary.
- août 05, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Refs #4040, #4041, removed ViewDataTable::init & moved default property values for core properties to Properties class.
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Refs #4041, #4040 add new CoreVisualizations plugin and move HtmlTable, Cloud & JqplotGraph visualizations to it and improve UIIntegration test debug output.
- août 04, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Refs #4040, #4041, move visualization only view properties to separate visualizations, changed JavaScript properties to 'client side parameters' and 'overridable properties' to 'client side properties', changed keep_summary_row from a JavaScript property to a client side property, allowed visualization properties to be inherited, fixed system that allowed visualizations to set custom defaults for property values, modified behavior of datatable_css_class viewdatatable property, allow view properties to be customized in metadata based on the visualization used, and tweaks to UI Integration tests.
- août 03, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Refs #4040, #4041, move AllColumns ViewDataTable & Goals ViewDataTable logic to HtmlTable visualization class & remove those classes. Revised the way visualizations default/override view properties. Cleaned up the ViewDataTable class a bit. Added base type for datatable visualizations.
- août 02, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
Added namespaces to functions.php files in the five plugins that had one Work in progress
- août 01, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Refs #4040, #4041 removed rest of viewdatatable set/get/enable/disable property functions, did the same for all other ViewDataTable classes, moved most of ViewDataTable/HtmlTable logic to visualization instead of main class and re-add links for UI integration tests.
- juil. 31, 2013
- juil. 30, 2013
- juil. 27, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Refs #4041, modify tag cloud ViewDataTable to use _dataTable.twig w/ Visualization_Cloud as visualization..
- juil. 23, 2013
mattab a rédigé
Removed many Piwik_ functions, in Piwik 2 it is best practise to use the methods calls instead Todo: finish converting core/ classes + convert plugins/ classes to use \Piwik\Plugin namespace + fix build + Merge master
- juil. 21, 2013
- juil. 20, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
mattab a rédigé
Converting Access & Auth to namespace
- juil. 19, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Notes: - Removed colors.piwik.json loading code. No longer necessary. - UserCountryMap is the only remaining portion of Piwik that doesn't use this technique. Not yet, anyway.
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
- juil. 18, 2013
Fabian Becker a rédigé
Notice that auto refactoring has created a nested namespace. Not sure this is what we want - so we might have to edit those nested namespaces afterwards (I think they don't look so good)
Fabian Becker a rédigé
Notice that auto refactoring has created a nested namespace. Not sure this is what we want - so we might have to edit those nested namespaces afterwards (I think they don't look so good)
Fabian Becker a rédigé
Fabian Becker a rédigé
2 steps required: 1. Refactor > Move > \Piwik\Core\Config (uncheck "Create new File") 2. Refactor > Rename > Piwik_Config to Config
- juil. 17, 2013
Benaka Moorthi a rédigé
- juil. 16, 2013
Michał Gaździk a rédigé