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danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
#   Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc.  This file is
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
#   licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.  See
Raphael's avatar
Raphael a validé
#   the COPYRIGHT file.
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
# See for starting points.

  settings: "Settings"
  profile: "Profile"
  account: "Account"
  privacy_policy: "Privacy Policy"
  terms_and_conditions: "Terms and Conditions"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
  _services: "Services"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
  _photos: "photos"
  ok: "OK"
  cancel: "Cancel"
zhitomirskiyi's avatar
zhitomirskiyi a validé
  hide: "Hide"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
  ago: "%{time} ago"
  username: "Username"
  email: "Email"
  password: "Password"
  password_confirmation: "Password confirmation"
  are_you_sure_delete_account: "Are you sure you want to close your account? This can't be undone!"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
  fill_me_out: "Fill me out"
  back: "Back"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
  public: "Public"
  limited: "Limited"
  search: "Search"
  nsfw: "NSFW"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
  _home: "Home"
Dan Hansen's avatar
Dan Hansen a validé
  more: "More"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
  next: "next"
  previous: "previous"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
  _comments: "Comments"
adonix's avatar
adonix a validé
  all_aspects: "All Aspects"
zhitomirskiyi's avatar
zhitomirskiyi a validé
  no_results: "No Results Found"
  _contacts: "Contacts"

  #for reference translation, the real activerecord english transations are actually
  #in en-US, en-GB, and en-AU yml files
              invalid: "is invalid."
              taken: "is already taken."
Jordi Mallach's avatar
Jordi Mallach a validé
              invalid: "is invalid. We only allow letters, numbers, and underscores."
              taken: "is already taken."
              taken: "is already taken."
              taken: "must be unique among this user's contacts."
              taken: "is a duplicate of a pre-existing request."
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
              taken: "That good, huh?  You've already reshared that post!"
      invalid_fields: "Invalid Fields"
      correct_the_following_errors_and_try_again: "Correct the following errors and try again."

      unknown_person: "unknown person"
        unknown: "Unknown Video Title"
      diaspora_alpha: "DIASPORA* ALPHA"
    zero: "no aspects"
    one: "1 aspect"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
    two: "%{count} aspects"
    few: "%{count} aspects"
    many: "%{count} aspects"
    other: "%{count} aspects"
    contacts_visible: "Contacts in this aspect will be able to see each other."
    contacts_not_visible: "Contacts in this aspect will not be able to see each other."
      make_aspect_list_visible: "make contacts in this aspect visible to each other?"
      remove_aspect: "Delete this aspect"
      confirm_remove_aspect: "Are you sure you want to delete this aspect?"
      add_existing: "Add an existing contact"
      done: "Done"
      rename: "rename"
      aspect_list_is_visible: "aspect list is visible to others in aspect"
      aspect_list_is_not_visible: "aspect list is hidden to others in aspect"
      update: "update"
      updating: "updating"
      done_editing: "done editing"
      edit_aspect: "edit aspect"
      start_talking: "Nobody has said anything yet!"
      you_should_add_some_more_contacts: "You should add some more contacts!"
      try_adding_some_more_contacts: "You can search or invite more contacts."
      or_spotlight:  "Or you can share with %{link}"
      community_spotlight: "community spotlight"
      select_all: "Select all"
      deselect_all: "Deselect all"
Justin Thomas's avatar
Justin Thomas a validé
      view_all_community_spotlight: "See all community spotlight"
      view_all_contacts: "View all contacts"
      no_contacts: "You don't have any contacts here yet."
      manage_your_aspects: "Manage your aspects."
Gonzalo Rodriguez's avatar
Gonzalo Rodriguez a validé
      name: "Name (only visible to you)"
      create: "Create"
      success: "Your new aspect %{name} was created"
      failure: "Aspect creation failed."
      success: "%{name} was successfully removed."
      failure: "%{name} is not empty and could not be removed."
      success: "Your aspect, %{name}, has been successfully edited."
      failure: "Your aspect, %{name}, had too long name to be saved."
      failure: "didn't work %{inspect}"
      success: "Person moved to new aspect"
      error: "Error moving contact: %{inspect}"
      failure: "Failed to add contact to aspect."
      success: "Successfully added contact to aspect."
      remove: "remove"
      aspect_not_empty: "Aspect not empty"
      are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to delete this aspect?"
      family: "Family"
      work: "Work"
      acquaintances: "Acquaintances"
      friends: "Friends"
Pistos's avatar
Pistos a validé
      donate: "Donate"
      keep_us_running: "Keep %{pod} running fast and buy servers their coffee fix with a monthly donation!"
      unfollow_tag: "Stop following #%{tag}"
      handle_explanation: "This is your Diaspora ID. Like an email address, you can give this to people to reach you."
      post_a_message: "post a message >>"
      people_sharing_with_you: "People sharing with you"

      welcome_to_diaspora: "Welcome to Diaspora, %{name}!"
      introduce_yourself: "This is your stream.  Jump in and introduce yourself."
        title: "Welcome New Users"
        follow: "Follow %{link} and welcome new users to Diaspora*!"
        learn_more: "Learn more"

        here_to_help: "The Diaspora community is here!"
Maxwell Salzberg's avatar
Maxwell Salzberg a validé
        do_you: "Do you:"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        tag_question: "question"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        tag_bug: "bug"
        feature_suggestion: "... have a %{link} suggestion?"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        tag_feature: "feature"
        tutorials_wiki_and_forum: "%{tutorial} & %{wiki} & %{forum}: Community-powered tutorials, how-to, and news"
        email_feedback: "%{link} your feedback, if you prefer"
        heading: "Connect to"
        explanation: " is the first Diaspora application under development."
        learn_more: "Learn more"
        heading: "Diaspora ID"
        content_1: "Your Diaspora ID is:"
        content_2: "Give it to anyone and they'll be able to find you on Diaspora."
        heading: "Connect Services"
        content: "You can connect the following services to Diaspora:"

      stay_updated: "Stay Updated"
      stay_updated_explanation: "Your main stream is populated with all of your contacts, tags you follow, and posts from some creative members of the community."
      success: "Successfully removed person from aspect"
      failure: "Failed to remove person from aspect"
      no_membership: "Could not find the selected person in that aspect"
maxwell's avatar
maxwell a validé
    post_success: "Posted! Closing!"
    post_something: "Post something to Diaspora"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
    explanation: "Post to Diaspora from anywhere by bookmarking %{link}."
    explanation_link_text: "this link"
    zero: "no comments"
    one: "1 comment"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
    two: "%{count} comments"
    few: "%{count} comments"
    many: "%{count} comments"
    other: "%{count} comments"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
    zero: "0 reactions"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
    one: "1 reaction"
    two: "%{count} reactions"
    few: "%{count} reactions"
    many: "%{count} reactions"
    other: "%{count} reactions"

Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
    two: "%{count} contacts"
    few: "%{count} contacts"
    many: "%{count} contacts"
    other: "%{count} contacts"
maxwell's avatar
maxwell a validé
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
      failure: "Failed to create contact"
      people_sharing: "People sharing with you:"
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
      add_to_aspect: "add contacts to %{name}"
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
      add_a_new_aspect: "Add a new aspect"
      no_contacts: "Looks like you need to add some contacts!"
      no_contacts_message: "Check out %{community_spotlight}"
      no_contacts_message_with_aspect: "Check out %{community_spotlight} or %{add_to_aspect_link}"
      add_to_aspect_link: "add contacts to %{name}"
      community_spotlight: "Community Spotlight"
      my_contacts: "My Contacts"
      all_contacts: "All Contacts"
      only_sharing_with_me: "Only sharing with me"
      remove_person_from_aspect: "Remove %{person_name} from \"%{aspect_name}\""
Pistos's avatar
Pistos a validé
      many_people_are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to start a private conversation with more than %{suggested_limit} contacts? Posting to this aspect may be a better way to contact them."
      community_spotlight: "Community Spotlight"
      message_inbox: "Message Inbox"
      new_message: "New Message"
      no_conversation_selected: "no conversation selected"
      create_a_new_message: "create a new message"
      no_messages: "no messages"
      delete: "delete and block conversation"
      to: "to"
      subject: "subject"
      send: "Send"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      abandon_changes: "Abandon changes?"
Pistos's avatar
Pistos a validé
        zero: "No new messages"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        two: "%{count} new messages"
        few: "%{count} new messages"
        many: "%{count} new messages"
        other: "%{count} new messages"
      sent: "Message sent"
      fail: "Invalid message"
      fail: "Invalid message"
      success: "Conversation successfully removed"

      fullmonth_day: "%B %d"
      birthday: "%B %d"
      birthday_with_year: "%B %d %Y"

      share_what_you_want: "Share what you want, with whom you want."
      tagline_first_half: "Share what you want,"
      tagline_second_half: "with whom you want."
      already_account: "already have an account?"
      login_here: "log in here"
      choice: "Choice"
      choice_explanation: "Diaspora lets you sort your connections into groups called aspects. Unique to Diaspora, aspects ensure that your photos, stories and jokes are shared only with the people you intend."
      ownership: "Ownership"
      ownership_explanation: "You own your pictures, and you shouldn’t have to give that up just to share them. You maintain ownership of everything you share on Diaspora, giving you full control over how it's distributed."
      simplicity: "Simplicity"
      simplicity_explanation: "Diaspora makes sharing clean and easy  and this goes for privacy too. Inherently private, Diaspora doesn’t make you wade through pages of settings and options just to keep your profile secure."
      learn_about_host: "Learn about how to host your own Diaspora server."

      sent: "Invitations have been sent to: "
      rejected: "The following email addresses had problems: "
      no_more: "You have no more invitations."
      already_sent: "You already invited this person."
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
      already_contacts: "You are already connected with this person"
      own_address: "You can't send an invitation to your own address."
      language: "Language"
      invite_someone_to_join: "Invite someone to join Diaspora!"
      if_they_accept_info: "if they accept, they will be added to the aspect you invited them."
      comma_seperated_plz: "You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas."
      to: "To"
      personal_message: "Personal message"
      send_an_invitation: "Send an invitation"
      send_invitation: "Send invitation"
      aspect: "Aspect"
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
      already_invited: "The following people have not accepted your invitation:"
      check_out_diaspora: "Check out Diaspora!"
      not_found: "Invitation token not found"
      your_account_awaits: "Your account awaits!"
      accept_your_invitation: "Accept your invitation"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      profile: "Profile"
      settings: "Settings"
      logout: "Log out"
      login: "log in"
      view_all: "View all"
      recent_notifications: "Recent notifications"
      powered_by: "POWERED BY DIASPORA*"
      whats_new: "what's new?"
      public_feed: "Public Diaspora Feed for %{name}"
      your_aspects: "your aspects"
Jonne Haß's avatar
Jonne Haß a validé
      back_to_top: "Back to top"
        zero: "no likes"
        one: "%{count} like"
        two: "%{count} likes"
        few: "%{count} likes"
        many: "%{count} likes"
        other: "%{count} likes"
        zero: "no likes"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        two: "%{count} likes"
        few: "%{count} likes"
        many: "%{count} likes"
        other: "%{count} likes"
        zero: "no dislikes"
        one: "%{count} dislike"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        two: "%{count} dislikes"
        few: "%{count} dislikes"
        many: "%{count} dislikes"
        other: "%{count} dislikes"
maxwell's avatar
maxwell a validé
      zero: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
      one: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
      two: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
      few: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
      many: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
      other: "%{actors} started sharing with you."
      zero: "%{actors} sent you a message."
      one: "%{actors} sent you a message."
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
      two: "%{actors} sent you a message."
      few: "%{actors} sent you a message."
      many: "%{actors} sent you a message."
      other: "%{actors} sent you a message."
      zero: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
      one: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
      two: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
      few: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
      many: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
      other: "%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}."
      zero: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
      one: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
      two: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
      few: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
      many: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
      other: "%{actors} also commented on %{post_author}'s %{post_link}."
      zero: "%{actors} have mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
      one: "%{actors} has mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
      two: "%{actors} have mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
      few: "%{actors} have mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
      many: "%{actors} have mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
      other: "%{actors} have mentioned you in a %{post_link}."
      zero: "%{actors} have liked your %{post_link}."
      one: "%{actors} has liked your %{post_link}."
      two: "%{actors} have liked your %{post_link}."
      few: "%{actors} have liked your %{post_link}."
      many: "%{actors} have liked your %{post_link}."
      other: "%{actors} have liked your %{post_link}."
      zero: "%{actors} have reshared your %{post_link}."
      one: "%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}."
      two: "%{actors} have reshared your %{post_link}."
      few: "%{actors} have reshared your %{post_link}."
      many: "%{actors} have reshared your %{post_link}."
      other: "%{actors} have reshared your %{post_link}."
      zero: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
      one: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
      two: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
      few: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
      many: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
      other: "%{actors} commented on a deleted post."
      zero: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
      one: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
      two: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
      few: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
      many: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
      other: "%{actors} liked your deleted post."
      zero: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
      one: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
      two: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
      few: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
      many: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
      other: "%{actors} reshared your deleted post."
      zero: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
      one: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
      two: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
      few: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
      many: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
      other: "%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted post."
      notifications: "Notifications"
      mark_all_as_read: "Mark All as Read"
Pistos's avatar
Pistos a validé
        zero: "and nobody else"
        one: "and one more"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        two: "and %{count} others"
        few: "and %{count} others"
        many: "and %{count} others"
        other: "and %{count} others"
      and: 'and'
        zero: "No new notifications"
        one: "1 new notification"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        two: "%{count} new notifications"
        few: "%{count} new notifications"
        many: "%{count} new notifications"
        other: "%{count} new notifications"
    email_sent_by_diaspora: "This email was sent by Diaspora.  If you'd like to stop getting emails like this,"
    click_here: "click here"
    hello: "Hello %{name}!"
    thanks: "Thanks,"
    to_change_your_notification_settings: "to change your notification settings"
        subject: "A message about your Diaspora account:"
        admin: "Your Diaspora administrator"
        subject: "%{name} started sharing with you on Diaspora*"
        sharing: "has started sharing with you!"
        view_profile: "View %{name}'s profile"
        reply: "Reply or view %{name}'s post >"
        subject: "%{name} has mentioned you on Diaspora*"
        mentioned: "mentioned you in a post:"
        reply_to_or_view: "Reply to or view this conversation >"
        liked: "%{name} liked your post"
        subject: "Please activate your new email address %{unconfirmed_email}"
        click_link: "To activate your new email address %{unconfirmed_email}, please follow this link:"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
    zero: "no people"
    one: "1 person"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
    two: "%{count} people"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
    few: "%{count} people"
    many: "%{count} people"
    other: "%{count} people"
      pending_request: "Pending request"
      already_connected: "Already connected"
      add_contact: "add contact"
      results_for: "search results for"
      no_results: "Hey! You need to search for something."
      couldnt_find_them_send_invite: "Couldn't find them?  Send an invite!"
      no_one_found: "...and no one was found."
      searching: "searching, please be patient..."
      looking_for: "Looking for posts tagged %{tag_link}?"
      fail: "Sorry, we couldn't find %{handle}."
      has_not_shared_with_you_yet: "%{name} has not shared any posts with you yet!"
      incoming_request: "%{name} wants to share with you"
      return_to_aspects: "Return to your aspects page"
      to_accept_or_ignore: "to accept or ignore it."
      does_not_exist: "Person does not exist!"
      not_connected: "You are not sharing with this person"
      recent_posts: "Recent Posts"
      recent_public_posts: "Recent Public Posts"
      see_all: "See all"
      start_sharing: "start sharing"
      message: "Message"
      mention: "Mention"
      ignoring: "You are ignoring all posts from %{name}."
      closed_account: "This account has been closed."
      you_have_no_tags: "you have no tags!"
      add_some: "add some"
      edit: "edit"
      remove_contact: "remove contact"
      edit_my_profile: "Edit my profile"
      bio: "bio"
      location: "location"
      gender: "gender"
      born: "birthday"
      in_aspects: "in aspects"
      remove_from: "Remove %{name} from %{aspect}?"
      results_for: " results for %{params}"
      people_on_pod_are_aware_of: " people on pod are aware of"
      edit_membership: "edit aspect membership"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
      add_contact_from_tag: "add contact from tag"
      delete_photo: "Delete Photo"
      make_profile_photo: "make profile photo"
      update_photo: "Update Photo"
      edit: "edit"
      edit_delete_photo: "Edit photo description / delete photo"
      collection_permalink: "collection permalink"
      show_original_post: "Show original post"
      editing: "Editing"
      view_all: "view all of %{name}'s photos"
      new_photo: "New Photo"
      back_to_list: "Back to List"
      post_it: "post it!"
      runtime_error: "Photo upload failed.  Are you sure that your seatbelt is fastened?"
      integrity_error: "Photo upload failed.  Are you sure that was an image?"
      type_error: "Photo upload failed.  Are you sure an image was added?"
      notice: "Photo successfully updated."
      error: "Failed to edit photo."
      notice: "Photo deleted."
      invalid_ext: "{file} has invalid extension. Only {extensions} are allowed."
      size_error: "{file} is too large, maximum file size is {sizeLimit}."
      empty: "{file} is empty, please select files again without it."
      upload: "Upload a new profile photo!"
      or_select_one_existing: "or select one from your already existing %{photos}"
    comment_email_subject: "%{name}'s photo"
Maxwell Salzberg's avatar
Maxwell Salzberg a validé
      title: "A post from %{name}"
      destroy: "Delete"
      permalink: "permalink"
      not_found: "Sorry, we couldn't find that post."
        zero: "No photos by %{author}"
        one: "One photo by %{author}"
        two: "Two photos by %{author}"
        few: "%{count} photos by %{author}"
        many: "%{count} photos by %{author}"
        other: "%{count} photos by %{author}"
      reshare_by: "Reshare by %{author}"
      post_hidden_and_muted: "%{name}'s post has been hidden, and notifications have been muted."
      see_it_on_their_profile: "If you want to see updates on this post, visit %{name}'s profile page."
zhitomirskiyi's avatar
zhitomirskiyi a validé

danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      your_public_profile: "Your public profile"
      your_private_profile: "Your private profile"
      your_name: "Your name"
      first_name: "First name"
      last_name: "Last name"
      your_gender: "Your gender"
      your_birthday: "Your birthday"
parimbra's avatar
parimbra a validé
      your_tags: "Describe yourself in 5 words"
parimbra's avatar
parimbra a validé
      your_tags_placeholder: "like #movies #kittens #travel #teacher #newyork"
      your_location: "Your location"
      your_photo: "Your photo"
      update_profile: "Update Profile"
      allow_search: "Allow for people to search for you within Diaspora"
      edit_profile: "Edit profile"
      you_are_nsfw: "You have marked yourself not safe for work, your content will not show up in people who have opted out of seeing objectionable content's streams."
      you_are_safe_for_work: "You have marked yourself as safe for work, this means you agree the content you post will agree with the community guidelines."
      updated: "Profile updated"
      failed: "Failed to update profile"

danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      create_my_account: "Create my account!"

      join_the_movement: "Join the movement!"
      sign_up_message: "Social Networking with a ♥"
      enter_email: "Enter an email"
      enter_username: "Pick a username (only letters, numbers, and underscores)"
      enter_password: "Enter a password"
      enter_password_again: "Enter the same password as before"
      success: "You've joined Diaspora!"
      edit: "Edit %{name}"
      leave_blank: "(leave blank if you don't want to change it)"
      password_to_confirm: "(we need your current password to confirm your changes)"
      unhappy: "Unhappy?"
      update: "Update"
      cancel_my_account: "Cancel my account"
    closed: "Signups are closed on this Diaspora pod."

      manage_within: "Manage contacts within"
      existing: "Existing contacts"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
      success: "You are now sharing."
      error: "Please select an aspect!"
      ignore: "Ignored contact request."
      sending: "Sending"
      sent: "You've asked to share with %{name}.  They should see it next time they log in to Diaspora."
      sent: "sent!"
        zero: "no new requests"
        one: "new request!"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        two: "%{count} new requests!"
        few: "%{count} new requests!"
        many: "%{count} new requests!"
        other: "%{count} new requests!"
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      reshared_via: "reshared via"
      reshare_original: "Reshare original"
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
        zero: "Reshare"
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
        one: "1 reshare"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        two: "%{count} reshares"
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
        few: "%{count} reshares"
        many: "%{count} reshares"
        other: "%{count} reshares"
      show_original: "Show original"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      reshare_confirmation: "Reshare %{author}'s post?"
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
      deleted: "Original post deleted by author."
      failure: "There was an error resharing this post."
    comment_email_subject: "%{resharer}'s reshare of %{author}'s post"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
      logged_in_as: "logged in as"
      disconnect: "disconnect"
      really_disconnect: "disconnect %{service}?"
Maxwell Salzberg's avatar
Maxwell Salzberg a validé
      connect_to_twitter: "Connect to Twitter"
      connect_to_facebook: "Connect to Facebook"
      connect_to_tumblr: "Connect to Tumblr"
      no_services: 'You have not connected any services yet.'
      success: "Authentication successful."
      failure: "Authentication failed."
      already_authorized: "A user with diaspora id %{diaspora_id} already authorized that %{service_name} account."
      success: "Successfully deleted authentication."
      error: "there was an error connecting that service"
      join_me_on_diaspora: "Join me on DIASPORA*"
      click_link_to_accept_invitation: "Follow this link to accept your invitation"
      fetching_contacts: "Diaspora is populating your %{service} friends please check back in a few minutes."
      service_friends: "%{service} Friends"
      no_friends: "No Facebook friends found."
      resend: "resend"
      invite: "invite"
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
      not_on_diaspora: "Not yet on Diaspora"
      success: "Alright, you won't see that user in your stream again. #silencio!"
      failure: "I couldn't ignore that user.  #evasion"
      success: "Let's see what they have to say! #sayhello"
      failure: "I couldn't stop ignoring that user.  #evasion"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
        two: "In %{count} aspects"
        few: "In %{count} aspects"
        many: "In %{count} aspects"
        other: "In %{count} aspects"
      posting: "Posting..."
      share: "Share"
      post_a_message_to: "Post a message to %{aspect}"
      make_public: "make public"
      all: "all"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      upload_photos: "Upload photos"
      all_contacts: "all contacts"
      share_with: "share with"
      whats_on_your_mind: "What's on your mind?"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
      publishing_to: "publishing to: "
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      discard_post: "Discard post"
        newhere: "NewHere"
        hello: "Hey everyone, I'm #%{new_user_tag}. "
        i_like: "I'm interested in %{tags}. "
        invited_by: "Thanks for the invite, "
      enter_a_diaspora_username: "Enter a Diaspora username:"
      your_diaspora_username_is: "Your Diaspora username is: %{diaspora_handle}"
      create_request: "Find by Diaspora ID"
      diaspora_handle: ""
      know_email: "Know their email address? You should invite them"
Raphael Sofaer's avatar
Raphael Sofaer a validé
      add_new_contact: "Add a new contact"
      invites: "Invites"
      invite_someone: "Invite someone"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      invitations_left: "%{count} left"
      dont_have_now: "You don't have any right now, but more invites are coming soon!"
      invites_closed: "Invites are currently closed on this Diaspora pod"
      invite_your_friends: "Invite your friends"
      by_email: "By email"
      reshare: "Reshare"
      control_your_audience: "Control your Audience"
      new_user_welcome_message: "Use #hashtags to classify your posts and find people who share your interests.  Call out awesome people with @Mentions"
      visibility_dropdown: "Use this dropdown to change visibility of your post.  (We suggest you make this first one public.)"
      title: "Set up connected services"
      share: "Share"
      outside: "Public messages will be available for others outside of Diaspora to see."
      logged_in: "logged in to %{service}"
      manage: "manage connected services"
      atom_feed: "Atom feed"
      new: "New %{type} from %{from}"
      all_contacts: "All contacts"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      viewable_to_anyone: "This post is viewable to anyone on the web"
      connect_to_comment: "Connect to this user to comment on their post"
Maxwell Salzberg's avatar
Maxwell Salzberg a validé
      currently_unavailable: 'commenting currently unavailable'
      ignore_user: "Ignore %{name}"
      ignore_user_description: "Ignore and remove user from all aspects?"
      hide_and_mute: "Hide and mute post"
      like: "Like"
      unlike: "Unlike"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      shared_with: "Shared with: %{aspect_names}"
      nsfw: "This post has been flagged as NSFW by its author. %{link}"
      show: "show"
maxwell's avatar
maxwell a validé
      logged_in_as: "logged in as %{name}"
      your_aspects: "your aspects"
zhitomirskiyi's avatar
zhitomirskiyi a validé
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
      mentioning: "Mentioning: %{person}"
      success: "Successfully mentioned: %{names}"
      no_message_to_display: "No message to display."
      failure: "Failed to delete post"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
      zero: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
      one: "please make your status messages less than %{count} character"
Jonne Hass's avatar
Jonne Hass a validé
      two: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
      few: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
      many: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
      other: "please make your status messages less than %{count} characters"
MrZYX's avatar
MrZYX a validé
      zero: "No more comments"
      one: "Show one more comment"
      two: "Show two more comments"
      few: "Show %{count} more comments"
      many: "Show %{count} more comments"
      other: "Show %{count} more comments"
    hide_comments: "Hide all comments"
      posts_tagged_with: "Posts tagged with #%{tag}"
      nobody_talking: "Nobody is talking about %{tag} yet."
      people_tagged_with: "People tagged with %{tag}"
      following: "Following #%{tag}"
      stop_following: "Stop Following #%{tag}"
Johannes Hackel's avatar
Johannes Hackel a validé
      none: "The empty tag does not exist!"
      success: "Hooray!  You're now following #%{name}."
      failure: "Failed to follow #%{name}.  Are you already following it?"
Johannes Hackel's avatar
Johannes Hackel a validé
      none: "You cannot follow a blank tag!"
      success: "Alas! You aren't following #%{name} anymore."
      failure: "Failed to stop following #%{name}. Maybe you already stopped following it?"
      connect_to_cubbies: "Connect to"
      what_is_cubbies: " is the world's first Diaspora application.  It's also the best way to collect photos online."
      love_to_try: "We'd love for you to try it out."
      sign_up_today: "Sign up today!"
      screenshot_explanation: "%{link1}.  This particular cubby is linked to %{link2}."
      typical_userpage: "A typical userpage"
      daniels_account: "Daniel's Diaspora account"
      making_the_connection: "Making the Connection"
      connecting_is_simple: "Connecting your Diaspora account is simple!  Just enter your Diaspora ID (<b>%{diaspora_id}</b>) from your cubbies <a href='%{href_link}'>settings page</a> and hit connect."
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      revoke_access: "Revoke Access"
      no_applications: "You haven't registered any applications yet."
Pistos's avatar
Pistos a validé

    community_spotlight_stream: "Community Spotlight"
    aspects_stream: "Aspects"
    mentioned_stream: "@Mentions"
    followed_tags_stream: "#Followed Tags"

      contacts_title: "People who mentioned you"
Johannes Hackel's avatar
Johannes Hackel a validé
      title: "Commented Posts"
Pistos's avatar
Pistos a validé
      contacts_title: "People whose posts you commented on"
Johannes Hackel's avatar
Johannes Hackel a validé

Johannes Hackel's avatar
Johannes Hackel a validé
      title: "Like Stream"
      contacts_title: "People whose posts you like"
Johannes Hackel's avatar
Johannes Hackel a validé

      title: "#Followed Tags"
      contacts_title: "People who dig these tags"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé
      add_a_tag: "Add a tag"
      follow: "Follow"
      contacts_title: "People who dig this tag"
      tag_prefill_text: "The thing about %{tag_name} is... "
Your Name's avatar
Your Name a validé
      title: "Public Activity"
      contacts_title: "Recent Posters"
      title: "Stream"
      contacts_title: "People in your Stream"
      title: "My Aspects"
danielgrippi's avatar
danielgrippi a validé

      title: "My Activity"
      signed_out: "You've signed out of Diaspora*"
      go_mobile: "Now go mobile."
      simply_visit: "Simply visit"
      on_your_mobile_device: "on your mobile device to access Diaspora* mobile."
      works_on_modern: "Works on all modern smartphones"
      photo_export_unavailable: "Photo exporting currently unavailable"
Maxwell Salzberg's avatar
Maxwell Salzberg a validé
      close_account_text: "Close Account"
      change_language: "Change language"
      change_password: "Change password"
      change_email: "Change email"
      new_password: "New password"
      current_password: "Current password"
      download_xml: "download my xml"
      download_photos: "download my photos"
      your_handle: "Your Diaspora ID"
      your_email: "Your email"
      edit_account: "Edit account"
      receive_email_notifications: "Receive email notifications when..."
      also_commented: "...someone also comments on your contact's post?"
      comment_on_post: "...someone comments on your post?"
      mentioned: " are mentioned in a post?"
      started_sharing: "...someone starts sharing with you?"
      private_message: " receive a private message?"
      liked: "...someone likes your post?"
      reshared: "...someone reshares your post?"
      email_awaiting_confirmation: "We have sent you an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until you follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use your original address %{email}."
      stream_preferences: "Stream Preferences"
      show_community_spotlight: "Show Community Spotlight in Stream?"
      show_getting_started: 'Re-enable Getting Started'
      getting_started: 'New User Prefrences'
      following: "Following Settings"
      auto_follow_back: "Automatically follow back if someone follows you"
      auto_follow_aspect: "Aspect for automatically followed users:"
Maxwell Salzberg's avatar
Maxwell Salzberg a validé
        dont_go: "Hey, please don't go!"
        make_diaspora_better: "We want you to help us make Diaspora better, so you should help us out instead of leaving. If you do want to leave, we want you to know what happens next."
        mr_wiggles: 'Mr Wiggles will be sad to see you go'
        what_we_delete: "We delete all of your posts, profile data, as soon as humanly possible. Your comments will hang around, but be associated with your Diaspora ID."
Maxwell Salzberg's avatar
Maxwell Salzberg a validé
        locked_out: "You will get signed out and locked out of your account."
        lock_username: "This will lock your username if you decided to sign back up."
        no_turning_back: "Currently, there is no turning back."
        if_you_want_this: "If you really want this, type in your password below and click 'Close Account'"

      title: "Privacy Settings"
      ignored_users: "Ignored Users"
      stop_ignoring: "Stop ignoring"
      success: "Your account has been locked.  It may take 20 minutes for us to finish closing your account.  Thank you for trying Diaspora."
      no_password: "Please enter your current password to close your account."
      wrong_password: "The entered password didn't match your current password."